oK, I NEED SOME ADVICE ABOUT THIS MAN THAT I HAVE BEEN SEEING FOR a few months(7 ) 2 be exact.... he sent me a text message this morning telling me he had a dream the other night and i asked him a question in the dream and he wanted to explain in a proper way and was asking me if he could call me tonight... after joking around w/ him and trying to figure out what the dream was, he called me. he said in the dream, i asked him where does he see the reletionship going or something like that.... he felt it was necessary to share this with me for whatever reason. he said he cares for me very much, but when i told him i adored him very much, he said he could not say the same about me.... he also stated that he does not want to hurt me and doesn't want to get emotionally attached because he doesn't want to ever hurt me and be the bad guy. he knows were never gonna get married and was telling me and made it clear that he is not looking but if somewhere down the line if he happens to meet someone he doesnt want to hurt me.....this conversation was 2 hours ago, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks......wow, i am emotionally involved with him i think . he did invite me over to his place for thanksgiving . he is gonna have his mom( whom i havent met yet) and her boyfriend over, and he is gonna cook so that is good right??? you guys i am confused... is he saying he wants to see me but not get emotionally attached... well, it is too late for that.what should i do? am i jumping to conclusions?help......