Only one in family with CF



Our 3yo niece on my husband's side was diagnosed with CF at birth. Her parents both were carrier tested and had an idea they had a chance. Her uncle on her dad's side had CF (breathe easy Joe). Not 6 months later, our dd was born and dx with CF and we had absolutely no clue. It never even crossed our mind that it was even a risk. There is absolutely no history on either side of our family...I certainly would like to do some more research on it though.


Our 3yo niece on my husband's side was diagnosed with CF at birth. Her parents both were carrier tested and had an idea they had a chance. Her uncle on her dad's side had CF (breathe easy Joe). Not 6 months later, our dd was born and dx with CF and we had absolutely no clue. It never even crossed our mind that it was even a risk. There is absolutely no history on either side of our family...I certainly would like to do some more research on it though.


New member
My kids have it and there are the only ones in the family too. Except we too have a strange infant dying young story of my Dad's brother (my supposed Uncle). He was born in the 1930's and had Rickets and other nutritional deficiencies and he died at 13 months of pneumonia. Like a previous poster there were not a lot of early deaths in our family so this one stands out. Our family is a huge farm families that we are loosely in touch with but as far as I know none of the family has CF.


New member
My kids have it and there are the only ones in the family too. Except we too have a strange infant dying young story of my Dad's brother (my supposed Uncle). He was born in the 1930's and had Rickets and other nutritional deficiencies and he died at 13 months of pneumonia. Like a previous poster there were not a lot of early deaths in our family so this one stands out. Our family is a huge farm families that we are loosely in touch with but as far as I know none of the family has CF.


New member
My kids have it and there are the only ones in the family too. Except we too have a strange infant dying young story of my Dad's brother (my supposed Uncle). He was born in the 1930's and had Rickets and other nutritional deficiencies and he died at 13 months of pneumonia. Like a previous poster there were not a lot of early deaths in our family so this one stands out. Our family is a huge farm families that we are loosely in touch with but as far as I know none of the family has CF.


New member
I am one of over 50 cousins. Not a single person related to me in several generations have been diagnosed with CF, besides me. It's a crap shoot.


New member
I am one of over 50 cousins. Not a single person related to me in several generations have been diagnosed with CF, besides me. It's a crap shoot.


New member
I am one of over 50 cousins. Not a single person related to me in several generations have been diagnosed with CF, besides me. It's a crap shoot.


New member
I have the same story. I have 6 brothers and sisters, and over 30 cousins and Im the only one with CF. There was a cousin about 30 years ago that died very young from what they thought was pneumonia, but i guess we'll never really know.


New member
I have the same story. I have 6 brothers and sisters, and over 30 cousins and Im the only one with CF. There was a cousin about 30 years ago that died very young from what they thought was pneumonia, but i guess we'll never really know.


New member
I have the same story. I have 6 brothers and sisters, and over 30 cousins and Im the only one with CF. There was a cousin about 30 years ago that died very young from what they thought was pneumonia, but i guess we'll never really know.