Okay I Can't Stand This.


New member
Ahhh, Vic, there's a big difference between a 6 year old who isn't capable of making a life-changing decision... and an adult who has made one, and been talked out of it by other adults, because they think they know better.

I don't care what the decision is, as long as the individual who's dying is the one making it. As long as they make the decision themselves, and are not getting talked/guilted into one thing or another, then whatever the choice is... it's the right one.


New member
Ahhh, Vic, there's a big difference between a 6 year old who isn't capable of making a life-changing decision... and an adult who has made one, and been talked out of it by other adults, because they think they know better.

I don't care what the decision is, as long as the individual who's dying is the one making it. As long as they make the decision themselves, and are not getting talked/guilted into one thing or another, then whatever the choice is... it's the right one.


New member
Ahhh, Vic, there's a big difference between a 6 year old who isn't capable of making a life-changing decision... and an adult who has made one, and been talked out of it by other adults, because they think they know better.

I don't care what the decision is, as long as the individual who's dying is the one making it. As long as they make the decision themselves, and are not getting talked/guilted into one thing or another, then whatever the choice is... it's the right one.


New member
Ahhh, Vic, there's a big difference between a 6 year old who isn't capable of making a life-changing decision... and an adult who has made one, and been talked out of it by other adults, because they think they know better.

I don't care what the decision is, as long as the individual who's dying is the one making it. As long as they make the decision themselves, and are not getting talked/guilted into one thing or another, then whatever the choice is... it's the right one.


New member

I 100% agree with you. I do not believe one is "giving up" if they decide it is time to go.
I also believe in assisted suicide in certain situations.

I had an aunt who was bipolar. She was in her late 50's when she decided she had fought the illness as much as she wanted to and it was time to go. She was ill enough she was living with my mom and dad and after they went to work she went into the garage, started the car, and laid down. Well.....my mom came home early because she forgot something and found my aunt still alive.

They placed my aunt in a mental hospital where she attempt suicide several more times.


She finally had enough!! She took a rubber glove, placed a bar of soap in the glove and shoved it down her throat. Can you imagine what a painful death that was!?!?!?! Why not allow her to go peacefully? Why not say "okay...you have made your decision and how can we help make it peaceful and nonpainful".

I believe death should be on your own terms, not in some hospital hooked up to machines! If Courtney becomes seriously ill I would want her to tell us what she wants. Does she want to fight with all of her might, or if she has had enough and wants to go home and go peacefully surronded by friends and family.

Don't get me wrong....it would be the hardest thing I would ever go through. As a parent I would want to hang on to her as long as possible, but it is not me that will be ill. It is her body and mind, and she is the only one that can decide when it is time to stop fighting.



New member

I 100% agree with you. I do not believe one is "giving up" if they decide it is time to go.
I also believe in assisted suicide in certain situations.

I had an aunt who was bipolar. She was in her late 50's when she decided she had fought the illness as much as she wanted to and it was time to go. She was ill enough she was living with my mom and dad and after they went to work she went into the garage, started the car, and laid down. Well.....my mom came home early because she forgot something and found my aunt still alive.

They placed my aunt in a mental hospital where she attempt suicide several more times.


She finally had enough!! She took a rubber glove, placed a bar of soap in the glove and shoved it down her throat. Can you imagine what a painful death that was!?!?!?! Why not allow her to go peacefully? Why not say "okay...you have made your decision and how can we help make it peaceful and nonpainful".

I believe death should be on your own terms, not in some hospital hooked up to machines! If Courtney becomes seriously ill I would want her to tell us what she wants. Does she want to fight with all of her might, or if she has had enough and wants to go home and go peacefully surronded by friends and family.

Don't get me wrong....it would be the hardest thing I would ever go through. As a parent I would want to hang on to her as long as possible, but it is not me that will be ill. It is her body and mind, and she is the only one that can decide when it is time to stop fighting.



New member

I 100% agree with you. I do not believe one is "giving up" if they decide it is time to go.
I also believe in assisted suicide in certain situations.

I had an aunt who was bipolar. She was in her late 50's when she decided she had fought the illness as much as she wanted to and it was time to go. She was ill enough she was living with my mom and dad and after they went to work she went into the garage, started the car, and laid down. Well.....my mom came home early because she forgot something and found my aunt still alive.

They placed my aunt in a mental hospital where she attempt suicide several more times.


She finally had enough!! She took a rubber glove, placed a bar of soap in the glove and shoved it down her throat. Can you imagine what a painful death that was!?!?!?! Why not allow her to go peacefully? Why not say "okay...you have made your decision and how can we help make it peaceful and nonpainful".

I believe death should be on your own terms, not in some hospital hooked up to machines! If Courtney becomes seriously ill I would want her to tell us what she wants. Does she want to fight with all of her might, or if she has had enough and wants to go home and go peacefully surronded by friends and family.

Don't get me wrong....it would be the hardest thing I would ever go through. As a parent I would want to hang on to her as long as possible, but it is not me that will be ill. It is her body and mind, and she is the only one that can decide when it is time to stop fighting.



New member

I 100% agree with you. I do not believe one is "giving up" if they decide it is time to go.
I also believe in assisted suicide in certain situations.

I had an aunt who was bipolar. She was in her late 50's when she decided she had fought the illness as much as she wanted to and it was time to go. She was ill enough she was living with my mom and dad and after they went to work she went into the garage, started the car, and laid down. Well.....my mom came home early because she forgot something and found my aunt still alive.

They placed my aunt in a mental hospital where she attempt suicide several more times.


She finally had enough!! She took a rubber glove, placed a bar of soap in the glove and shoved it down her throat. Can you imagine what a painful death that was!?!?!?! Why not allow her to go peacefully? Why not say "okay...you have made your decision and how can we help make it peaceful and nonpainful".

I believe death should be on your own terms, not in some hospital hooked up to machines! If Courtney becomes seriously ill I would want her to tell us what she wants. Does she want to fight with all of her might, or if she has had enough and wants to go home and go peacefully surronded by friends and family.

Don't get me wrong....it would be the hardest thing I would ever go through. As a parent I would want to hang on to her as long as possible, but it is not me that will be ill. It is her body and mind, and she is the only one that can decide when it is time to stop fighting.



New member

I 100% agree with you. I do not believe one is "giving up" if they decide it is time to go.
I also believe in assisted suicide in certain situations.

I had an aunt who was bipolar. She was in her late 50's when she decided she had fought the illness as much as she wanted to and it was time to go. She was ill enough she was living with my mom and dad and after they went to work she went into the garage, started the car, and laid down. Well.....my mom came home early because she forgot something and found my aunt still alive.

They placed my aunt in a mental hospital where she attempt suicide several more times.


She finally had enough!! She took a rubber glove, placed a bar of soap in the glove and shoved it down her throat. Can you imagine what a painful death that was!?!?!?! Why not allow her to go peacefully? Why not say "okay...you have made your decision and how can we help make it peaceful and nonpainful".

I believe death should be on your own terms, not in some hospital hooked up to machines! If Courtney becomes seriously ill I would want her to tell us what she wants. Does she want to fight with all of her might, or if she has had enough and wants to go home and go peacefully surronded by friends and family.

Don't get me wrong....it would be the hardest thing I would ever go through. As a parent I would want to hang on to her as long as possible, but it is not me that will be ill. It is her body and mind, and she is the only one that can decide when it is time to stop fighting.



New member

I 100% agree with you. I do not believe one is "giving up" if they decide it is time to go.
I also believe in assisted suicide in certain situations.

I had an aunt who was bipolar. She was in her late 50's when she decided she had fought the illness as much as she wanted to and it was time to go. She was ill enough she was living with my mom and dad and after they went to work she went into the garage, started the car, and laid down. Well.....my mom came home early because she forgot something and found my aunt still alive.

They placed my aunt in a mental hospital where she attempt suicide several more times.


She finally had enough!! She took a rubber glove, placed a bar of soap in the glove and shoved it down her throat. Can you imagine what a painful death that was!?!?!?! Why not allow her to go peacefully? Why not say "okay...you have made your decision and how can we help make it peaceful and nonpainful".

I believe death should be on your own terms, not in some hospital hooked up to machines! If Courtney becomes seriously ill I would want her to tell us what she wants. Does she want to fight with all of her might, or if she has had enough and wants to go home and go peacefully surronded by friends and family.

Don't get me wrong....it would be the hardest thing I would ever go through. As a parent I would want to hang on to her as long as possible, but it is not me that will be ill. It is her body and mind, and she is the only one that can decide when it is time to stop fighting.



New member
I understand what you're saying Emily and I don't want to bite your head off about it either, lol. You sound very angry in your post though - did something happen recently to fire you up about this?

I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.

I guess I see it both ways...if a person wants to rest, feels like they're done fighting and just wants to go peacefully, that should be their choice and they should not be judged for it. And if a person wants to do every last thing possible to keep themselves alive, even if it's only for one more day, that is also their choice.

What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.


New member
I understand what you're saying Emily and I don't want to bite your head off about it either, lol. You sound very angry in your post though - did something happen recently to fire you up about this?

I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.

I guess I see it both ways...if a person wants to rest, feels like they're done fighting and just wants to go peacefully, that should be their choice and they should not be judged for it. And if a person wants to do every last thing possible to keep themselves alive, even if it's only for one more day, that is also their choice.

What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.


New member
I understand what you're saying Emily and I don't want to bite your head off about it either, lol. You sound very angry in your post though - did something happen recently to fire you up about this?

I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.

I guess I see it both ways...if a person wants to rest, feels like they're done fighting and just wants to go peacefully, that should be their choice and they should not be judged for it. And if a person wants to do every last thing possible to keep themselves alive, even if it's only for one more day, that is also their choice.

What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.


New member
I understand what you're saying Emily and I don't want to bite your head off about it either, lol. You sound very angry in your post though - did something happen recently to fire you up about this?

I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.

I guess I see it both ways...if a person wants to rest, feels like they're done fighting and just wants to go peacefully, that should be their choice and they should not be judged for it. And if a person wants to do every last thing possible to keep themselves alive, even if it's only for one more day, that is also their choice.

What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.


New member
I understand what you're saying Emily and I don't want to bite your head off about it either, lol. You sound very angry in your post though - did something happen recently to fire you up about this?

I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.

I guess I see it both ways...if a person wants to rest, feels like they're done fighting and just wants to go peacefully, that should be their choice and they should not be judged for it. And if a person wants to do every last thing possible to keep themselves alive, even if it's only for one more day, that is also their choice.

What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.


New member
I understand what you're saying Emily and I don't want to bite your head off about it either, lol. You sound very angry in your post though - did something happen recently to fire you up about this?

I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.

I guess I see it both ways...if a person wants to rest, feels like they're done fighting and just wants to go peacefully, that should be their choice and they should not be judged for it. And if a person wants to do every last thing possible to keep themselves alive, even if it's only for one more day, that is also their choice.

What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.</end quote></div>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>
I don't care what the decision is, as long as the individual who's dying is the one making it. As long as they make the decision themselves, and are not getting talked/guilted into one thing or another, then whatever the choice is... it's the right one.</end quote></div>
I agree. As long as it's their decision, WHATEVER IT IS, it's fine by me. I just hate when choices are ignored, changed, persuaded, etc etc.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.</end quote></div>

That's really what I was getting at. People doing things because other people think they should. We should do what we want, when we're at the end. If it means I want to fight tooth and nail to the last minute, as long as it's what I want, then that's what I should do. If I want to not get a tx, and spend my last weeks at home, as long as it's what I want, then that's what I should do.

The only reason I took that side of the stand on it is I see a lot more of that than of "Why is s/he still fighting? S/he should just go home and die." More often than not, if we see someone getting coerced into something they wouldn't have otherwise chosen, it's them "fighting" longer than they'd like to because other people tell them not to "give up," rather than going home sooner. You see what I mean? <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.</end quote></div>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>
I don't care what the decision is, as long as the individual who's dying is the one making it. As long as they make the decision themselves, and are not getting talked/guilted into one thing or another, then whatever the choice is... it's the right one.</end quote></div>
I agree. As long as it's their decision, WHATEVER IT IS, it's fine by me. I just hate when choices are ignored, changed, persuaded, etc etc.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.</end quote></div>

That's really what I was getting at. People doing things because other people think they should. We should do what we want, when we're at the end. If it means I want to fight tooth and nail to the last minute, as long as it's what I want, then that's what I should do. If I want to not get a tx, and spend my last weeks at home, as long as it's what I want, then that's what I should do.

The only reason I took that side of the stand on it is I see a lot more of that than of "Why is s/he still fighting? S/he should just go home and die." More often than not, if we see someone getting coerced into something they wouldn't have otherwise chosen, it's them "fighting" longer than they'd like to because other people tell them not to "give up," rather than going home sooner. You see what I mean? <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.</end quote></div>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>
I don't care what the decision is, as long as the individual who's dying is the one making it. As long as they make the decision themselves, and are not getting talked/guilted into one thing or another, then whatever the choice is... it's the right one.</end quote></div>
I agree. As long as it's their decision, WHATEVER IT IS, it's fine by me. I just hate when choices are ignored, changed, persuaded, etc etc.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.</end quote></div>

That's really what I was getting at. People doing things because other people think they should. We should do what we want, when we're at the end. If it means I want to fight tooth and nail to the last minute, as long as it's what I want, then that's what I should do. If I want to not get a tx, and spend my last weeks at home, as long as it's what I want, then that's what I should do.

The only reason I took that side of the stand on it is I see a lot more of that than of "Why is s/he still fighting? S/he should just go home and die." More often than not, if we see someone getting coerced into something they wouldn't have otherwise chosen, it's them "fighting" longer than they'd like to because other people tell them not to "give up," rather than going home sooner. You see what I mean? <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
I agree with what you said about tx and it being a personal choice. But I also think that some of us DO want to fight as hard as we can and get that tx and go down fighting. And that too is a personal choice for which one should not be judged.</end quote></div>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>
I don't care what the decision is, as long as the individual who's dying is the one making it. As long as they make the decision themselves, and are not getting talked/guilted into one thing or another, then whatever the choice is... it's the right one.</end quote></div>
I agree. As long as it's their decision, WHATEVER IT IS, it's fine by me. I just hate when choices are ignored, changed, persuaded, etc etc.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What concerns me is a person who wants to go peacefully, but feels obligated to fight because family or friends or whoever thinks that's what they should do. And conversely, a person who wants to fight whose family feels like, "what's the point? she should just let go." In either case, it is frustrating when there is ever any kind of pressure at all.</end quote></div>

That's really what I was getting at. People doing things because other people think they should. We should do what we want, when we're at the end. If it means I want to fight tooth and nail to the last minute, as long as it's what I want, then that's what I should do. If I want to not get a tx, and spend my last weeks at home, as long as it's what I want, then that's what I should do.

The only reason I took that side of the stand on it is I see a lot more of that than of "Why is s/he still fighting? S/he should just go home and die." More often than not, if we see someone getting coerced into something they wouldn't have otherwise chosen, it's them "fighting" longer than they'd like to because other people tell them not to "give up," rather than going home sooner. You see what I mean? <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">