Pain Killers


New member
Well, i can see i missed out on some fun... However, as ironic as it is that my question is about drugs, and i do have a very sarcastic sense of humor, my question is one that i am serious about.

Pain Killers... Who takes them? What do you take them for? How often do you take them? What kind do you take and how much? When do you take them? How willing is your Dr. to prescribe them? etc...

The reason i ask... When i have been hospitalized, the dr.s and nurses taking care of me have had no problem giving me pain meds whenever i ask for them. They have always made it very easy to say, "i'm hurting. Can i have something for pain?". When i am not hospitalized, however, it's usually like pulling teeth to get a dr. to give me a perscription for anything.

i will admit that my pain levels are higher right before i get sick and sometimes right after, (depending on the meds i am on and how long i am on them) but as i have gotten older, i swear my body feels like it's 80 years old, whether i'm sick or not. In the morning, when i first wake up, and at night, when i lay down in bed are the times that it is the worst. i have conditioned myself to ignore it on a daily basis, but pretending like it's not there makes me really cranky and not fun to be around. My family definitely notices a difference in the way i carry myself and my mood when i have them.

So, i was just wondering where others with CF stand on this. i really would like to see what's what by slight comparison. (i know that everyone's case is different, but, a little reassurance never hurt anyone). Thanks. - f


New member
Well, i can see i missed out on some fun... However, as ironic as it is that my question is about drugs, and i do have a very sarcastic sense of humor, my question is one that i am serious about.

Pain Killers... Who takes them? What do you take them for? How often do you take them? What kind do you take and how much? When do you take them? How willing is your Dr. to prescribe them? etc...

The reason i ask... When i have been hospitalized, the dr.s and nurses taking care of me have had no problem giving me pain meds whenever i ask for them. They have always made it very easy to say, "i'm hurting. Can i have something for pain?". When i am not hospitalized, however, it's usually like pulling teeth to get a dr. to give me a perscription for anything.

i will admit that my pain levels are higher right before i get sick and sometimes right after, (depending on the meds i am on and how long i am on them) but as i have gotten older, i swear my body feels like it's 80 years old, whether i'm sick or not. In the morning, when i first wake up, and at night, when i lay down in bed are the times that it is the worst. i have conditioned myself to ignore it on a daily basis, but pretending like it's not there makes me really cranky and not fun to be around. My family definitely notices a difference in the way i carry myself and my mood when i have them.

So, i was just wondering where others with CF stand on this. i really would like to see what's what by slight comparison. (i know that everyone's case is different, but, a little reassurance never hurt anyone). Thanks. - f


New member
Well, i can see i missed out on some fun... However, as ironic as it is that my question is about drugs, and i do have a very sarcastic sense of humor, my question is one that i am serious about.

Pain Killers... Who takes them? What do you take them for? How often do you take them? What kind do you take and how much? When do you take them? How willing is your Dr. to prescribe them? etc...

The reason i ask... When i have been hospitalized, the dr.s and nurses taking care of me have had no problem giving me pain meds whenever i ask for them. They have always made it very easy to say, "i'm hurting. Can i have something for pain?". When i am not hospitalized, however, it's usually like pulling teeth to get a dr. to give me a perscription for anything.

i will admit that my pain levels are higher right before i get sick and sometimes right after, (depending on the meds i am on and how long i am on them) but as i have gotten older, i swear my body feels like it's 80 years old, whether i'm sick or not. In the morning, when i first wake up, and at night, when i lay down in bed are the times that it is the worst. i have conditioned myself to ignore it on a daily basis, but pretending like it's not there makes me really cranky and not fun to be around. My family definitely notices a difference in the way i carry myself and my mood when i have them.

So, i was just wondering where others with CF stand on this. i really would like to see what's what by slight comparison. (i know that everyone's case is different, but, a little reassurance never hurt anyone). Thanks. - f


New member
Hey Frankie,

I have to say I'm not on painkillers often. Only a few times in the hospital. Every time I'm admitted they give me my patient's bill of rights. The hospital strives to, in their words, not make pain patients feel like they're drug additcts. just because you're in pain doesn't mean you should be looked down upon."

so far my experiene has been good. but i've never had out patient pain meds that i wasn't discharged with (I've had gallbladder and hernia surgeries).

i understand both sides of the coin. on one hand, most docs have had numerous experiences of patients abusing meds and that's why they are considered controlled substances under the FDA. on the other hand, it seems as though those who are truely in pain don't get what they need - you are a great example.


New member
Hey Frankie,

I have to say I'm not on painkillers often. Only a few times in the hospital. Every time I'm admitted they give me my patient's bill of rights. The hospital strives to, in their words, not make pain patients feel like they're drug additcts. just because you're in pain doesn't mean you should be looked down upon."

so far my experiene has been good. but i've never had out patient pain meds that i wasn't discharged with (I've had gallbladder and hernia surgeries).

i understand both sides of the coin. on one hand, most docs have had numerous experiences of patients abusing meds and that's why they are considered controlled substances under the FDA. on the other hand, it seems as though those who are truely in pain don't get what they need - you are a great example.


New member
Hey Frankie,

I have to say I'm not on painkillers often. Only a few times in the hospital. Every time I'm admitted they give me my patient's bill of rights. The hospital strives to, in their words, not make pain patients feel like they're drug additcts. just because you're in pain doesn't mean you should be looked down upon."

so far my experiene has been good. but i've never had out patient pain meds that i wasn't discharged with (I've had gallbladder and hernia surgeries).

i understand both sides of the coin. on one hand, most docs have had numerous experiences of patients abusing meds and that's why they are considered controlled substances under the FDA. on the other hand, it seems as though those who are truely in pain don't get what they need - you are a great example.


New member
I have often wondered if I should ask about pain killers. They dont have to be heavy duty like after surgery, but something to take the edge off so I dont feel quite so yucky. I also "learn" to ignore it, but it comes thru in otherways. I dont have any answers based on experience, but I am sure someone does.........


New member
I have often wondered if I should ask about pain killers. They dont have to be heavy duty like after surgery, but something to take the edge off so I dont feel quite so yucky. I also "learn" to ignore it, but it comes thru in otherways. I dont have any answers based on experience, but I am sure someone does.........


New member
I have often wondered if I should ask about pain killers. They dont have to be heavy duty like after surgery, but something to take the edge off so I dont feel quite so yucky. I also "learn" to ignore it, but it comes thru in otherways. I dont have any answers based on experience, but I am sure someone does.........


New member
Thanks guys... i appreciate your input. i'm usually a pretty tough cookie, but some days just get me. There are millions of others in far worse pain than myself, but i would just like to know what others think... thanks again.


New member
Thanks guys... i appreciate your input. i'm usually a pretty tough cookie, but some days just get me. There are millions of others in far worse pain than myself, but i would just like to know what others think... thanks again.


New member
Thanks guys... i appreciate your input. i'm usually a pretty tough cookie, but some days just get me. There are millions of others in far worse pain than myself, but i would just like to know what others think... thanks again.


New member
Mike is on tylenol #3 (with codeine) lately. It is the only tihng that gives him comfort. Although he just ran out, and no one has refilled it or called him back for a couple of days. He has an addictive personality and stays away from pain killers in general but at this point, what the f***. We'll worry about stopping them after the transplant.

The only thing I would worry about is if they changed his personality. He takes them in the evening because they make him sleepy but I would worry if he was always groggy or messed up because of them. He enjoys his life every day and lives it no matter what, so he wouldn't take them if they made him feel blah.


New member
Mike is on tylenol #3 (with codeine) lately. It is the only tihng that gives him comfort. Although he just ran out, and no one has refilled it or called him back for a couple of days. He has an addictive personality and stays away from pain killers in general but at this point, what the f***. We'll worry about stopping them after the transplant.

The only thing I would worry about is if they changed his personality. He takes them in the evening because they make him sleepy but I would worry if he was always groggy or messed up because of them. He enjoys his life every day and lives it no matter what, so he wouldn't take them if they made him feel blah.


New member
Mike is on tylenol #3 (with codeine) lately. It is the only tihng that gives him comfort. Although he just ran out, and no one has refilled it or called him back for a couple of days. He has an addictive personality and stays away from pain killers in general but at this point, what the f***. We'll worry about stopping them after the transplant.

The only thing I would worry about is if they changed his personality. He takes them in the evening because they make him sleepy but I would worry if he was always groggy or messed up because of them. He enjoys his life every day and lives it no matter what, so he wouldn't take them if they made him feel blah.


New member
Hey Frankie...I used to take Vicodin but I hated it because it always made me soo nauseas. I then moved to tylenol with coedine but that didn't sit well either. I then moved to Percocet but my kidney's really didn't like Percocet...and one doesn't argue with one's kidney's. So (as I turn into a one woman drug testing guinnea pig) I then took a swing with Ultram. I have been happiest with Ultram of all these "prescribed" narcotics. But honestly....I know I know sorry guys but this is an honest answer regarding my personal experience so here it is....marijuana is my top choice for pain management. It doesn't make me feel woozy/stupid or like hurling all that fattening food I went to all the trouble to eat. In fact it just makes me hungrier if anything. That said...I don't actually use it often because it's expensive and inconvenient to get. So by and large I stick to Ultram. My dose is 50mg 1-2 tablets as needed.

And I do not take it ALL the time. Most the time I don't actually, but once I've gone a certain amount of time without sleep due to pain or when I feel myself on the edge of tears...and I'm no wuss i feel the need to state...then I take it.

I should also probably restate for anyone who doesn't know me and my history. I have very low lung function and to say a "bad back" would be an understatement.

All in all Frankie. If you are finding that pain is keeping you from coughing because it hurts too much...that's bad and they should help you. Because we can't afford to stop coughing crap up. I also think if it's affecting your sleep they should help you. Otherwise they're probably not going to be inclined to prescribe much I don't think. Oh, well some have pretty bad arthritis too...that would probably be another reason. You should talk to your Dr. though. I was hesitant to bring it up for a long time because I was worried what my Doc would think...what was I worried he'd think exactly I'm not sure...that I'm trying to get drugs, that I'm a wuss, or the worst that there was something else physically wrong that we should investigate further (Sweet lord shoot me now). But he was like...oh well yah, that happens...let's see what we can find to work for you, we may not find something on the first try but we'll keep at it. ANd we did. End of really long response...geez once my little fingers getting to flying it's like a run away's great to talk without needing O2! I could just go on and on...and apparently I do. Okay really I'm done. The End. Have a nice day!


New member
Hey Frankie...I used to take Vicodin but I hated it because it always made me soo nauseas. I then moved to tylenol with coedine but that didn't sit well either. I then moved to Percocet but my kidney's really didn't like Percocet...and one doesn't argue with one's kidney's. So (as I turn into a one woman drug testing guinnea pig) I then took a swing with Ultram. I have been happiest with Ultram of all these "prescribed" narcotics. But honestly....I know I know sorry guys but this is an honest answer regarding my personal experience so here it is....marijuana is my top choice for pain management. It doesn't make me feel woozy/stupid or like hurling all that fattening food I went to all the trouble to eat. In fact it just makes me hungrier if anything. That said...I don't actually use it often because it's expensive and inconvenient to get. So by and large I stick to Ultram. My dose is 50mg 1-2 tablets as needed.

And I do not take it ALL the time. Most the time I don't actually, but once I've gone a certain amount of time without sleep due to pain or when I feel myself on the edge of tears...and I'm no wuss i feel the need to state...then I take it.

I should also probably restate for anyone who doesn't know me and my history. I have very low lung function and to say a "bad back" would be an understatement.

All in all Frankie. If you are finding that pain is keeping you from coughing because it hurts too much...that's bad and they should help you. Because we can't afford to stop coughing crap up. I also think if it's affecting your sleep they should help you. Otherwise they're probably not going to be inclined to prescribe much I don't think. Oh, well some have pretty bad arthritis too...that would probably be another reason. You should talk to your Dr. though. I was hesitant to bring it up for a long time because I was worried what my Doc would think...what was I worried he'd think exactly I'm not sure...that I'm trying to get drugs, that I'm a wuss, or the worst that there was something else physically wrong that we should investigate further (Sweet lord shoot me now). But he was like...oh well yah, that happens...let's see what we can find to work for you, we may not find something on the first try but we'll keep at it. ANd we did. End of really long response...geez once my little fingers getting to flying it's like a run away's great to talk without needing O2! I could just go on and on...and apparently I do. Okay really I'm done. The End. Have a nice day!


New member
Hey Frankie...I used to take Vicodin but I hated it because it always made me soo nauseas. I then moved to tylenol with coedine but that didn't sit well either. I then moved to Percocet but my kidney's really didn't like Percocet...and one doesn't argue with one's kidney's. So (as I turn into a one woman drug testing guinnea pig) I then took a swing with Ultram. I have been happiest with Ultram of all these "prescribed" narcotics. But honestly....I know I know sorry guys but this is an honest answer regarding my personal experience so here it is....marijuana is my top choice for pain management. It doesn't make me feel woozy/stupid or like hurling all that fattening food I went to all the trouble to eat. In fact it just makes me hungrier if anything. That said...I don't actually use it often because it's expensive and inconvenient to get. So by and large I stick to Ultram. My dose is 50mg 1-2 tablets as needed.

And I do not take it ALL the time. Most the time I don't actually, but once I've gone a certain amount of time without sleep due to pain or when I feel myself on the edge of tears...and I'm no wuss i feel the need to state...then I take it.

I should also probably restate for anyone who doesn't know me and my history. I have very low lung function and to say a "bad back" would be an understatement.

All in all Frankie. If you are finding that pain is keeping you from coughing because it hurts too much...that's bad and they should help you. Because we can't afford to stop coughing crap up. I also think if it's affecting your sleep they should help you. Otherwise they're probably not going to be inclined to prescribe much I don't think. Oh, well some have pretty bad arthritis too...that would probably be another reason. You should talk to your Dr. though. I was hesitant to bring it up for a long time because I was worried what my Doc would think...what was I worried he'd think exactly I'm not sure...that I'm trying to get drugs, that I'm a wuss, or the worst that there was something else physically wrong that we should investigate further (Sweet lord shoot me now). But he was like...oh well yah, that happens...let's see what we can find to work for you, we may not find something on the first try but we'll keep at it. ANd we did. End of really long response...geez once my little fingers getting to flying it's like a run away's great to talk without needing O2! I could just go on and on...and apparently I do. Okay really I'm done. The End. Have a nice day!


New member
I've never had cf related pain-(other than when piccs have been put in and that stuff). But when I broke my shoulder after an accident, they gave me oxycontin, which I really needed. They gave me instructions to take it every 6 hours-and by the 4th day on it, if say I took it at 12:00-by 3:00 I'd catch myself thinking, I think I need to take it earlier.....scary. I can see how people can get hooked easily! And oxycontin didn't make me feel good-it made me feel like I wanted to jump out of my skin, like I had a terrible flu!
Anyway-when I've been admitted in the hosp for cf, and I've had a headache or my arm has hurt b/c of picc insertion, the most they offer me is one tylenol. And I notice even with that, they're very careful about not giving me too much, which I don't really understand. Its like they don't want to part with it. I remember having a biopsy on my leg and they would only give me tylenol. Weird.


New member
I've never had cf related pain-(other than when piccs have been put in and that stuff). But when I broke my shoulder after an accident, they gave me oxycontin, which I really needed. They gave me instructions to take it every 6 hours-and by the 4th day on it, if say I took it at 12:00-by 3:00 I'd catch myself thinking, I think I need to take it earlier.....scary. I can see how people can get hooked easily! And oxycontin didn't make me feel good-it made me feel like I wanted to jump out of my skin, like I had a terrible flu!
Anyway-when I've been admitted in the hosp for cf, and I've had a headache or my arm has hurt b/c of picc insertion, the most they offer me is one tylenol. And I notice even with that, they're very careful about not giving me too much, which I don't really understand. Its like they don't want to part with it. I remember having a biopsy on my leg and they would only give me tylenol. Weird.