Order of med's


New member
From our clinic's handout on airway clearance:
Bronchodilator, hypertonic saline, Pulmozyme, Pulmacort, inhaled abx
This seems to be the consensus for most here.


New member
From our clinic's handout on airway clearance:
Bronchodilator, hypertonic saline, Pulmozyme, Pulmacort, inhaled abx
This seems to be the consensus for most here.


New member
From our clinic's handout on airway clearance:
Bronchodilator, hypertonic saline, Pulmozyme, Pulmacort, inhaled abx
This seems to be the consensus for most here.


New member
From our clinic's handout on airway clearance:
Bronchodilator, hypertonic saline, Pulmozyme, Pulmacort, inhaled abx
This seems to be the consensus for most here.


New member
From our clinic's handout on airway clearance:
<br />Bronchodilator, hypertonic saline, Pulmozyme, Pulmacort, inhaled abx
<br />This seems to be the consensus for most here.


New member
My doctor just wrote out the order I should do them:

Albuteral, Hypertonic, Pulmo -vest- Cromolyn Sodium (intol), and cayston.


New member
My doctor just wrote out the order I should do them:

Albuteral, Hypertonic, Pulmo -vest- Cromolyn Sodium (intol), and cayston.


New member
My doctor just wrote out the order I should do them:

Albuteral, Hypertonic, Pulmo -vest- Cromolyn Sodium (intol), and cayston.


New member
My doctor just wrote out the order I should do them:

Albuteral, Hypertonic, Pulmo -vest- Cromolyn Sodium (intol), and cayston.


New member
My doctor just wrote out the order I should do them:
<br />
<br />Albuteral, Hypertonic, Pulmo -vest- Cromolyn Sodium (intol), and cayston.


New member
OMG, I am terrible! I always did the HTS, after the pulm. I didn't know that HTS was a thinning med. I thought because of the salt it made them cough more. So, my thinking was do pulm first, wait a few mins. and do HTS, so it wouldn't be so sticky.
Good thing about this site, is you can learn so much.
Thanks karla

PS Harriett, Emily's picture is cute and peaceful.<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
OMG, I am terrible! I always did the HTS, after the pulm. I didn't know that HTS was a thinning med. I thought because of the salt it made them cough more. So, my thinking was do pulm first, wait a few mins. and do HTS, so it wouldn't be so sticky.
Good thing about this site, is you can learn so much.
Thanks karla

PS Harriett, Emily's picture is cute and peaceful.<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
OMG, I am terrible! I always did the HTS, after the pulm. I didn't know that HTS was a thinning med. I thought because of the salt it made them cough more. So, my thinking was do pulm first, wait a few mins. and do HTS, so it wouldn't be so sticky.
Good thing about this site, is you can learn so much.
Thanks karla

PS Harriett, Emily's picture is cute and peaceful.<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
OMG, I am terrible! I always did the HTS, after the pulm. I didn't know that HTS was a thinning med. I thought because of the salt it made them cough more. So, my thinking was do pulm first, wait a few mins. and do HTS, so it wouldn't be so sticky.
Good thing about this site, is you can learn so much.
Thanks karla

PS Harriett, Emily's picture is cute and peaceful.<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
OMG, I am terrible! I always did the HTS, after the pulm. I didn't know that HTS was a thinning med. I thought because of the salt it made them cough more. So, my thinking was do pulm first, wait a few mins. and do HTS, so it wouldn't be so sticky.
<br />Good thing about this site, is you can learn so much.
<br />Thanks karla
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<br />
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<br />
<br />PS Harriett, Emily's picture is cute and peaceful.<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
who would have thought that hypersal (basically salt water) would be so helpful. i'm a slacker when it comes to my meds. my nurse said if i had to choose only two meds to do, i need to choose my albutoral and hypersal.


New member
who would have thought that hypersal (basically salt water) would be so helpful. i'm a slacker when it comes to my meds. my nurse said if i had to choose only two meds to do, i need to choose my albutoral and hypersal.


New member
who would have thought that hypersal (basically salt water) would be so helpful. i'm a slacker when it comes to my meds. my nurse said if i had to choose only two meds to do, i need to choose my albutoral and hypersal.


New member
who would have thought that hypersal (basically salt water) would be so helpful. i'm a slacker when it comes to my meds. my nurse said if i had to choose only two meds to do, i need to choose my albutoral and hypersal.


New member
who would have thought that hypersal (basically salt water) would be so helpful. i'm a slacker when it comes to my meds. my nurse said if i had to choose only two meds to do, i need to choose my albutoral and hypersal.