Jenny, Thanks so much for your information. I'm afraid we've waited to long on this one and they can't do the surgery until June 25 because the doctor only does surgery once a month. That kind of makes me mad. So, Sam is uncomfortable and has to suffer for two months because the doctor only operates one day a month. I am going to take him to Nashville and see if I can get the sinus surgery sooner. The pulmonologist called us back today and he says that yes, the ENT seems to be jumping the gun. They should do a culture when he gets the surgery, and the only one you would need a PICC line for is pseudomonas. The pulmonologist doesn't think that it is PA because that is not showing in his throat cultures. So, I thought people might want to know, if your ENT jumps to PICC line, it may not be the best choice. Jenny, do you have any advice for how to keep Sam healthy until we can get him surgery? I am terrified the bacteria will move from the sinus cavity to the lungs. I do not like that the ENT said that nothing can be done to prevent sinus problems.