Organ donors...


New member
One important thing to remember about organ donation in the US is that the next of kin is really the one to make that decision upon your death. Although a scary and taboo subject to bring up at the dinner table, all families should discuss what they want done upon their death. You can have "I want to be an organ donor" tattoed on your ass and it won't make a difference if your next of kin says no.

I would love to donate something when I go, because somebody gave me lungs, I feel like I should give back too. Corneas are a good idea I think.


New member
One important thing to remember about organ donation in the US is that the next of kin is really the one to make that decision upon your death. Although a scary and taboo subject to bring up at the dinner table, all families should discuss what they want done upon their death. You can have "I want to be an organ donor" tattoed on your ass and it won't make a difference if your next of kin says no.

I would love to donate something when I go, because somebody gave me lungs, I feel like I should give back too. Corneas are a good idea I think.


New member
When my friend passed away when we were 18, she donated her organs. She didn't have CF, but out of her body she ended up saving 7 people. She donated her corneas(2) the valves of her heart(2), liver, and both kidneys.

Even if you are riddled with disease, the fact that a small donation, like Ry donating his corneas so give the gift of sight to someone else, is amazing. I surely hope that i am able to do the same one day.


New member
When my friend passed away when we were 18, she donated her organs. She didn't have CF, but out of her body she ended up saving 7 people. She donated her corneas(2) the valves of her heart(2), liver, and both kidneys.

Even if you are riddled with disease, the fact that a small donation, like Ry donating his corneas so give the gift of sight to someone else, is amazing. I surely hope that i am able to do the same one day.


New member
When my friend passed away when we were 18, she donated her organs. She didn't have CF, but out of her body she ended up saving 7 people. She donated her corneas(2) the valves of her heart(2), liver, and both kidneys.

Even if you are riddled with disease, the fact that a small donation, like Ry donating his corneas so give the gift of sight to someone else, is amazing. I surely hope that i am able to do the same one day.


New member
Oh yeah, i had a bone marrow transplant from my mother when i was 8 weeks old. Does that count as 'organ' donation??? I've always wondered...


New member
Oh yeah, i had a bone marrow transplant from my mother when i was 8 weeks old. Does that count as 'organ' donation??? I've always wondered...


New member
Oh yeah, i had a bone marrow transplant from my mother when i was 8 weeks old. Does that count as 'organ' donation??? I've always wondered...


New member
It's tissue donation, I'm pretty sure. They call it organ donation in general, but it should really be called organ and tissue donation because it includes both. Heart, lungs, liver... but also skin, bone marrow, etc.


New member
It's tissue donation, I'm pretty sure. They call it organ donation in general, but it should really be called organ and tissue donation because it includes both. Heart, lungs, liver... but also skin, bone marrow, etc.


New member
It's tissue donation, I'm pretty sure. They call it organ donation in general, but it should really be called organ and tissue donation because it includes both. Heart, lungs, liver... but also skin, bone marrow, etc.


New member
According to transplant sport, bone marrow is considered organ. However, I don't think you need to be on anti rejections for life with one of the them!


New member
According to transplant sport, bone marrow is considered organ. However, I don't think you need to be on anti rejections for life with one of the them!


New member
According to transplant sport, bone marrow is considered organ. However, I don't think you need to be on anti rejections for life with one of the them!