Ok Teens, I need your help


New member
Hey guys,

I really need some input on how to help my daughter. Her life was pretty amazing up until almost a year ago when she was diagnosed along with 3 of her other siblings. Since they started her on the treatments her feeling amazing started to go away. In the last 5 months she has been pretty sick and is now starting to get back to "noramal".

Right after Christmas she got her first boyfriend and she was so happy. Since then, after one of her bad spells of being sick for a while he broke up with her. Telling her he didnt feel it. Cop-out is what I think. That was about 3 weeks ago. Since then she has been extremely depressed and not wanting to do her meds. We force her thats for sure but we are unsure what to say to her.

I need to know what I could possibly say to her to help her though this. I can't imagine how she is feeling and I am sure she thinks we are just being pushy parents. She is a very scared young lady but won't open up to us. If we ask her what is wrong, she says "nothing mom"....Her life is still amazing and I want to help her see that....

Any thoughts???


New member
Hey guys,

I really need some input on how to help my daughter. Her life was pretty amazing up until almost a year ago when she was diagnosed along with 3 of her other siblings. Since they started her on the treatments her feeling amazing started to go away. In the last 5 months she has been pretty sick and is now starting to get back to "noramal".

Right after Christmas she got her first boyfriend and she was so happy. Since then, after one of her bad spells of being sick for a while he broke up with her. Telling her he didnt feel it. Cop-out is what I think. That was about 3 weeks ago. Since then she has been extremely depressed and not wanting to do her meds. We force her thats for sure but we are unsure what to say to her.

I need to know what I could possibly say to her to help her though this. I can't imagine how she is feeling and I am sure she thinks we are just being pushy parents. She is a very scared young lady but won't open up to us. If we ask her what is wrong, she says "nothing mom"....Her life is still amazing and I want to help her see that....

Any thoughts???


New member
Hey guys,

I really need some input on how to help my daughter. Her life was pretty amazing up until almost a year ago when she was diagnosed along with 3 of her other siblings. Since they started her on the treatments her feeling amazing started to go away. In the last 5 months she has been pretty sick and is now starting to get back to "noramal".

Right after Christmas she got her first boyfriend and she was so happy. Since then, after one of her bad spells of being sick for a while he broke up with her. Telling her he didnt feel it. Cop-out is what I think. That was about 3 weeks ago. Since then she has been extremely depressed and not wanting to do her meds. We force her thats for sure but we are unsure what to say to her.

I need to know what I could possibly say to her to help her though this. I can't imagine how she is feeling and I am sure she thinks we are just being pushy parents. She is a very scared young lady but won't open up to us. If we ask her what is wrong, she says "nothing mom"....Her life is still amazing and I want to help her see that....

Any thoughts???


New member
Hey guys,

I really need some input on how to help my daughter. Her life was pretty amazing up until almost a year ago when she was diagnosed along with 3 of her other siblings. Since they started her on the treatments her feeling amazing started to go away. In the last 5 months she has been pretty sick and is now starting to get back to "noramal".

Right after Christmas she got her first boyfriend and she was so happy. Since then, after one of her bad spells of being sick for a while he broke up with her. Telling her he didnt feel it. Cop-out is what I think. That was about 3 weeks ago. Since then she has been extremely depressed and not wanting to do her meds. We force her thats for sure but we are unsure what to say to her.

I need to know what I could possibly say to her to help her though this. I can't imagine how she is feeling and I am sure she thinks we are just being pushy parents. She is a very scared young lady but won't open up to us. If we ask her what is wrong, she says "nothing mom"....Her life is still amazing and I want to help her see that....

Any thoughts???


New member
Hey guys,
<br />
<br />I really need some input on how to help my daughter. Her life was pretty amazing up until almost a year ago when she was diagnosed along with 3 of her other siblings. Since they started her on the treatments her feeling amazing started to go away. In the last 5 months she has been pretty sick and is now starting to get back to "noramal".
<br />
<br />Right after Christmas she got her first boyfriend and she was so happy. Since then, after one of her bad spells of being sick for a while he broke up with her. Telling her he didnt feel it. Cop-out is what I think. That was about 3 weeks ago. Since then she has been extremely depressed and not wanting to do her meds. We force her thats for sure but we are unsure what to say to her.
<br />
<br />I need to know what I could possibly say to her to help her though this. I can't imagine how she is feeling and I am sure she thinks we are just being pushy parents. She is a very scared young lady but won't open up to us. If we ask her what is wrong, she says "nothing mom"....Her life is still amazing and I want to help her see that....
<br />
<br />Any thoughts???
<br />Tina


New member
Wow, I can only imagine how hard that would be, I was diagnosed at birth so I don't know any different then doing my treatments and taking my meds everyday, however there are those days where it is just so hard for me to keep going. Its all so new to her and you said she has a hard time opening up, its such a major life change, I could undertsnad how hard it would be. I don't know if this would help but a couple things that keep me going are:

1. They are so close to a cure, and I want to live to see it, so I keep up with my meds and treatments
2. I want to help people, whether it be through my career or through volunteer projects, if my story about living with CF can help or inspire someone to get through a tough time, then its all worth it to me =]

another thing is that try to encourage to her get on this website herself- it took me awhile because I wanted to pretend I was "normal" and not have to think about CF when I didn't have to, but I love it now because I feel like I can possibly help people with the advice I have

As hard as CF is I know it as made me a strong person, living day by day my whole life has really matured me and given me a perspective on life most teens don't have, and I know it will definatley do the same for your daughter

I hope this has helped =]


New member
Wow, I can only imagine how hard that would be, I was diagnosed at birth so I don't know any different then doing my treatments and taking my meds everyday, however there are those days where it is just so hard for me to keep going. Its all so new to her and you said she has a hard time opening up, its such a major life change, I could undertsnad how hard it would be. I don't know if this would help but a couple things that keep me going are:

1. They are so close to a cure, and I want to live to see it, so I keep up with my meds and treatments
2. I want to help people, whether it be through my career or through volunteer projects, if my story about living with CF can help or inspire someone to get through a tough time, then its all worth it to me =]

another thing is that try to encourage to her get on this website herself- it took me awhile because I wanted to pretend I was "normal" and not have to think about CF when I didn't have to, but I love it now because I feel like I can possibly help people with the advice I have

As hard as CF is I know it as made me a strong person, living day by day my whole life has really matured me and given me a perspective on life most teens don't have, and I know it will definatley do the same for your daughter

I hope this has helped =]


New member
Wow, I can only imagine how hard that would be, I was diagnosed at birth so I don't know any different then doing my treatments and taking my meds everyday, however there are those days where it is just so hard for me to keep going. Its all so new to her and you said she has a hard time opening up, its such a major life change, I could undertsnad how hard it would be. I don't know if this would help but a couple things that keep me going are:

1. They are so close to a cure, and I want to live to see it, so I keep up with my meds and treatments
2. I want to help people, whether it be through my career or through volunteer projects, if my story about living with CF can help or inspire someone to get through a tough time, then its all worth it to me =]

another thing is that try to encourage to her get on this website herself- it took me awhile because I wanted to pretend I was "normal" and not have to think about CF when I didn't have to, but I love it now because I feel like I can possibly help people with the advice I have

As hard as CF is I know it as made me a strong person, living day by day my whole life has really matured me and given me a perspective on life most teens don't have, and I know it will definatley do the same for your daughter

I hope this has helped =]


New member
Wow, I can only imagine how hard that would be, I was diagnosed at birth so I don't know any different then doing my treatments and taking my meds everyday, however there are those days where it is just so hard for me to keep going. Its all so new to her and you said she has a hard time opening up, its such a major life change, I could undertsnad how hard it would be. I don't know if this would help but a couple things that keep me going are:

1. They are so close to a cure, and I want to live to see it, so I keep up with my meds and treatments
2. I want to help people, whether it be through my career or through volunteer projects, if my story about living with CF can help or inspire someone to get through a tough time, then its all worth it to me =]

another thing is that try to encourage to her get on this website herself- it took me awhile because I wanted to pretend I was "normal" and not have to think about CF when I didn't have to, but I love it now because I feel like I can possibly help people with the advice I have

As hard as CF is I know it as made me a strong person, living day by day my whole life has really matured me and given me a perspective on life most teens don't have, and I know it will definatley do the same for your daughter

I hope this has helped =]


New member
Wow, I can only imagine how hard that would be, I was diagnosed at birth so I don't know any different then doing my treatments and taking my meds everyday, however there are those days where it is just so hard for me to keep going. Its all so new to her and you said she has a hard time opening up, its such a major life change, I could undertsnad how hard it would be. I don't know if this would help but a couple things that keep me going are:
<br />
<br />1. They are so close to a cure, and I want to live to see it, so I keep up with my meds and treatments
<br />2. I want to help people, whether it be through my career or through volunteer projects, if my story about living with CF can help or inspire someone to get through a tough time, then its all worth it to me =]
<br />
<br />another thing is that try to encourage to her get on this website herself- it took me awhile because I wanted to pretend I was "normal" and not have to think about CF when I didn't have to, but I love it now because I feel like I can possibly help people with the advice I have
<br />
<br />As hard as CF is I know it as made me a strong person, living day by day my whole life has really matured me and given me a perspective on life most teens don't have, and I know it will definatley do the same for your daughter
<br />
<br />I hope this has helped =]


Super Moderator
teenage boys are idiots.

for me, i know when this type of situation happened in my younger teen years, i felt like i was doomed to be viewed as somehow a damaged person and therefore not worthy of a guy's time b/c of CF. clearly this is not true, but at the time, in my very limited 15 year old understanding of life, this seemed like an absolute truth.

maybe you're daughter is experiencing some of the same or similar thoughts about herself, which again, are SO not true, but it's hard to convince a 15 year old of anything, as i'm sure you know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

is there a counselor/therapist she could go see? someone that specializes in kids/teens/young adults with illnesses or something like that? maybe look into finding someone she can talk to you in your area that could help her and relate/understand what she's going through.

as gabrielle said, this site has been a huge source of comfort for me and it's such a relief to know that other's are experiencing life with the same challenges as me so they understand what i'm going through. as much as friends, family, doctors, etc. want to help us and understand what we're going through, you just can't understand fully because you don't have CF. just as we don't fully understand the impact this disease has on you as parents, our friends, etc.
i would definitely recommend you talk to her and show her the site--that there is a teen forum as well as adult forums with younger adults like myself who can answer questions or just talk.

or if she is more comfortable with email or facebook, pm me and i'll give you my info and she can email me if she ever wants to chat....


Super Moderator
teenage boys are idiots.

for me, i know when this type of situation happened in my younger teen years, i felt like i was doomed to be viewed as somehow a damaged person and therefore not worthy of a guy's time b/c of CF. clearly this is not true, but at the time, in my very limited 15 year old understanding of life, this seemed like an absolute truth.

maybe you're daughter is experiencing some of the same or similar thoughts about herself, which again, are SO not true, but it's hard to convince a 15 year old of anything, as i'm sure you know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

is there a counselor/therapist she could go see? someone that specializes in kids/teens/young adults with illnesses or something like that? maybe look into finding someone she can talk to you in your area that could help her and relate/understand what she's going through.

as gabrielle said, this site has been a huge source of comfort for me and it's such a relief to know that other's are experiencing life with the same challenges as me so they understand what i'm going through. as much as friends, family, doctors, etc. want to help us and understand what we're going through, you just can't understand fully because you don't have CF. just as we don't fully understand the impact this disease has on you as parents, our friends, etc.
i would definitely recommend you talk to her and show her the site--that there is a teen forum as well as adult forums with younger adults like myself who can answer questions or just talk.

or if she is more comfortable with email or facebook, pm me and i'll give you my info and she can email me if she ever wants to chat....


Super Moderator
teenage boys are idiots.

for me, i know when this type of situation happened in my younger teen years, i felt like i was doomed to be viewed as somehow a damaged person and therefore not worthy of a guy's time b/c of CF. clearly this is not true, but at the time, in my very limited 15 year old understanding of life, this seemed like an absolute truth.

maybe you're daughter is experiencing some of the same or similar thoughts about herself, which again, are SO not true, but it's hard to convince a 15 year old of anything, as i'm sure you know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

is there a counselor/therapist she could go see? someone that specializes in kids/teens/young adults with illnesses or something like that? maybe look into finding someone she can talk to you in your area that could help her and relate/understand what she's going through.

as gabrielle said, this site has been a huge source of comfort for me and it's such a relief to know that other's are experiencing life with the same challenges as me so they understand what i'm going through. as much as friends, family, doctors, etc. want to help us and understand what we're going through, you just can't understand fully because you don't have CF. just as we don't fully understand the impact this disease has on you as parents, our friends, etc.
i would definitely recommend you talk to her and show her the site--that there is a teen forum as well as adult forums with younger adults like myself who can answer questions or just talk.

or if she is more comfortable with email or facebook, pm me and i'll give you my info and she can email me if she ever wants to chat....


Super Moderator
teenage boys are idiots.

for me, i know when this type of situation happened in my younger teen years, i felt like i was doomed to be viewed as somehow a damaged person and therefore not worthy of a guy's time b/c of CF. clearly this is not true, but at the time, in my very limited 15 year old understanding of life, this seemed like an absolute truth.

maybe you're daughter is experiencing some of the same or similar thoughts about herself, which again, are SO not true, but it's hard to convince a 15 year old of anything, as i'm sure you know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

is there a counselor/therapist she could go see? someone that specializes in kids/teens/young adults with illnesses or something like that? maybe look into finding someone she can talk to you in your area that could help her and relate/understand what she's going through.

as gabrielle said, this site has been a huge source of comfort for me and it's such a relief to know that other's are experiencing life with the same challenges as me so they understand what i'm going through. as much as friends, family, doctors, etc. want to help us and understand what we're going through, you just can't understand fully because you don't have CF. just as we don't fully understand the impact this disease has on you as parents, our friends, etc.
i would definitely recommend you talk to her and show her the site--that there is a teen forum as well as adult forums with younger adults like myself who can answer questions or just talk.

or if she is more comfortable with email or facebook, pm me and i'll give you my info and she can email me if she ever wants to chat....


Super Moderator
teenage boys are idiots.
<br />
<br />for me, i know when this type of situation happened in my younger teen years, i felt like i was doomed to be viewed as somehow a damaged person and therefore not worthy of a guy's time b/c of CF. clearly this is not true, but at the time, in my very limited 15 year old understanding of life, this seemed like an absolute truth.
<br />
<br />maybe you're daughter is experiencing some of the same or similar thoughts about herself, which again, are SO not true, but it's hard to convince a 15 year old of anything, as i'm sure you know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />is there a counselor/therapist she could go see? someone that specializes in kids/teens/young adults with illnesses or something like that? maybe look into finding someone she can talk to you in your area that could help her and relate/understand what she's going through.
<br />
<br />as gabrielle said, this site has been a huge source of comfort for me and it's such a relief to know that other's are experiencing life with the same challenges as me so they understand what i'm going through. as much as friends, family, doctors, etc. want to help us and understand what we're going through, you just can't understand fully because you don't have CF. just as we don't fully understand the impact this disease has on you as parents, our friends, etc.
<br />i would definitely recommend you talk to her and show her the site--that there is a teen forum as well as adult forums with younger adults like myself who can answer questions or just talk.
<br />
<br />or if she is more comfortable with email or facebook, pm me and i'll give you my info and she can email me if she ever wants to chat....


New member
Thanks ladies, and yes your right, boys are idiots. I remember being her age and when a boy broke up with me the world was ending. It's got to be that much harder having CF because she feels thats why. Her health has to take priority even over guys and I don't think boys understand that.

At one point a few weeks ago she told me that she wanted to be home schooled because she has missed so much this year. She is my social butterfly and to see her like this breaks my heart.

My oldest son who is just finishing basic training, has a good friend who has become the big brother now while my son is gone. I text him last night to see if he could talk to her for me and he did find out that she is still upset over the break up. Now maybe we can start the mending process. I plan on talking with someone that can help her through this. I dont want her to feel as if her life is over just because she has CF. I will encourage her to get on here though. This is a great place for her to come chat, share, and understand that she is not the only one going through this. Maybe with the support she will receive from here will help. Her name is Stephanie, so keep an eye out for her.

Jaime, I will let her know you are available and I will let her take it from there. She also has a Myspace and a facebook.

Here is a pic of her at homecoming with one of her good friends. I just had to show off my beautiful girl....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks, Tina
<img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/HC61.jpg">


New member
Thanks ladies, and yes your right, boys are idiots. I remember being her age and when a boy broke up with me the world was ending. It's got to be that much harder having CF because she feels thats why. Her health has to take priority even over guys and I don't think boys understand that.

At one point a few weeks ago she told me that she wanted to be home schooled because she has missed so much this year. She is my social butterfly and to see her like this breaks my heart.

My oldest son who is just finishing basic training, has a good friend who has become the big brother now while my son is gone. I text him last night to see if he could talk to her for me and he did find out that she is still upset over the break up. Now maybe we can start the mending process. I plan on talking with someone that can help her through this. I dont want her to feel as if her life is over just because she has CF. I will encourage her to get on here though. This is a great place for her to come chat, share, and understand that she is not the only one going through this. Maybe with the support she will receive from here will help. Her name is Stephanie, so keep an eye out for her.

Jaime, I will let her know you are available and I will let her take it from there. She also has a Myspace and a facebook.

Here is a pic of her at homecoming with one of her good friends. I just had to show off my beautiful girl....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks, Tina
<img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/HC61.jpg">


New member
Thanks ladies, and yes your right, boys are idiots. I remember being her age and when a boy broke up with me the world was ending. It's got to be that much harder having CF because she feels thats why. Her health has to take priority even over guys and I don't think boys understand that.

At one point a few weeks ago she told me that she wanted to be home schooled because she has missed so much this year. She is my social butterfly and to see her like this breaks my heart.

My oldest son who is just finishing basic training, has a good friend who has become the big brother now while my son is gone. I text him last night to see if he could talk to her for me and he did find out that she is still upset over the break up. Now maybe we can start the mending process. I plan on talking with someone that can help her through this. I dont want her to feel as if her life is over just because she has CF. I will encourage her to get on here though. This is a great place for her to come chat, share, and understand that she is not the only one going through this. Maybe with the support she will receive from here will help. Her name is Stephanie, so keep an eye out for her.

Jaime, I will let her know you are available and I will let her take it from there. She also has a Myspace and a facebook.

Here is a pic of her at homecoming with one of her good friends. I just had to show off my beautiful girl....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks, Tina
<img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/HC61.jpg">


New member
Thanks ladies, and yes your right, boys are idiots. I remember being her age and when a boy broke up with me the world was ending. It's got to be that much harder having CF because she feels thats why. Her health has to take priority even over guys and I don't think boys understand that.

At one point a few weeks ago she told me that she wanted to be home schooled because she has missed so much this year. She is my social butterfly and to see her like this breaks my heart.

My oldest son who is just finishing basic training, has a good friend who has become the big brother now while my son is gone. I text him last night to see if he could talk to her for me and he did find out that she is still upset over the break up. Now maybe we can start the mending process. I plan on talking with someone that can help her through this. I dont want her to feel as if her life is over just because she has CF. I will encourage her to get on here though. This is a great place for her to come chat, share, and understand that she is not the only one going through this. Maybe with the support she will receive from here will help. Her name is Stephanie, so keep an eye out for her.

Jaime, I will let her know you are available and I will let her take it from there. She also has a Myspace and a facebook.

Here is a pic of her at homecoming with one of her good friends. I just had to show off my beautiful girl....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks, Tina
<img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/HC61.jpg">


New member
Thanks ladies, and yes your right, boys are idiots. I remember being her age and when a boy broke up with me the world was ending. It's got to be that much harder having CF because she feels thats why. Her health has to take priority even over guys and I don't think boys understand that.
<br />
<br />At one point a few weeks ago she told me that she wanted to be home schooled because she has missed so much this year. She is my social butterfly and to see her like this breaks my heart.
<br />
<br />My oldest son who is just finishing basic training, has a good friend who has become the big brother now while my son is gone. I text him last night to see if he could talk to her for me and he did find out that she is still upset over the break up. Now maybe we can start the mending process. I plan on talking with someone that can help her through this. I dont want her to feel as if her life is over just because she has CF. I will encourage her to get on here though. This is a great place for her to come chat, share, and understand that she is not the only one going through this. Maybe with the support she will receive from here will help. Her name is Stephanie, so keep an eye out for her.
<br />
<br />Jaime, I will let her know you are available and I will let her take it from there. She also has a Myspace and a facebook.
<br />
<br />Here is a pic of her at homecoming with one of her good friends. I just had to show off my beautiful girl....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Thanks, Tina
<br /><img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/HC61.jpg">