office exams


New member
thanks for the advice.

anne- how long did you and alexa have to stay in the hospital since she was born early? i'm just curious.


New member
thanks for the advice.

anne- how long did you and alexa have to stay in the hospital since she was born early? i'm just curious.


New member
thanks for the advice.

anne- how long did you and alexa have to stay in the hospital since she was born early? i'm just curious.


New member
thanks for the advice.

anne- how long did you and alexa have to stay in the hospital since she was born early? i'm just curious.


New member
thanks for the advice.

anne- how long did you and alexa have to stay in the hospital since she was born early? i'm just curious.


New member
TRY DIET DR.PEPPER IT IS THE ONLY ONE I CAN STAND <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

AFTER DINNER OF 129 HIGH <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I AM LUCKY TO BE BELOW 150 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
TRY DIET DR.PEPPER IT IS THE ONLY ONE I CAN STAND <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

AFTER DINNER OF 129 HIGH <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I AM LUCKY TO BE BELOW 150 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
TRY DIET DR.PEPPER IT IS THE ONLY ONE I CAN STAND <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

AFTER DINNER OF 129 HIGH <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I AM LUCKY TO BE BELOW 150 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
TRY DIET DR.PEPPER IT IS THE ONLY ONE I CAN STAND <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

AFTER DINNER OF 129 HIGH <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I AM LUCKY TO BE BELOW 150 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
TRY DIET DR.PEPPER IT IS THE ONLY ONE I CAN STAND <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

AFTER DINNER OF 129 HIGH <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I AM LUCKY TO BE BELOW 150 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Haley,

I loooove coke! I drank up to 2 cokes a day while pregnant. (advised by my dietician as a safe amount of caffine while pregnant) Yes, I was also insulin dependent. I calculated the number of carbs from the coke into my meals to determin how much insulin I needed at that meal and I never had high numbers post meals. My doctor said I was doing a good job if I was within the range of 80-140 two hours post meals. Now, Abby was born with low blood sugar and low birth weight, 4#11oz. Most "diabetic mom" babies are big! Well, Tom was born with zero problems and he was kinda large, 7#6oz. Abby didn't need any interference with her blood sugars. But we fed her formula in the NICU every 3 hours. After 5 days when some blood tests came back (not sure what they tested for) she was released and we all came home as a family. I was 38 weeks with twins, and never went into labor. I think my first internal exam was 36 weeks. (I can't remember for sure...sorry)

So, zero caffine, zero sugar, blah, blah, blah... I think they're ok in moderation. And in all honesty, when you're talking diabetes, it depends what you pair it with. If I drank a coke by itself my blood sugars would have been in trouble. Skyrocketing and plummeting. But I was very careful to add protein and vegies to my meals to avoid these pitfalls.


New member
Hi Haley,

I loooove coke! I drank up to 2 cokes a day while pregnant. (advised by my dietician as a safe amount of caffine while pregnant) Yes, I was also insulin dependent. I calculated the number of carbs from the coke into my meals to determin how much insulin I needed at that meal and I never had high numbers post meals. My doctor said I was doing a good job if I was within the range of 80-140 two hours post meals. Now, Abby was born with low blood sugar and low birth weight, 4#11oz. Most "diabetic mom" babies are big! Well, Tom was born with zero problems and he was kinda large, 7#6oz. Abby didn't need any interference with her blood sugars. But we fed her formula in the NICU every 3 hours. After 5 days when some blood tests came back (not sure what they tested for) she was released and we all came home as a family. I was 38 weeks with twins, and never went into labor. I think my first internal exam was 36 weeks. (I can't remember for sure...sorry)

So, zero caffine, zero sugar, blah, blah, blah... I think they're ok in moderation. And in all honesty, when you're talking diabetes, it depends what you pair it with. If I drank a coke by itself my blood sugars would have been in trouble. Skyrocketing and plummeting. But I was very careful to add protein and vegies to my meals to avoid these pitfalls.


New member
Hi Haley,

I loooove coke! I drank up to 2 cokes a day while pregnant. (advised by my dietician as a safe amount of caffine while pregnant) Yes, I was also insulin dependent. I calculated the number of carbs from the coke into my meals to determin how much insulin I needed at that meal and I never had high numbers post meals. My doctor said I was doing a good job if I was within the range of 80-140 two hours post meals. Now, Abby was born with low blood sugar and low birth weight, 4#11oz. Most "diabetic mom" babies are big! Well, Tom was born with zero problems and he was kinda large, 7#6oz. Abby didn't need any interference with her blood sugars. But we fed her formula in the NICU every 3 hours. After 5 days when some blood tests came back (not sure what they tested for) she was released and we all came home as a family. I was 38 weeks with twins, and never went into labor. I think my first internal exam was 36 weeks. (I can't remember for sure...sorry)

So, zero caffine, zero sugar, blah, blah, blah... I think they're ok in moderation. And in all honesty, when you're talking diabetes, it depends what you pair it with. If I drank a coke by itself my blood sugars would have been in trouble. Skyrocketing and plummeting. But I was very careful to add protein and vegies to my meals to avoid these pitfalls.


New member
Hi Haley,

I loooove coke! I drank up to 2 cokes a day while pregnant. (advised by my dietician as a safe amount of caffine while pregnant) Yes, I was also insulin dependent. I calculated the number of carbs from the coke into my meals to determin how much insulin I needed at that meal and I never had high numbers post meals. My doctor said I was doing a good job if I was within the range of 80-140 two hours post meals. Now, Abby was born with low blood sugar and low birth weight, 4#11oz. Most "diabetic mom" babies are big! Well, Tom was born with zero problems and he was kinda large, 7#6oz. Abby didn't need any interference with her blood sugars. But we fed her formula in the NICU every 3 hours. After 5 days when some blood tests came back (not sure what they tested for) she was released and we all came home as a family. I was 38 weeks with twins, and never went into labor. I think my first internal exam was 36 weeks. (I can't remember for sure...sorry)

So, zero caffine, zero sugar, blah, blah, blah... I think they're ok in moderation. And in all honesty, when you're talking diabetes, it depends what you pair it with. If I drank a coke by itself my blood sugars would have been in trouble. Skyrocketing and plummeting. But I was very careful to add protein and vegies to my meals to avoid these pitfalls.


New member
Hi Haley,

I loooove coke! I drank up to 2 cokes a day while pregnant. (advised by my dietician as a safe amount of caffine while pregnant) Yes, I was also insulin dependent. I calculated the number of carbs from the coke into my meals to determin how much insulin I needed at that meal and I never had high numbers post meals. My doctor said I was doing a good job if I was within the range of 80-140 two hours post meals. Now, Abby was born with low blood sugar and low birth weight, 4#11oz. Most "diabetic mom" babies are big! Well, Tom was born with zero problems and he was kinda large, 7#6oz. Abby didn't need any interference with her blood sugars. But we fed her formula in the NICU every 3 hours. After 5 days when some blood tests came back (not sure what they tested for) she was released and we all came home as a family. I was 38 weeks with twins, and never went into labor. I think my first internal exam was 36 weeks. (I can't remember for sure...sorry)

So, zero caffine, zero sugar, blah, blah, blah... I think they're ok in moderation. And in all honesty, when you're talking diabetes, it depends what you pair it with. If I drank a coke by itself my blood sugars would have been in trouble. Skyrocketing and plummeting. But I was very careful to add protein and vegies to my meals to avoid these pitfalls.


New member
Alexa was born on a Tuesday. I was released from the hospital Thursday morning. My OB said I could stay longer since Alexa was in the NICU but I wanted out of the hospital! Alexa had to stay in the NICU for 9 days. Her first day she had an episode where her breathing was really slow - heart rate and O2 stayed just fine but they still wanted to watch her. Once a baby has an "episode" they have to go 7 days without another. She did not have another episode but had to stay in the NICU for 2 more days until she was gaining weight.
Those were certainly the longest and most stressful 9 days of my life but we made it through and looking back I would not change what we went through. In some ways it was nice to have all that help at first. We learned how to care for a newborn from the best - NICU NURSES!


New member
Alexa was born on a Tuesday. I was released from the hospital Thursday morning. My OB said I could stay longer since Alexa was in the NICU but I wanted out of the hospital! Alexa had to stay in the NICU for 9 days. Her first day she had an episode where her breathing was really slow - heart rate and O2 stayed just fine but they still wanted to watch her. Once a baby has an "episode" they have to go 7 days without another. She did not have another episode but had to stay in the NICU for 2 more days until she was gaining weight.
Those were certainly the longest and most stressful 9 days of my life but we made it through and looking back I would not change what we went through. In some ways it was nice to have all that help at first. We learned how to care for a newborn from the best - NICU NURSES!


New member
Alexa was born on a Tuesday. I was released from the hospital Thursday morning. My OB said I could stay longer since Alexa was in the NICU but I wanted out of the hospital! Alexa had to stay in the NICU for 9 days. Her first day she had an episode where her breathing was really slow - heart rate and O2 stayed just fine but they still wanted to watch her. Once a baby has an "episode" they have to go 7 days without another. She did not have another episode but had to stay in the NICU for 2 more days until she was gaining weight.
Those were certainly the longest and most stressful 9 days of my life but we made it through and looking back I would not change what we went through. In some ways it was nice to have all that help at first. We learned how to care for a newborn from the best - NICU NURSES!


New member
Alexa was born on a Tuesday. I was released from the hospital Thursday morning. My OB said I could stay longer since Alexa was in the NICU but I wanted out of the hospital! Alexa had to stay in the NICU for 9 days. Her first day she had an episode where her breathing was really slow - heart rate and O2 stayed just fine but they still wanted to watch her. Once a baby has an "episode" they have to go 7 days without another. She did not have another episode but had to stay in the NICU for 2 more days until she was gaining weight.
Those were certainly the longest and most stressful 9 days of my life but we made it through and looking back I would not change what we went through. In some ways it was nice to have all that help at first. We learned how to care for a newborn from the best - NICU NURSES!


New member
Alexa was born on a Tuesday. I was released from the hospital Thursday morning. My OB said I could stay longer since Alexa was in the NICU but I wanted out of the hospital! Alexa had to stay in the NICU for 9 days. Her first day she had an episode where her breathing was really slow - heart rate and O2 stayed just fine but they still wanted to watch her. Once a baby has an "episode" they have to go 7 days without another. She did not have another episode but had to stay in the NICU for 2 more days until she was gaining weight.
Those were certainly the longest and most stressful 9 days of my life but we made it through and looking back I would not change what we went through. In some ways it was nice to have all that help at first. We learned how to care for a newborn from the best - NICU NURSES!