penis question....enter with care


New member
OK so this is a really weird topic, but I just have to ask. I have been on IV antibiotics for like 3 weeks now. I think I have a yeast infection but it isn't as bad as usual. So I had sex with my husband and now the head of his penis is red and the skin in peeling off. I am worried about him and it hurts him. So could this be part of a male yeast infection or what? Could it be HPV? I have no idea and I don't want him to hurt but I don't think he could go to a dr about this (he hates dr's).
Any suggestions? Has anyone heard of anything similar to this?
Thanks for listening.
Name with-held


New member
HPV generally doesn't have physical symptoms, especially in men. It can sometimes cause warts, but not often. The only thing it frequently does is cause cervical cancer in women.

It's very possible it's a yeast infection. It may seem weird to us, but it's possible to pass that along to a man.


Hi there,

It's very easy for a candida infection (thrush) to spread from female to male, especially if you've had a flare up being on IVs for three weeks (as we all know, antibiotics are notorious for causing thrush!).

Both partners need to be treated with an anti-fungal medication at the same time to prevent re-infection. Not sure where you're from, here in Australia we can purchase topical anti-fungal creams from a chemist without prescription, so if you can do that where you're from, that would save your partner a trip to the doctor if he's too embarrased. Most creams that treat thrush all contain an anti-fungal ingredient that can be used all over the body (from 'athlete's foot' etc), just check the packaging or ask the pharmacist that the cream you buy can be used in the genital area.

It might be a good idea to get treated yourself even if your symptoms are mild to ensure that you both don't re-infect each other. As for HPV, I'm not an expert, but that usually presents itself as wart like growths anywhere in the genital region, what you described sounds like thrush. Hope you both feel better soon.


New member
Girlfriend No. __'s thrush caused my member the same problems the member in question has. So we dethrushed, then broke up immediately.

(Number withheld for anonymity.)


New member
why did you then break up? it's just a yeast infection. or were there other problems? or it can be none of my business and you can tell me to butt out.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



Someone needs to decode <i>"Girlfriend No. __'s thrush caused my member the same problems the member in question has. So we dethrushed, then broke up immediately"</i> for me here..... I'm 'old' remember? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Women can indeed give men their yeast infections, I should know, it happened to me for a while. My girlfriend from a long time ago had a real bad yeast infection and was fighting it, we had sex and I went to sleep, not thinking it would harm me. Well just rolling over and going to sleep with that funk on me, all warm, and dark, it settled on my upper thigh, like where my stuff would lay on if I was on my side. It presented itself as an EXTREMELY (I mean rediculously so, worst itchiness/tingling/I must scratch it I have ever felt) itchy/tingly red spot about the size of a quarter.

I didn't connect her yeast infection to it, and just thought it was something weird. Well, us guys tend to scratch our jewels often, and apparently I had scratched the red spot a ton and then scratched my scrotum after. It then appeared on my scrotum. After a few days my entire scrotum, a large part of my upper right thigh (nearest my groin), and even my upper left thigh (near my groin) were all fire engine red and ablaze with agitation. I went to see the doctor and he asked me questions, and I told him about her yeast infection and us having sex. He told me that guys can indeed get yeast infections, but instead of internal with women, it's external (few layers of our skin), and can be much worse than what they go through.

He told me to just buy some over the counter yeast infection creams women use to fight it. I did that and it helped, but what we were doing was cross infecting each other due to sex, over and over. Finally we abstained and went nutty with the creams, and it went away for both of us.

So technically, that's my one and only STD I have had. So to answer your question, hell yes guys can get womens yeast infections. If you get a yeast infection, spare the guy a giant chunk of potential misery and don't have sex till it's gone!


New member
Well as we all know yeast infections can travel just about anywhere the mouth can. Many women get them with all antibiotics and it is highly transmissible to other people.

One thing I thought of, one time we had a guy come into the ER for penis pain, and redness, Upon examination, he had a womens hair wrapped around his penis that was cutting off the circulation. We had to snip the string. and he was all better. IF the tip turns blue or totally white it is a medical emergency.. otherwise sounds like a yeast infection.

I know the string around the penis is way more common in newborns.,, we actually keep nair hair remover in stock to ward off those mean nasty hairs that want to stragulate Mr Penis,


New member
I know I want to add to this thread...But I know I should not....I'll only get in trouble..I know to many horrific penis stories....LOL


New member
bawahahahahah Sean... I didn't notice the pun -- very funny!

LB -- to decode for you -- I had a little trouble with that myself, but then decided he is saying girlfriend number (blank) maybe he doesn't remember what number she was? had thrush, that caused his penis (aka member) to have the same symptoms as the poster (member). As for the breaking up immediately -- that doesn't make any sense to me -- yeast infections happen because of a PH imbalance (in many, but not all cases due to the use of antibiotics, killing all the good bacteria along with the bad, so that the yeast numbers are able to grow out of control) "sharing or giving" your yeast infection to your partner would not be a reason to break up -- at least not in my world it wouldn't be.


New member
well i know this guy who was engaging in some fun with his girlfreind... no wait I cant tell you this, its funny but it could really offend


New member
I know that its transferrable, but not being a guy I cant say that a guy having it is worse then a woman is true as what the doctor told Sean...I am assuming that it was a male doctor! HA.....I know having it as a woman is a biatch! Its no fun for anyone put it that way! BUT its alot easier to treat that genital warts or gonoria.....uggg!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Girlfriend No. __'s thrush caused my member the same problems the member in question has. So we dethrushed, then broke up immediately.

(Number withheld for anonymity.)</end quote></div>

I'm just saying... if you are immature enough to break up with someone cuz of a yeast infection, you're too immature to be having sex. No matter how old you are.


New member
To help prevent your husband from getting a yeast infection from you, just have him wash his Penis really well with soap and water after sex, and that should be good, and he will be ok <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
or how about having your husband wear a condom? thats the most sensible soultion. having him wash himself wont do a darn thing. thats like saying you can wash aids away! i cant believe no one has suggested a condom! in fact, i cant believe you even had sex without protection, knowing you had thrush. i thought this was drummed into people in high school?!


New member
The condom may not entirely help. The fungus will grow anywhere dark and warm and wet -- which, directly after sex, could be any number of places in the lower body region (thigh crevice, for example). Simply protecting the penis <i>will</i> protect the penis, but won't entirely protect this type of infection.

Soap and water, and OTC antifungals. It is a bitch to deal with, but easier than a lot of things.


New member
How crazy. I just wish I had been told about the proper way to handle a yeast infection. When my penis got infected, I had no choice but to shoot it up with some novacain that I had bought from a shady friend, and surgically remove my member.

Well kids, live and learn. Seek medical attention before taking drastic measures. It could save your sex life and most importantly your member.