My daughter is 6 mo old. She weighs 11lbs. She sounds a lot like the other kids on here that I'm reading about. She had an abdominal U/S and the sweat chloride test today. I am anxiously waiting for the dr's office to call. I'm at a loss right now. I have two other small children who have been "shoved aside" for the past six months because "sissy is sick." How do you cope? How do you balance it all? My husband tries and does the best he can. I work 40hrs on the weekend and don't know how I'm going to be able to work if the results come back positive. I am really stressed right now and don't know what to do. I've already gone through the "what I am I doing wrong" phase. Now it's the "what can I do to make her feel better phase." As I type, she is lying in the bed next the computer desk crying like she always does. I just want to find out what's wrong with her so we can take the next step.