PICC Lines


New member
I hate getting picc lines...they TERRIFY me. I hate getting them put in, I cry throughout the whole thing! See i am very weird. Shots don't bother me at all. Blood tests and picc lines do. It has something to do with where the needles are placed in the middle of my arm, I just HATE it. Is there something else you can get, or put the picc line in a place other than the middle of your arm, like your hand? If there is...TELL ME!I must sound like such a baby...but everyone's afraid of something i guess.


New member
I hate getting picc lines...they TERRIFY me. I hate getting them put in, I cry throughout the whole thing! See i am very weird. Shots don't bother me at all. Blood tests and picc lines do. It has something to do with where the needles are placed in the middle of my arm, I just HATE it. Is there something else you can get, or put the picc line in a place other than the middle of your arm, like your hand? If there is...TELL ME!I must sound like such a baby...but everyone's afraid of something i guess.


New member
I hate getting picc lines...they TERRIFY me. I hate getting them put in, I cry throughout the whole thing! See i am very weird. Shots don't bother me at all. Blood tests and picc lines do. It has something to do with where the needles are placed in the middle of my arm, I just HATE it. Is there something else you can get, or put the picc line in a place other than the middle of your arm, like your hand? If there is...TELL ME!I must sound like such a baby...but everyone's afraid of something i guess.


New member
I hate getting picc lines...they TERRIFY me. I hate getting them put in, I cry throughout the whole thing! See i am very weird. Shots don't bother me at all. Blood tests and picc lines do. It has something to do with where the needles are placed in the middle of my arm, I just HATE it. Is there something else you can get, or put the picc line in a place other than the middle of your arm, like your hand? If there is...TELL ME!I must sound like such a baby...but everyone's afraid of something i guess.


New member
I hate getting picc lines...they TERRIFY me. I hate getting them put in, I cry throughout the whole thing! See i am very weird. Shots don't bother me at all. Blood tests and picc lines do. It has something to do with where the needles are placed in the middle of my arm, I just HATE it. Is there something else you can get, or put the picc line in a place other than the middle of your arm, like your hand? If there is...TELL ME!I must sound like such a baby...but everyone's afraid of something i guess.


New member
I don't think you're being a baby at all. I've gotten a pic-line 3 times and I cried for 2 of them (the third time I was so drugged on pain killers and that numbing stuff that I don't even remember actually getting it put in) but I know what you mean about getting it in the arm, it is really uncomfortable and kinda weird feeling, but i'm not sure if there is any other place they can put it because I know that it's suppose to go up to your heart so the anti-biotics get through your body faster. But this last time I got one I was having bad headaches and was taking hydrocorsone (I don't think thats spelled right lol) and then on top of that they gave me that medicine that makes you kinda out of it...so with both of those I just sort of fell asleep and didn't feel anything. So I don't know.. maybe you can ask for an extra pain killer or something so you don't feel it as much? Sorry I'm not of much help but thats just my experience with pic-lines..I hope it gets easier for you though! stay strong!


New member
I don't think you're being a baby at all. I've gotten a pic-line 3 times and I cried for 2 of them (the third time I was so drugged on pain killers and that numbing stuff that I don't even remember actually getting it put in) but I know what you mean about getting it in the arm, it is really uncomfortable and kinda weird feeling, but i'm not sure if there is any other place they can put it because I know that it's suppose to go up to your heart so the anti-biotics get through your body faster. But this last time I got one I was having bad headaches and was taking hydrocorsone (I don't think thats spelled right lol) and then on top of that they gave me that medicine that makes you kinda out of it...so with both of those I just sort of fell asleep and didn't feel anything. So I don't know.. maybe you can ask for an extra pain killer or something so you don't feel it as much? Sorry I'm not of much help but thats just my experience with pic-lines..I hope it gets easier for you though! stay strong!


New member
I don't think you're being a baby at all. I've gotten a pic-line 3 times and I cried for 2 of them (the third time I was so drugged on pain killers and that numbing stuff that I don't even remember actually getting it put in) but I know what you mean about getting it in the arm, it is really uncomfortable and kinda weird feeling, but i'm not sure if there is any other place they can put it because I know that it's suppose to go up to your heart so the anti-biotics get through your body faster. But this last time I got one I was having bad headaches and was taking hydrocorsone (I don't think thats spelled right lol) and then on top of that they gave me that medicine that makes you kinda out of it...so with both of those I just sort of fell asleep and didn't feel anything. So I don't know.. maybe you can ask for an extra pain killer or something so you don't feel it as much? Sorry I'm not of much help but thats just my experience with pic-lines..I hope it gets easier for you though! stay strong!


New member
I don't think you're being a baby at all. I've gotten a pic-line 3 times and I cried for 2 of them (the third time I was so drugged on pain killers and that numbing stuff that I don't even remember actually getting it put in) but I know what you mean about getting it in the arm, it is really uncomfortable and kinda weird feeling, but i'm not sure if there is any other place they can put it because I know that it's suppose to go up to your heart so the anti-biotics get through your body faster. But this last time I got one I was having bad headaches and was taking hydrocorsone (I don't think thats spelled right lol) and then on top of that they gave me that medicine that makes you kinda out of it...so with both of those I just sort of fell asleep and didn't feel anything. So I don't know.. maybe you can ask for an extra pain killer or something so you don't feel it as much? Sorry I'm not of much help but thats just my experience with pic-lines..I hope it gets easier for you though! stay strong!


New member
I don't think you're being a baby at all. I've gotten a pic-line 3 times and I cried for 2 of them (the third time I was so drugged on pain killers and that numbing stuff that I don't even remember actually getting it put in) but I know what you mean about getting it in the arm, it is really uncomfortable and kinda weird feeling, but i'm not sure if there is any other place they can put it because I know that it's suppose to go up to your heart so the anti-biotics get through your body faster. But this last time I got one I was having bad headaches and was taking hydrocorsone (I don't think thats spelled right lol) and then on top of that they gave me that medicine that makes you kinda out of it...so with both of those I just sort of fell asleep and didn't feel anything. So I don't know.. maybe you can ask for an extra pain killer or something so you don't feel it as much? Sorry I'm not of much help but thats just my experience with pic-lines..I hope it gets easier for you though! stay strong!


New member
Your not being a baby at all getting picc lines do hurt.I use to get them so much cuz i would b in the hospital every 1-4 weeks.So if your in the hospital a lot and hate getting picc lines u should bring up porta-caths...or a port w/e to ur doctors because who likes getting stuck in the arm.To get a port is just minor surgery really nothing at all ive had 3 tottal they jus stay there in ur chest or where ever they decide to put it and after awhile it dont hurt at all to get stuck there.


New member
Your not being a baby at all getting picc lines do hurt.I use to get them so much cuz i would b in the hospital every 1-4 weeks.So if your in the hospital a lot and hate getting picc lines u should bring up porta-caths...or a port w/e to ur doctors because who likes getting stuck in the arm.To get a port is just minor surgery really nothing at all ive had 3 tottal they jus stay there in ur chest or where ever they decide to put it and after awhile it dont hurt at all to get stuck there.


New member
Your not being a baby at all getting picc lines do hurt.I use to get them so much cuz i would b in the hospital every 1-4 weeks.So if your in the hospital a lot and hate getting picc lines u should bring up porta-caths...or a port w/e to ur doctors because who likes getting stuck in the arm.To get a port is just minor surgery really nothing at all ive had 3 tottal they jus stay there in ur chest or where ever they decide to put it and after awhile it dont hurt at all to get stuck there.


New member
Your not being a baby at all getting picc lines do hurt.I use to get them so much cuz i would b in the hospital every 1-4 weeks.So if your in the hospital a lot and hate getting picc lines u should bring up porta-caths...or a port w/e to ur doctors because who likes getting stuck in the arm.To get a port is just minor surgery really nothing at all ive had 3 tottal they jus stay there in ur chest or where ever they decide to put it and after awhile it dont hurt at all to get stuck there.


New member
Your not being a baby at all getting picc lines do hurt.I use to get them so much cuz i would b in the hospital every 1-4 weeks.So if your in the hospital a lot and hate getting picc lines u should bring up porta-caths...or a port w/e to ur doctors because who likes getting stuck in the arm.To get a port is just minor surgery really nothing at all ive had 3 tottal they jus stay there in ur chest or where ever they decide to put it and after awhile it dont hurt at all to get stuck there.


New member
Hey My name is Jamie.
I've had my share of getting picc lines. When I was about 11 I asked if there was any other way to getting then. Well there was ... What they do to me now is when im sick and I need one I go to the hospital and get a regular iv in my hand. The next day they have me go to the o.r where they give me laughing gas and something in my iv to put me to sleep so i wont feel the picc line going in or anything. i wake up with it in my arm. it works great because i would get very scared and tense up to the point it would get to my shoulder and wouldnt turn. ask your doctor about going to the o.r and getting them put in. its alot easier and alot more calming. its a piece of cake in the o.r . ive had about 10 or so done in the o.r and they work great and i didnt feel a thing. try it next time ur in the hospital.


New member
Hey My name is Jamie.
I've had my share of getting picc lines. When I was about 11 I asked if there was any other way to getting then. Well there was ... What they do to me now is when im sick and I need one I go to the hospital and get a regular iv in my hand. The next day they have me go to the o.r where they give me laughing gas and something in my iv to put me to sleep so i wont feel the picc line going in or anything. i wake up with it in my arm. it works great because i would get very scared and tense up to the point it would get to my shoulder and wouldnt turn. ask your doctor about going to the o.r and getting them put in. its alot easier and alot more calming. its a piece of cake in the o.r . ive had about 10 or so done in the o.r and they work great and i didnt feel a thing. try it next time ur in the hospital.


New member
Hey My name is Jamie.
I've had my share of getting picc lines. When I was about 11 I asked if there was any other way to getting then. Well there was ... What they do to me now is when im sick and I need one I go to the hospital and get a regular iv in my hand. The next day they have me go to the o.r where they give me laughing gas and something in my iv to put me to sleep so i wont feel the picc line going in or anything. i wake up with it in my arm. it works great because i would get very scared and tense up to the point it would get to my shoulder and wouldnt turn. ask your doctor about going to the o.r and getting them put in. its alot easier and alot more calming. its a piece of cake in the o.r . ive had about 10 or so done in the o.r and they work great and i didnt feel a thing. try it next time ur in the hospital.


New member
Hey My name is Jamie.
I've had my share of getting picc lines. When I was about 11 I asked if there was any other way to getting then. Well there was ... What they do to me now is when im sick and I need one I go to the hospital and get a regular iv in my hand. The next day they have me go to the o.r where they give me laughing gas and something in my iv to put me to sleep so i wont feel the picc line going in or anything. i wake up with it in my arm. it works great because i would get very scared and tense up to the point it would get to my shoulder and wouldnt turn. ask your doctor about going to the o.r and getting them put in. its alot easier and alot more calming. its a piece of cake in the o.r . ive had about 10 or so done in the o.r and they work great and i didnt feel a thing. try it next time ur in the hospital.


New member
Hey My name is Jamie.
<br />I've had my share of getting picc lines. When I was about 11 I asked if there was any other way to getting then. Well there was ... What they do to me now is when im sick and I need one I go to the hospital and get a regular iv in my hand. The next day they have me go to the o.r where they give me laughing gas and something in my iv to put me to sleep so i wont feel the picc line going in or anything. i wake up with it in my arm. it works great because i would get very scared and tense up to the point it would get to my shoulder and wouldnt turn. ask your doctor about going to the o.r and getting them put in. its alot easier and alot more calming. its a piece of cake in the o.r . ive had about 10 or so done in the o.r and they work great and i didnt feel a thing. try it next time ur in the hospital.