Off-Topic: Dog Poop Question


New member
I posted this in the off-topic section, but I know so many more people look in here. Hope you don't mind.

Question: How do people deal with dog poop in the snow? I'm serious about this. You can't really pick it up during the winter months because it's in snow and too difficult to pick up with a scooper, then when the snow turns icy you still can't pick it up. Then when there's fresh snow, everything is covered up again and a new layer begins. So what ends up happening is you have a whole winter of snow that starts to melt and unveils an incredible amount of dog poops! Then, like today, it's been raining all night and morning which means the snow and everything is turning to slush. It's such a mess and so disgusting, so embarassing, I can't stand it!!! I'm a little unclear as to the rules of dog poops in the snow. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
I posted this in the off-topic section, but I know so many more people look in here. Hope you don't mind.

Question: How do people deal with dog poop in the snow? I'm serious about this. You can't really pick it up during the winter months because it's in snow and too difficult to pick up with a scooper, then when the snow turns icy you still can't pick it up. Then when there's fresh snow, everything is covered up again and a new layer begins. So what ends up happening is you have a whole winter of snow that starts to melt and unveils an incredible amount of dog poops! Then, like today, it's been raining all night and morning which means the snow and everything is turning to slush. It's such a mess and so disgusting, so embarassing, I can't stand it!!! I'm a little unclear as to the rules of dog poops in the snow. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
I have two boxers. Hate to tell you this, but I mostly have to wait until the snow melts and then scoop it all off the lawn. I have trained my dogs to only go on one area of the lawn, so it's not too hard.



New member
I have two boxers. Hate to tell you this, but I mostly have to wait until the snow melts and then scoop it all off the lawn. I have trained my dogs to only go on one area of the lawn, so it's not too hard.



We have a german shepherd/collie and he weighs about 75 lbs. My husband is out there picking up doggy doo all winter long. I know he uses a shovel and plastic bags. He actually does a pretty good job getting it all. I know in the spring we will notice spots that he missed but not too many! I am so very thankful that he does this because I'm not sure if I could.



We have a german shepherd/collie and he weighs about 75 lbs. My husband is out there picking up doggy doo all winter long. I know he uses a shovel and plastic bags. He actually does a pretty good job getting it all. I know in the spring we will notice spots that he missed but not too many! I am so very thankful that he does this because I'm not sure if I could.



New member
We get what we can during the winter & then the rest waits until spring. We use a spade shapped shovel to get undernear it, but this is an area where the dog house is so we arent digging up grass jut dirt. Even with the cleaning thru the Winter, its amazing the amount of poop left when Spring comes. I
figured there has to be a better way, but until I can get the dog to sit on the toilet I am afraid this will have to do!


New member
We get what we can during the winter & then the rest waits until spring. We use a spade shapped shovel to get undernear it, but this is an area where the dog house is so we arent digging up grass jut dirt. Even with the cleaning thru the Winter, its amazing the amount of poop left when Spring comes. I
figured there has to be a better way, but until I can get the dog to sit on the toilet I am afraid this will have to do!


New member
I suppose it's the only way to manage the build up. I should start picking up as much as I can throughout the winter months. It's not a pretty sight when it all turns to slush. I won't even let the dogs go out there right now it's so gross. I'm taking them on walks throughout the day until the rain stops so I can get a handle it. Wow.


New member
I suppose it's the only way to manage the build up. I should start picking up as much as I can throughout the winter months. It's not a pretty sight when it all turns to slush. I won't even let the dogs go out there right now it's so gross. I'm taking them on walks throughout the day until the rain stops so I can get a handle it. Wow.


New member
The winter of 2003 we didnt shovel at all & it took the two of us forever to get it all cleaned up. During the winter wasnt bad because it seemed that we always got snow or ice or something inbetween so the dog wasnt constantly walking thru it.........there was A LOT of poop that spring tho.....Holy Sh-t! (Pun intended)


New member
The winter of 2003 we didnt shovel at all & it took the two of us forever to get it all cleaned up. During the winter wasnt bad because it seemed that we always got snow or ice or something inbetween so the dog wasnt constantly walking thru it.........there was A LOT of poop that spring tho.....Holy Sh-t! (Pun intended)


New member
I am still trying to house break our if she does go outside and am so excited I just leave it so she will know where to go the next time....good luck to you.


New member
I am still trying to house break our if she does go outside and am so excited I just leave it so she will know where to go the next time....good luck to you.


New member
I have found the best dog doo solution. For about $30 a month a company comes out once a week and cleans up my yard. They do a great job. What ever they miss when it snows they do a great clean-up in the spring. I had to do this when my legs and feet started to swell from the cold. It was my least favorite job so I don't mind paying someone to do it. It is the best money I spend.



New member
I have found the best dog doo solution. For about $30 a month a company comes out once a week and cleans up my yard. They do a great job. What ever they miss when it snows they do a great clean-up in the spring. I had to do this when my legs and feet started to swell from the cold. It was my least favorite job so I don't mind paying someone to do it. It is the best money I spend.



New member
I'm an at home mom, and I'm a little fanatic about cleaning up after the dogs (I have a German Shepherd and a Lab) as soon as they do anything (I check out in the yard several times a day). When it's snowing I watch out the window to make sure I get it before it gets hidden by more snow.


New member
I'm an at home mom, and I'm a little fanatic about cleaning up after the dogs (I have a German Shepherd and a Lab) as soon as they do anything (I check out in the yard several times a day). When it's snowing I watch out the window to make sure I get it before it gets hidden by more snow.