Picc Line for sinus problems?


New member
I think my last post was too long. I wanted to post again. Has anyone ever heard of a picc line for sinus issues? The doctor is 99% sure that Sam is culturing something in his nose, but not currently in his lungs. He wants to do sinus surgery and a picc line at the same time. I don't want his nose to be filled with bacteria, but I am worried about a picc line at age 3? Thank you so much, rosesixtyfive


New member
What do you usually do when you think bacteria is growing in the nose? Would love to hear other ways people have dealt with this?


Staff member
What do you usually do when you think bacteria is growing in the nose? Would love to hear other ways people have dealt with this?
I guess if he's so sure there's bacteria growing in his sinuses, I'd have the ENT run a culture before proceeding. Has he done a scope or a CT scan yet. My BIL and FIL (no cf) have horrible sinus issues and have had cultures done. my BIL actually had a pocket of mold growing in one of his sinuses.


New member
OK so I have read through both of your posts. I don't want to totally knock what the dr has says because he has seen your kiddo and I haven't...but I kinda disagree with jumping right into a PICC line. I totally agree with Ratatosk. Get with ENT and have them culture to see what he is growing and what oral antibiotic would work for what ever he is growing. And sinus rinses are your best friend when it comes to getting rid of sinus infections along with a nasal steroid. Abby had I think 10 sinus surgeries and that was all before she was 6, but she had to have surgery and in fact we waited too long on a few and caused worse problems. So she was having sinus surgery every 3 months because her polyps were coming back with avengence each time. Finally we ended up using Prednisone before and after....sinus rinses twice a day or less if not symptoms improve....nasal steroid every night...singular and zyrtec daily...and we also went the extra mile and put in a whole house HEPA filter with a UV light.....I truly believe that all of these have been our life savers!! Knock on wood we haven't had any more major drama with her sinus' for the last 2 years. If I were you I would go to your ENT armed with this information and ask them to do a sinus CT to see how bad his polyps are if he has any before getting surgery and especially the PICC which is probably unnecessary....cause I'm betting that once they find out what bacteria to treat an oral antibiotic will knock it out especially if they do end up doing sinus surgery because that will get rid of the polyps that are holding the bacteria in the sinus passages. But for sure bring this up with your ENT. Hope this helps :) And I hope your little man gets better soon!!!


New member
Jenny, Thanks so much for your information. I'm afraid we've waited to long on this one and they can't do the surgery until June 25 because the doctor only does surgery once a month. That kind of makes me mad. So, Sam is uncomfortable and has to suffer for two months because the doctor only operates one day a month. I am going to take him to Nashville and see if I can get the sinus surgery sooner. The pulmonologist called us back today and he says that yes, the ENT seems to be jumping the gun. They should do a culture when he gets the surgery, and the only one you would need a PICC line for is pseudomonas. The pulmonologist doesn't think that it is PA because that is not showing in his throat cultures. So, I thought people might want to know, if your ENT jumps to PICC line, it may not be the best choice. Jenny, do you have any advice for how to keep Sam healthy until we can get him surgery? I am terrified the bacteria will move from the sinus cavity to the lungs. I do not like that the ENT said that nothing can be done to prevent sinus problems.


New member
Lena Bean, I think it was just saying we didn't need to rush for a PICC line with a sinus infection. If it is pseudomonas growing in his nose, a PICC line would be the only thing that work in that scenario, but there are other bacteria that grow in the nose where an oral antibiotic would be an acceptable treatment.


New member
Sorry I have had trouble logging in and viewing here lately but Ennio was sweet enough to help me out today :) Yes Abby has had plenty of PICC lines that she did not have PA for but I think they were just meaning they are jumping the gun. As for the surgery being 2 months out...I highly disagree with that. We waited too long and it caused major irreversible problems that she will have to live with for the rest of her life!! I'm not saying that it will happen to you if you wait but I wouldn't want to find out nor would I put your sweetie through the agony of waiting...if you can find someone else that is familiar with CF to do it sooner I would. And also don't forget to ask them about the Prednisone before and after. It helped Abby so much!! There was less bleeding during and after surgery and also the swelling was way better...and the swelling we finally figured out was causing more polyps to grow back. I am so so sorry you are going through this!! The sooner you get in the better your baby will be able to breathe, the infection will probably go away as it has no where to hide under the polyps and he will feel so much better and you won't have to worry about other things happening. You can PM me anytime and I'll help anyway I can.