Luke has done the synagis shots for two winters now and he may do them again this winter. He just turned two, so we are not sure the insurance is going to pay for them, but if they do, we will be getting them. RSV is nasty on any little one, so for a CFer you want to avoid it at all cost (and the cost is extreme if your insurance won't pay). The one thing about the insurance that we found, though, was that with one shot we met our deductible for the year for Luke, so we had no more out of pocket expenses after that for anything. But trying to come up with that kind of money can be nearly impossible! I don't remember any side effects. I give tylenol before vaccines, too. I think there is probably some tenderness at the injection site, but that is about it. Have your dr. office go ahead and start on the insurance stuff pretty soon because if there is a problem, they can fight it and then you can have it all taken care of in plenty of time to start the first injections. We usually do them November-March (into April this year b/c it was a bad flu/rsv season around here). They told us at our dr. they can usually get up to 6 injections a year approved.