I may elicit a range of responses with this post. In reviewing an alternate topic about those with CF and over 40...many of you were diagnosed quite late in life. It almost seems like there should to be two categories for those with CF. Those over 40 who were diagnosed later in life and those that are over 40 that were diagnosed early in life. My daughter certainly couldn't have been diagnosed later in life given that she is homozygous d508. In reality, she probably wouldn't be alive today without her early diagnosis. It doesn't seem fair to look at prognosis for my daughter based upon those who were diagnosed over 20, 30, and beyond. I'm not disputing that CF affects everyone differently...whatever the mutations may be...but, I find it hard to relate those diagnosed so late in life with those diagnosed at young ages due to failure to thrive, heightened lung involvement, etc. and the "over 40 status". It would seem that these individuals fair better than others as their symptoms likely weren't severe as exemplified by their late diagnosis...thoughts?<br><br><br>