

New member
I don't know if this happens to other CFers, but sometimes (alot of times actually) my belly gets really bloated. Well today is one of those days. I went to Applebee's to pick up lunch for us in the office and I did the carside to go. Well when the waitress bought our food out she was waiting for me to sign the receipt and she asked me "how many months are you?" I was SOOOOOOOOOOO embarrassed<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">. This first words that popped outta my mouth was "i'm not pregnant, i'm just fat" She apoligized and she was more embarrassed than me, but that's never happened to me before.


New member
Thankfully enough, I've never gotten so bloated that someone thought I was pregnant - at least in public. When I'm at home I do get bloated, and I'm sure I look like I'm pregnant, but I simply cover up with an oversized shirt. Sorry to hear that you had to go through that.


New member
So sorry this happened to you! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I also feel bloated and it IS a bloat that makes me look prego (I wish). The only time during the day I don't look prego is when I first wake up and haven't eaten anything. Otherwise, I have a little belly that makes me look about 6-7 months! No one has ever asked, but I'm sure people have assumed.


New member
This has happened to me more times than I can possibly count. It doesn't even upset me anymore when people ask me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
I just tell them No, I have a pooch or pot belly or whatever comes to mind at the time. And you're correct, more often than not, it's them that's most embarrassed!

I wish I had some sage words of advice, but I don't. It's just an uncomfortable thing for everyone involved.
Don't let it get you down, it's just something we have to live with unless we want to do 100 sit ups a day to minimize it......Nah, I'll pass on that one!


New member
It's happened to me at least a half a dozen times. It usually depends on my mood as to much it upsets me. If I'm by myself, I usually just get angry, but if I'm with someone else it's more embarassing. I wish people weren't so rude!


New member
I would say Baby on the way No way it is a belly filled with food and poo. That will get them to think twice the next time they ask anybody that question.

When I was little I asked my teacher if she was pregnant but I was little and from that day on I never ask a lady if she had a belly if she is pregnant again. I remember feeling horrible that i asked my teacher that. I must have been about fifteen.


New member
just remember most people think that little pregnant ladies are super cuties. i've none guys taht are obsessed with the pregnant figure.


New member
Ugh! I'm so sorry you had that experience. That happens to me way too often. When I was on prednisone for an extended period of time, I got a LOT of comments about my bloated belly. That was at a time when I was super sensitive to the topic of babies--I had recently miscarried so I was a hormonal/emotional wreck.

People are rude, no doubt. As if we didn't have enough to deal with. Ugh!


New member
That sucks. No one has ever said that to me (yet) but I like to equate the feeling of being bloated to that of a penguin. That's how I feel when I'm walking.....very cute! not.


New member
It happened to me about 15 years ago. I will NEVER forget it. I never knew that I bloated that bad until that day! Yet when I was actually pregnant I didnt have anyone that didnt know me come up & ask when I was due! Go Figure!


New member
Ha! I felt bad when I read this, but its kinda funny too!

I was at the mall the other day-and checking out at Victoria's Secret, and the cashier said, Aw, when are you due? I was so embarassed!! It was partially my fault, cause I was wearing one of those empire waist shirts-but I don't think I looked preggin at all.

Ok, I'm so embarassed to say this, but I'll admit it. I just said, 'oh I'm not sure'<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> and ran out of the store as fast as I could. So bad.

On a serious note-I don't know if you checked out my thread a few weeks ago on the endoscopy/colonscopy I had last month. I've never had GI issues really, as long as i took my meds. I have reflux, and take enzymes. I started getting bloating a few years ago, and it got worse and worse. So I had the tests done at the requst of my CF doc. They saw alot of grease/oil build up in my colon, meaning I need to up enzymes. And they saw some cells in my esophagus that have to be watched b/c they could turn into cancer. (theoretically at least) I'm not saying you have that! But it doesn't hurt to get it checked out. Hey if it can get that belly down, why not?


New member
well sorry to admit this, but I think I could win this contest. i
used to get so bloated. Not only did I look pregnant, I felt
pregnant. Ugh. Usually only after I ate. I literally could not fit
into what I was wearing and would have to change. I since have had
a couple of surgeries because of blockages and it does not seem so
bad. But unfortunately I don't think there is much to be done. You
may want to make sure your enzymes are working good, dosing and all
of that. From there, enjoy another fun c.f. adventure.


New member
If this bloating is a new experience for you i would suggest you
get it checked out. There are other conditions that can cause
bloating (some of them serious), to assume it's just your CF when
it is not normal for you might be a bit risky.<br>
I personally used to get the dreaded bloat as a kid but since
changing enzymes i rarely if ever do.....if it was to come back
now, i'd first analyse my diet to see if it could be related to
something new i've started eating - but if not, i'd bite the bullet
and ask my doctor to check it out.<br>
Best of luck.


New member
if you are going to ask you cf doc to investigate other causes of bloating you might want to think about taking a gun or some kind of other weapon with you and then ask. its practically impossible to get cf docs to think outside the square and think of other causes to problems without jumping up and down and making threats.


New member

I totally understand why you just said that. I felt like that for a long time with lots of doctors too. But its not like that with all cf docs.

Mine suggested me to go to a GI specialist. So they are out there. Don't give up, or go to the gi on your own! Fight the system. And if you just got this bloating in the recent past, definately get it checked out. Gotta be on the safe side.


New member
This has happened to me a couple of times. One time , I was wearing
a shirt that kind of resembled a maternity shirt.... Well, I went
out to eat with my ex and my brother in law, and  the waitress
made some kind of comment about hurrying up to get us a table so I
could eat and sit down. I made sure not to wear the shirt again.


New member
actually this reminds me....i might not get the 'oooh when is it
due?' cringe worthy moments.....but i have over the years
CONSTANTLY been amazed at how darned rude and  offensive some
people can be!!!<br>
I ve lost track of the times a complete stranger has commented on
how thin i am and  asked me why!!! And every time it
absolutely crushes me because i already feel like a circus freak
and always have and i don't need the constant reminders that i'm
just not quite 'normal' looking. In all honesty one thoughtless
comment like this can make me sad for can people be so
darned rude and insenstive!!!<br>
I would NEVER EVER even dream of commenting to somebody who was
overweight, so how come it seems to be acceptable when it's the
other way around?<br>
Instead of getting upset now i get my own when they
say 'oh my goodness your so THIN' I reply 'yes I am, but if i want
to i can put on weight - but what on earth are YOU gonna do with
that dreadful face?' all said with wide eyed innocence of
course...hehe tends to shut em right up!!<br>


New member
I think it is normal to have a little belly when eating large amounts of food especially if there is a high fiber in the meal. If you have a lot of gas then it is normal to feel and look bloated. Exercise helps to release the gas plus it will help you tone up. I was slightly bloated and my nusre commented on my belly. I cut down on carbs and increased my protein and my stomach is barely noticeable. It is all about diet and elimination (i believe). I agree with the person above about the right enzymes too. Too many or too little enzymes can be the culprit. Also if you have any yeast growing just like yeast makes the bread rise maybe it has the same effect on the belly? I know this doctor I saw would say when someone has a big belly it is usually yeast related.