I think it is nicer to be home also because everything is at my disposal. At my hospital people with CF cannot go into the kitchen, they have to ask a nurse to get them something. Half the time if I have been in the hospital, i am not necessarily that sick, and therefore I am not the nurses first priority and I feel like I am constantly annoying them if all I want is a glass of juice. Luckily the last time I was in I got my own fridge, which made a huge difference.
On another note I jsut need to vent that I started my meds at home last night, Tobramycin, Meropenem, and oral bactrim and zithromax, and i FEEL AWFUL. It sucks so much because I am doing this as a somewhat preventative cleanout: even though my pft's had dropped a little I was feeling fine and my ct scan was fine. And so I went from feeling fine over the holiday too feeling SOOO sick today. I guess it means the meds are working, I always spike a low grade fever on the first or second day of meds...does that happen to anyone else? My doctors always tell me it is a good sign because it means they are attacking the bugs, etc., so judging from how bad I feel I suppose I should be happy.
Caitlin 21 w CF