I had a scary PICC experience recently, and was wondering if this has happened to any of you. (FYI - Out of all the stuff us CFers have to do, for me, getting a picc is one of my least favorite. I have a hard time when its placed and a few times I was so upset my veins colapsed(?) and they had to come the next day. Once its in and also removed I am fine. I have no logical explaination why its so hard for me, but I figure in the grand sceme of things that is small.)
<P> With all that being said...</P>
<P>After a hospital stay for a tune up, I came home with my PICC that was placed the last day I was in. So about a 6 days later I could not get it to flush. No big deal, I called home health. Nothing they asked me to do worked, so the next day they came to help. The brought Cathflo and worked on it for a long while and could not get it to work. While she was working on it I had these weird sounds in my ear when she would try to flush it- not sure how to explain it other then it sounded like fast bubbles or a strange clicking noise. Eventually they sent me to the ER. After and xray I was told the end of the line (close to my heart backed up and coiled in my corrotic (sp?) artery. The PICC nurse came to see me and said that happens to 1% of the population. He said if he replaced it in that arm he could not promise it would not happen again. There was no way I was going through another one for 4 or 5 more days of meds. I talked to my pulm. specialist and we decided to have it pulled. (By that time I was just out done).</P>
<P>I have had about 8 piccs placed in the last 9 yrs and once they get it in it has been fine and easy to do my medicines and all. The only issue has been most of them would not do blood draws. </P>
<P> I dont know if this would have made a difference but they did not have me use heperin this time, said the new piccs didnt need it. My Dr said that alot of them have been getting clotted lately, and I am sure after this ordeal, he will address the heperin situation for sure.</P>
<P>I am sure you some of you are wondering, why not get a port? My hospitalizations/picc lines are not frequent enough for me to consider that yet. </P>
<P>I am curious to know if this has happened to any of you? Thanks.</P>
<P> With all that being said...</P>
<P>After a hospital stay for a tune up, I came home with my PICC that was placed the last day I was in. So about a 6 days later I could not get it to flush. No big deal, I called home health. Nothing they asked me to do worked, so the next day they came to help. The brought Cathflo and worked on it for a long while and could not get it to work. While she was working on it I had these weird sounds in my ear when she would try to flush it- not sure how to explain it other then it sounded like fast bubbles or a strange clicking noise. Eventually they sent me to the ER. After and xray I was told the end of the line (close to my heart backed up and coiled in my corrotic (sp?) artery. The PICC nurse came to see me and said that happens to 1% of the population. He said if he replaced it in that arm he could not promise it would not happen again. There was no way I was going through another one for 4 or 5 more days of meds. I talked to my pulm. specialist and we decided to have it pulled. (By that time I was just out done).</P>
<P>I have had about 8 piccs placed in the last 9 yrs and once they get it in it has been fine and easy to do my medicines and all. The only issue has been most of them would not do blood draws. </P>
<P> I dont know if this would have made a difference but they did not have me use heperin this time, said the new piccs didnt need it. My Dr said that alot of them have been getting clotted lately, and I am sure after this ordeal, he will address the heperin situation for sure.</P>
<P>I am sure you some of you are wondering, why not get a port? My hospitalizations/picc lines are not frequent enough for me to consider that yet. </P>
<P>I am curious to know if this has happened to any of you? Thanks.</P>