Pain Killers


New member
I've never had cf related pain-(other than when piccs have been put in and that stuff). But when I broke my shoulder after an accident, they gave me oxycontin, which I really needed. They gave me instructions to take it every 6 hours-and by the 4th day on it, if say I took it at 12:00-by 3:00 I'd catch myself thinking, I think I need to take it earlier.....scary. I can see how people can get hooked easily! And oxycontin didn't make me feel good-it made me feel like I wanted to jump out of my skin, like I had a terrible flu!
Anyway-when I've been admitted in the hosp for cf, and I've had a headache or my arm has hurt b/c of picc insertion, the most they offer me is one tylenol. And I notice even with that, they're very careful about not giving me too much, which I don't really understand. Its like they don't want to part with it. I remember having a biopsy on my leg and they would only give me tylenol. Weird.


I just take 800mg motrin for pain, I can't really take any other pills because they make me sick. I did have Morphine once while in the hospital for a kidney stone and I will thank god for that wonderful drug!



I just take 800mg motrin for pain, I can't really take any other pills because they make me sick. I did have Morphine once while in the hospital for a kidney stone and I will thank god for that wonderful drug!



I just take 800mg motrin for pain, I can't really take any other pills because they make me sick. I did have Morphine once while in the hospital for a kidney stone and I will thank god for that wonderful drug!



New member
I have found that pain killers do almost nothing for me... in high school i took a lot of pain killers due to severe sinus infections.. which the doctors couldn't seem to figure out how to make them go away... (they would give me nasal spray with the side effect of sinus headache uh hu.... cure a headache with a headache.. didn't make sense to me.. if i didn't have a headache before i did when i took it) anyway... i took about 4 extra strength tylenol a day in a hope that it might go away... basically i failed a few classes because i had sinus headaches and didn't want to do anything during class but sleep... now i have definitely cut back.. i take it when i have to... though in the past year i take about 2 ibprophen regular strength before i go to bed because i have really bad bursitis in my hips which really interrupts my sleep... sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't.. i have found that for headaches sometimes even sinus headaches aspirin works well.. though i try really hard to not take that (cause of the whole vitamin k things.. not that i'm deficient but still)... let me think... for my wisdom teeth i had demerol which i think worked.. i don't know cause it made me sleep... so.. it could have had me sleep through the pain or actually got rid of it.. i take tylenol for my borderline carpel tunnel at work, which again i don't think works very well... basically.. i think i'm just doomed to feel pain all the time... (weed doesn't work either it actually makes me more uncomfortable.. i find especially for my hips it makes .... well i get like a bad tingly feeling to them) i also get a lot of upper back pain... and what not.. i just learn to live with it....

Ashley 22 w/cf


New member
I have found that pain killers do almost nothing for me... in high school i took a lot of pain killers due to severe sinus infections.. which the doctors couldn't seem to figure out how to make them go away... (they would give me nasal spray with the side effect of sinus headache uh hu.... cure a headache with a headache.. didn't make sense to me.. if i didn't have a headache before i did when i took it) anyway... i took about 4 extra strength tylenol a day in a hope that it might go away... basically i failed a few classes because i had sinus headaches and didn't want to do anything during class but sleep... now i have definitely cut back.. i take it when i have to... though in the past year i take about 2 ibprophen regular strength before i go to bed because i have really bad bursitis in my hips which really interrupts my sleep... sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't.. i have found that for headaches sometimes even sinus headaches aspirin works well.. though i try really hard to not take that (cause of the whole vitamin k things.. not that i'm deficient but still)... let me think... for my wisdom teeth i had demerol which i think worked.. i don't know cause it made me sleep... so.. it could have had me sleep through the pain or actually got rid of it.. i take tylenol for my borderline carpel tunnel at work, which again i don't think works very well... basically.. i think i'm just doomed to feel pain all the time... (weed doesn't work either it actually makes me more uncomfortable.. i find especially for my hips it makes .... well i get like a bad tingly feeling to them) i also get a lot of upper back pain... and what not.. i just learn to live with it....

Ashley 22 w/cf


New member
I have found that pain killers do almost nothing for me... in high school i took a lot of pain killers due to severe sinus infections.. which the doctors couldn't seem to figure out how to make them go away... (they would give me nasal spray with the side effect of sinus headache uh hu.... cure a headache with a headache.. didn't make sense to me.. if i didn't have a headache before i did when i took it) anyway... i took about 4 extra strength tylenol a day in a hope that it might go away... basically i failed a few classes because i had sinus headaches and didn't want to do anything during class but sleep... now i have definitely cut back.. i take it when i have to... though in the past year i take about 2 ibprophen regular strength before i go to bed because i have really bad bursitis in my hips which really interrupts my sleep... sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't.. i have found that for headaches sometimes even sinus headaches aspirin works well.. though i try really hard to not take that (cause of the whole vitamin k things.. not that i'm deficient but still)... let me think... for my wisdom teeth i had demerol which i think worked.. i don't know cause it made me sleep... so.. it could have had me sleep through the pain or actually got rid of it.. i take tylenol for my borderline carpel tunnel at work, which again i don't think works very well... basically.. i think i'm just doomed to feel pain all the time... (weed doesn't work either it actually makes me more uncomfortable.. i find especially for my hips it makes .... well i get like a bad tingly feeling to them) i also get a lot of upper back pain... and what not.. i just learn to live with it....

Ashley 22 w/cf


New member

Ashley, i am so sorry, your scenario sounds miserable... i hope it gets better. And Christian, that is really weird.

Anyway, weed makes me really paranoid. My hands get really cold and then i convince myself i'm dying. i used to be able to smoke weed no problem, but ever since i graduated from high school, it's a big no for me. i also hate not being in control, and losing track of the time every 5 minutes drives me batty.

i used to get migraines a lot, so, i would take ibuprofen religiously. i think my body is kind of immune to it now, as it takes at least 800mg to do anything at all. i accidentally cut my finger off a few years ago (long drunken story) and they sewed it back on, but the healing was excruciating. They gave me vicodin for that, which helped a little. It kind of made the pain go from horrible to bad. First pic line was my first dose of morphine, and Luke, i am so with you, it is a beautiful thing. My veins are really tiny and they are super over reactive, so they clamp and close in a milli second... which makes pic lines that much more fun. So, when i got pic lines, i got lots of morphine. Eventually they had to do my pics in special procedures and they used some kind of pain killer that i can never remember the name of. That stuff was nuts. It was like they would inject it in my IV, everything would spin and echo and suddenly the lights would look like the Las Vegas strip, and then out. i would wake up in my hospital room. When i was discharged, they would always send me home with percocet, which is my favorite after morphine. Percocet does the trick. It hardly ever makes me nauseus(?) and it gets rid of my pain.
After i got my port put in last December, something new started. See, my port is in a weird place. i wanted it under my arm so that i didn't feel self concious going out with a low cut shirt on. Well, doing the vest while my port is accessed is painful to say the least. SO... Last December, they sent me home on IV morphine. i took 2 mg before a treatment, and 2mg after, every day, 4 times a day, for like two months. At that time i was also on Oramorph (instant oral morphine) and Morphine CR (controled release) and percocet for break through pain. After i stopped my IV meds and my port was de-accessed, the morphine injections stopped. But new pain started.
i don't know if the pain is from taking IV antibiotics so long, or if it's from morphine withdrawl, but my bones start to feel dry and achey. Seriously, it hurts so bad, i can't get out of bed some days. When this happened last December, my Dr. gave me percocet until the pain stopped, so that was another month of it at least. i started seeing a chiropractor to help, which it did a little.
This time, i have this new Dr. since i moved. She sent me home on the IV morphine, and percocet. Now my IVs are over (so goodbye morphine) and that damn pain is back in full swing.
Sometimes i just lay in bed and cry, it hurts so bad. And my lung function is way down too, so my back is killing me. So, my new Dr. gave me percocet to try and help, but when i told her that i might need refills on it, due to how much it hurts, and how long it lasted last time, she said i'm just going to have to deal with it.
So, i'm trying to conserve the ones that i have left... but it's weird. It's like the day will start and i will say, "Grit your teeth and bare it." And i do that for a few hours. But by dinner time, i usually can't stand it anymore, so i take a percocet, and it's like in a matter of moments, i'm a different person... a funner, more energetic, happier person.

So, i don't know what to do... i'm not going to lie, do i like the little head buzz that morphine gives me when it's first injected, of course, do i like the fuzzy feeling i get sometimes with percocet, sure, but aside from fun side effects, i really am in a lot of pain... What should i do?


New member

Ashley, i am so sorry, your scenario sounds miserable... i hope it gets better. And Christian, that is really weird.

Anyway, weed makes me really paranoid. My hands get really cold and then i convince myself i'm dying. i used to be able to smoke weed no problem, but ever since i graduated from high school, it's a big no for me. i also hate not being in control, and losing track of the time every 5 minutes drives me batty.

i used to get migraines a lot, so, i would take ibuprofen religiously. i think my body is kind of immune to it now, as it takes at least 800mg to do anything at all. i accidentally cut my finger off a few years ago (long drunken story) and they sewed it back on, but the healing was excruciating. They gave me vicodin for that, which helped a little. It kind of made the pain go from horrible to bad. First pic line was my first dose of morphine, and Luke, i am so with you, it is a beautiful thing. My veins are really tiny and they are super over reactive, so they clamp and close in a milli second... which makes pic lines that much more fun. So, when i got pic lines, i got lots of morphine. Eventually they had to do my pics in special procedures and they used some kind of pain killer that i can never remember the name of. That stuff was nuts. It was like they would inject it in my IV, everything would spin and echo and suddenly the lights would look like the Las Vegas strip, and then out. i would wake up in my hospital room. When i was discharged, they would always send me home with percocet, which is my favorite after morphine. Percocet does the trick. It hardly ever makes me nauseus(?) and it gets rid of my pain.
After i got my port put in last December, something new started. See, my port is in a weird place. i wanted it under my arm so that i didn't feel self concious going out with a low cut shirt on. Well, doing the vest while my port is accessed is painful to say the least. SO... Last December, they sent me home on IV morphine. i took 2 mg before a treatment, and 2mg after, every day, 4 times a day, for like two months. At that time i was also on Oramorph (instant oral morphine) and Morphine CR (controled release) and percocet for break through pain. After i stopped my IV meds and my port was de-accessed, the morphine injections stopped. But new pain started.
i don't know if the pain is from taking IV antibiotics so long, or if it's from morphine withdrawl, but my bones start to feel dry and achey. Seriously, it hurts so bad, i can't get out of bed some days. When this happened last December, my Dr. gave me percocet until the pain stopped, so that was another month of it at least. i started seeing a chiropractor to help, which it did a little.
This time, i have this new Dr. since i moved. She sent me home on the IV morphine, and percocet. Now my IVs are over (so goodbye morphine) and that damn pain is back in full swing.
Sometimes i just lay in bed and cry, it hurts so bad. And my lung function is way down too, so my back is killing me. So, my new Dr. gave me percocet to try and help, but when i told her that i might need refills on it, due to how much it hurts, and how long it lasted last time, she said i'm just going to have to deal with it.
So, i'm trying to conserve the ones that i have left... but it's weird. It's like the day will start and i will say, "Grit your teeth and bare it." And i do that for a few hours. But by dinner time, i usually can't stand it anymore, so i take a percocet, and it's like in a matter of moments, i'm a different person... a funner, more energetic, happier person.

So, i don't know what to do... i'm not going to lie, do i like the little head buzz that morphine gives me when it's first injected, of course, do i like the fuzzy feeling i get sometimes with percocet, sure, but aside from fun side effects, i really am in a lot of pain... What should i do?


New member

Ashley, i am so sorry, your scenario sounds miserable... i hope it gets better. And Christian, that is really weird.

Anyway, weed makes me really paranoid. My hands get really cold and then i convince myself i'm dying. i used to be able to smoke weed no problem, but ever since i graduated from high school, it's a big no for me. i also hate not being in control, and losing track of the time every 5 minutes drives me batty.

i used to get migraines a lot, so, i would take ibuprofen religiously. i think my body is kind of immune to it now, as it takes at least 800mg to do anything at all. i accidentally cut my finger off a few years ago (long drunken story) and they sewed it back on, but the healing was excruciating. They gave me vicodin for that, which helped a little. It kind of made the pain go from horrible to bad. First pic line was my first dose of morphine, and Luke, i am so with you, it is a beautiful thing. My veins are really tiny and they are super over reactive, so they clamp and close in a milli second... which makes pic lines that much more fun. So, when i got pic lines, i got lots of morphine. Eventually they had to do my pics in special procedures and they used some kind of pain killer that i can never remember the name of. That stuff was nuts. It was like they would inject it in my IV, everything would spin and echo and suddenly the lights would look like the Las Vegas strip, and then out. i would wake up in my hospital room. When i was discharged, they would always send me home with percocet, which is my favorite after morphine. Percocet does the trick. It hardly ever makes me nauseus(?) and it gets rid of my pain.
After i got my port put in last December, something new started. See, my port is in a weird place. i wanted it under my arm so that i didn't feel self concious going out with a low cut shirt on. Well, doing the vest while my port is accessed is painful to say the least. SO... Last December, they sent me home on IV morphine. i took 2 mg before a treatment, and 2mg after, every day, 4 times a day, for like two months. At that time i was also on Oramorph (instant oral morphine) and Morphine CR (controled release) and percocet for break through pain. After i stopped my IV meds and my port was de-accessed, the morphine injections stopped. But new pain started.
i don't know if the pain is from taking IV antibiotics so long, or if it's from morphine withdrawl, but my bones start to feel dry and achey. Seriously, it hurts so bad, i can't get out of bed some days. When this happened last December, my Dr. gave me percocet until the pain stopped, so that was another month of it at least. i started seeing a chiropractor to help, which it did a little.
This time, i have this new Dr. since i moved. She sent me home on the IV morphine, and percocet. Now my IVs are over (so goodbye morphine) and that damn pain is back in full swing.
Sometimes i just lay in bed and cry, it hurts so bad. And my lung function is way down too, so my back is killing me. So, my new Dr. gave me percocet to try and help, but when i told her that i might need refills on it, due to how much it hurts, and how long it lasted last time, she said i'm just going to have to deal with it.
So, i'm trying to conserve the ones that i have left... but it's weird. It's like the day will start and i will say, "Grit your teeth and bare it." And i do that for a few hours. But by dinner time, i usually can't stand it anymore, so i take a percocet, and it's like in a matter of moments, i'm a different person... a funner, more energetic, happier person.

So, i don't know what to do... i'm not going to lie, do i like the little head buzz that morphine gives me when it's first injected, of course, do i like the fuzzy feeling i get sometimes with percocet, sure, but aside from fun side effects, i really am in a lot of pain... What should i do?


New member
Smoke some lol JUST KIDDING haha..... No seriously, I've never really add to pull and arm and a leg but most of the time they want to see me and I HATE driving to nashville!!! However they also know I have a very high tolerace for pain so when I say I'm hurting they know I really need something. I also live with chronic headaches everyday and dx'd osteopenia. Normally I take two loratab(5-10) or 2 darvacets(5-10). I also have to take finnagan. I really does help take the edge off. I would just suggest telling them how you feeling. I know as for myslef, tylenol and stuff just really doesn't work for me so i know what you mean.


New member
Smoke some lol JUST KIDDING haha..... No seriously, I've never really add to pull and arm and a leg but most of the time they want to see me and I HATE driving to nashville!!! However they also know I have a very high tolerace for pain so when I say I'm hurting they know I really need something. I also live with chronic headaches everyday and dx'd osteopenia. Normally I take two loratab(5-10) or 2 darvacets(5-10). I also have to take finnagan. I really does help take the edge off. I would just suggest telling them how you feeling. I know as for myslef, tylenol and stuff just really doesn't work for me so i know what you mean.


New member
Smoke some lol JUST KIDDING haha..... No seriously, I've never really add to pull and arm and a leg but most of the time they want to see me and I HATE driving to nashville!!! However they also know I have a very high tolerace for pain so when I say I'm hurting they know I really need something. I also live with chronic headaches everyday and dx'd osteopenia. Normally I take two loratab(5-10) or 2 darvacets(5-10). I also have to take finnagan. I really does help take the edge off. I would just suggest telling them how you feeling. I know as for myslef, tylenol and stuff just really doesn't work for me so i know what you mean.


New member
Mike used to take 800 Ibuprofen twice daily for headaches and chest tightness but they stopped it due to the bleeding risk when he gets transplanted. Caffeine sometimes helps too. He hasn;t been able to get the codeine refilled yet.


New member
Mike used to take 800 Ibuprofen twice daily for headaches and chest tightness but they stopped it due to the bleeding risk when he gets transplanted. Caffeine sometimes helps too. He hasn;t been able to get the codeine refilled yet.


New member
Mike used to take 800 Ibuprofen twice daily for headaches and chest tightness but they stopped it due to the bleeding risk when he gets transplanted. Caffeine sometimes helps too. He hasn;t been able to get the codeine refilled yet.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>TheInkDoll</b></i>


Ashley, i am so sorry, your scenario sounds miserable... i hope it gets better. And Christian, that is really weird.

Anyway, weed makes me really paranoid. My hands get really cold and then i convince myself i'm dying. i used to be able to smoke weed no problem, but ever since i graduated from high school, it's a big no for me. i also hate not being in control, and losing track of the time every 5 minutes drives me batty.

i used to get migraines a lot, so, i would take ibuprofen religiously. i think my body is kind of immune to it now, as it takes at least 800mg to do anything at all. i accidentally cut my finger off a few years ago (long drunken story) and they sewed it back on, but the healing was excruciating. They gave me vicodin for that, which helped a little. It kind of made the pain go from horrible to bad. First pic line was my first dose of morphine, and Luke, i am so with you, it is a beautiful thing. My veins are really tiny and they are super over reactive, so they clamp and close in a milli second... which makes pic lines that much more fun. So, when i got pic lines, i got lots of morphine. Eventually they had to do my pics in special procedures and they used some kind of pain killer that i can never remember the name of. That stuff was nuts. It was like they would inject it in my IV, everything would spin and echo and suddenly the lights would look like the Las Vegas strip, and then out. i would wake up in my hospital room. When i was discharged, they would always send me home with percocet, which is my favorite after morphine. Percocet does the trick. It hardly ever makes me nauseus(?) and it gets rid of my pain.

After i got my port put in last December, something new started. See, my port is in a weird place. i wanted it under my arm so that i didn't feel self concious going out with a low cut shirt on. Well, doing the vest while my port is accessed is painful to say the least. SO... Last December, they sent me home on IV morphine. i took 2 mg before a treatment, and 2mg after, every day, 4 times a day, for like two months. At that time i was also on Oramorph (instant oral morphine) and Morphine CR (controled release) and percocet for break through pain. After i stopped my IV meds and my port was de-accessed, the morphine injections stopped. But new pain started.

i don't know if the pain is from taking IV antibiotics so long, or if it's from morphine withdrawl, but my bones start to feel dry and achey. Seriously, it hurts so bad, i can't get out of bed some days. When this happened last December, my Dr. gave me percocet until the pain stopped, so that was another month of it at least. i started seeing a chiropractor to help, which it did a little.

This time, i have this new Dr. since i moved. She sent me home on the IV morphine, and percocet. Now my IVs are over (so goodbye morphine) and that damn pain is back in full swing.

Sometimes i just lay in bed and cry, it hurts so bad. And my lung function is way down too, so my back is killing me. So, my new Dr. gave me percocet to try and help, but when i told her that i might need refills on it, due to how much it hurts, and how long it lasted last time, she said i'm just going to have to deal with it.

So, i'm trying to conserve the ones that i have left... but it's weird. It's like the day will start and i will say, "Grit your teeth and bare it." And i do that for a few hours. But by dinner time, i usually can't stand it anymore, so i take a percocet, and it's like in a matter of moments, i'm a different person... a funner, more energetic, happier person.

So, i don't know what to do... i'm not going to lie, do i like the little head buzz that morphine gives me when it's first injected, of course, do i like the fuzzy feeling i get sometimes with percocet, sure, but aside from fun side effects, i really am in a lot of pain... What should i do?</end quote></div>

I tried percocet once. I used to work with this old server dude from the states that used to do a lot of drugs. Anyways, he gave me some. I have to say i liked the feeling a bit too, but i got way too woozy...not good at work.

Anyways, what kinda pain are we talking about? You described your bones acheing...ok (have you ever had a bone mineral scan? Maybe you are low on calcium). What else do you guys take pain meds for? Muscle pain? Stomach pain from indegestion? I dunno, it seems the only pain i get is my stomach, my lower back...and my elbow hehe. I would never consider taking anything other then tylenol for it though. How bad is your pain? I'm kinda intrigued...



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>TheInkDoll</b></i>


Ashley, i am so sorry, your scenario sounds miserable... i hope it gets better. And Christian, that is really weird.

Anyway, weed makes me really paranoid. My hands get really cold and then i convince myself i'm dying. i used to be able to smoke weed no problem, but ever since i graduated from high school, it's a big no for me. i also hate not being in control, and losing track of the time every 5 minutes drives me batty.

i used to get migraines a lot, so, i would take ibuprofen religiously. i think my body is kind of immune to it now, as it takes at least 800mg to do anything at all. i accidentally cut my finger off a few years ago (long drunken story) and they sewed it back on, but the healing was excruciating. They gave me vicodin for that, which helped a little. It kind of made the pain go from horrible to bad. First pic line was my first dose of morphine, and Luke, i am so with you, it is a beautiful thing. My veins are really tiny and they are super over reactive, so they clamp and close in a milli second... which makes pic lines that much more fun. So, when i got pic lines, i got lots of morphine. Eventually they had to do my pics in special procedures and they used some kind of pain killer that i can never remember the name of. That stuff was nuts. It was like they would inject it in my IV, everything would spin and echo and suddenly the lights would look like the Las Vegas strip, and then out. i would wake up in my hospital room. When i was discharged, they would always send me home with percocet, which is my favorite after morphine. Percocet does the trick. It hardly ever makes me nauseus(?) and it gets rid of my pain.

After i got my port put in last December, something new started. See, my port is in a weird place. i wanted it under my arm so that i didn't feel self concious going out with a low cut shirt on. Well, doing the vest while my port is accessed is painful to say the least. SO... Last December, they sent me home on IV morphine. i took 2 mg before a treatment, and 2mg after, every day, 4 times a day, for like two months. At that time i was also on Oramorph (instant oral morphine) and Morphine CR (controled release) and percocet for break through pain. After i stopped my IV meds and my port was de-accessed, the morphine injections stopped. But new pain started.

i don't know if the pain is from taking IV antibiotics so long, or if it's from morphine withdrawl, but my bones start to feel dry and achey. Seriously, it hurts so bad, i can't get out of bed some days. When this happened last December, my Dr. gave me percocet until the pain stopped, so that was another month of it at least. i started seeing a chiropractor to help, which it did a little.

This time, i have this new Dr. since i moved. She sent me home on the IV morphine, and percocet. Now my IVs are over (so goodbye morphine) and that damn pain is back in full swing.

Sometimes i just lay in bed and cry, it hurts so bad. And my lung function is way down too, so my back is killing me. So, my new Dr. gave me percocet to try and help, but when i told her that i might need refills on it, due to how much it hurts, and how long it lasted last time, she said i'm just going to have to deal with it.

So, i'm trying to conserve the ones that i have left... but it's weird. It's like the day will start and i will say, "Grit your teeth and bare it." And i do that for a few hours. But by dinner time, i usually can't stand it anymore, so i take a percocet, and it's like in a matter of moments, i'm a different person... a funner, more energetic, happier person.

So, i don't know what to do... i'm not going to lie, do i like the little head buzz that morphine gives me when it's first injected, of course, do i like the fuzzy feeling i get sometimes with percocet, sure, but aside from fun side effects, i really am in a lot of pain... What should i do?</end quote></div>

I tried percocet once. I used to work with this old server dude from the states that used to do a lot of drugs. Anyways, he gave me some. I have to say i liked the feeling a bit too, but i got way too woozy...not good at work.

Anyways, what kinda pain are we talking about? You described your bones acheing...ok (have you ever had a bone mineral scan? Maybe you are low on calcium). What else do you guys take pain meds for? Muscle pain? Stomach pain from indegestion? I dunno, it seems the only pain i get is my stomach, my lower back...and my elbow hehe. I would never consider taking anything other then tylenol for it though. How bad is your pain? I'm kinda intrigued...



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>TheInkDoll</b></i>


Ashley, i am so sorry, your scenario sounds miserable... i hope it gets better. And Christian, that is really weird.

Anyway, weed makes me really paranoid. My hands get really cold and then i convince myself i'm dying. i used to be able to smoke weed no problem, but ever since i graduated from high school, it's a big no for me. i also hate not being in control, and losing track of the time every 5 minutes drives me batty.

i used to get migraines a lot, so, i would take ibuprofen religiously. i think my body is kind of immune to it now, as it takes at least 800mg to do anything at all. i accidentally cut my finger off a few years ago (long drunken story) and they sewed it back on, but the healing was excruciating. They gave me vicodin for that, which helped a little. It kind of made the pain go from horrible to bad. First pic line was my first dose of morphine, and Luke, i am so with you, it is a beautiful thing. My veins are really tiny and they are super over reactive, so they clamp and close in a milli second... which makes pic lines that much more fun. So, when i got pic lines, i got lots of morphine. Eventually they had to do my pics in special procedures and they used some kind of pain killer that i can never remember the name of. That stuff was nuts. It was like they would inject it in my IV, everything would spin and echo and suddenly the lights would look like the Las Vegas strip, and then out. i would wake up in my hospital room. When i was discharged, they would always send me home with percocet, which is my favorite after morphine. Percocet does the trick. It hardly ever makes me nauseus(?) and it gets rid of my pain.

After i got my port put in last December, something new started. See, my port is in a weird place. i wanted it under my arm so that i didn't feel self concious going out with a low cut shirt on. Well, doing the vest while my port is accessed is painful to say the least. SO... Last December, they sent me home on IV morphine. i took 2 mg before a treatment, and 2mg after, every day, 4 times a day, for like two months. At that time i was also on Oramorph (instant oral morphine) and Morphine CR (controled release) and percocet for break through pain. After i stopped my IV meds and my port was de-accessed, the morphine injections stopped. But new pain started.

i don't know if the pain is from taking IV antibiotics so long, or if it's from morphine withdrawl, but my bones start to feel dry and achey. Seriously, it hurts so bad, i can't get out of bed some days. When this happened last December, my Dr. gave me percocet until the pain stopped, so that was another month of it at least. i started seeing a chiropractor to help, which it did a little.

This time, i have this new Dr. since i moved. She sent me home on the IV morphine, and percocet. Now my IVs are over (so goodbye morphine) and that damn pain is back in full swing.

Sometimes i just lay in bed and cry, it hurts so bad. And my lung function is way down too, so my back is killing me. So, my new Dr. gave me percocet to try and help, but when i told her that i might need refills on it, due to how much it hurts, and how long it lasted last time, she said i'm just going to have to deal with it.

So, i'm trying to conserve the ones that i have left... but it's weird. It's like the day will start and i will say, "Grit your teeth and bare it." And i do that for a few hours. But by dinner time, i usually can't stand it anymore, so i take a percocet, and it's like in a matter of moments, i'm a different person... a funner, more energetic, happier person.

So, i don't know what to do... i'm not going to lie, do i like the little head buzz that morphine gives me when it's first injected, of course, do i like the fuzzy feeling i get sometimes with percocet, sure, but aside from fun side effects, i really am in a lot of pain... What should i do?</end quote></div>

I tried percocet once. I used to work with this old server dude from the states that used to do a lot of drugs. Anyways, he gave me some. I have to say i liked the feeling a bit too, but i got way too woozy...not good at work.

Anyways, what kinda pain are we talking about? You described your bones acheing...ok (have you ever had a bone mineral scan? Maybe you are low on calcium). What else do you guys take pain meds for? Muscle pain? Stomach pain from indegestion? I dunno, it seems the only pain i get is my stomach, my lower back...and my elbow hehe. I would never consider taking anything other then tylenol for it though. How bad is your pain? I'm kinda intrigued...



New member
I don't have any advice but I just wanted to say I COMPLETELY understand about your pain and PICC lines and such. When I went to my Milwaukee doc (same as yours) I have a horrible PICC line experience and two nurses actually quit trying to put it in because they couldn't stand to see someone in so much pain. For some reason, they wouldn't give me any pain medication except tylenol. And now, I have bad back pain where I also just sometimes lie in bed in pain and my doctor says to just deal with it. He says that once I get better lung function wise then the pain will go away.

The thing that bothers me is how can i get better if I can't get out of bed to do anything? I used to take tylenol with codeine but i ran out and my doctor refused to give me more so when i went overseas I stocked up. but now it doesn't work for me anyway.

So I have to "grin and bear it" also. I don't even remember the last time I laughed because it hurts so much. I hope you find something to help you, I know it really sucks to have pain. Good luck!