<P>for those here diagnosed late in life had any other family member recentky diagnosed so that made you more aware of what your issues could be.or basically was it more that you finally stumbled upon a doctor who pieced it all together. I guess I kind of wonder. My son who will be 30 this year was diagnosed at 4 days old mecomium issue and I rememebr being told at 3 in the am what this possibly could mean. I had never heard of CF no one in recent family ever had it, in fact I thought it was a type of cerebal palsey. My son was born 1981 and we had a few great aunts and grandparents alive on both sides. The only thing my aunt remembered was when she was growing up the sick babies were put kind of behind stove to keep warm and everyone said consumption. Of course our next two children born were tested right away. My middle daughter and 2 grandchildren negative. My youngest daughter who passed positive and weird thing with her she was a hard birth and there was this like burnt smell in delivery room and I looked at my mom and said she has it. I told the doctor she would throw up her feedings at first they thought I was crazy. Now her son was tested and he is also negative.</P>
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<P>I guess I consider myself lucky in away it sounds like quite a few struggled along until finally a dotor really looked. I am thinking without my son needing surgery at 4 days old he could have gone years with us not knowing.</P>
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<P>I guess I consider myself lucky in away it sounds like quite a few struggled along until finally a dotor really looked. I am thinking without my son needing surgery at 4 days old he could have gone years with us not knowing.</P>
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