Pics - Let's see 'em


New member
I saw on the Adult section that people were posting pics of themselves. I thought it would be nice if us proud family members could post some pics of our beloved CFers. So, here goes...

Neil's the big one, Sean's the little one and the floating head is our dog Yukon swimming in Lake Huron.


New member
I can't pick one, and besides, I have a bunch of kids so I'm going to post a All the ones I have on my computer are 1-2 years old so they've changed a bit, but not too much.

The pics of the girls are at a dress up B-Day party so they are a little overdone... but they had a ball.

Kyle is 12 (will be 13 in a week)
Kaitlyn is 10
Jacob is 7
Andrew is 6
Kacie is 6

Both girls have CF


New member
Okay, my kids aren't Cfers...yet. But, they are precious.


Sarah, 5yrs; Leila, 2 1/2yrs ??CF; Jonathan, 4mos. ??CF


ok it will not let me attach my pictures.... Oh well, i guess i will figure it out


New member
I'm trying too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I've been talking to many of you for well over a year now & it would be so much fun to share pics. If anyone is an expert at this, I'd love to know how to do it! lol....



New member
I'm not sure if you are trying to use this program to add your pics or if you are trying to use another outside program. If you look at the post "attaching a picture file to your message" dated 9-14-05 and follow those directions it's pretty simple. One thing is that you have to be logged in. I couldn't get the option to attach a file and finally realized I was not logged in. Once I logged in it worked like a dream.


New member
Well, I finally logged in with an official name - it's about time! I've sent tons of attachments before, but for the life of me, I can't find where to attach them on this board (and I read the other thread....). Where specifically do I find where to attach it when I reply?? Thanks - <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">



New member
Are you sure you're logged in? You're still showing anonymous... That may be the problem. What should happen is once you're logged in and you are replying to a message, right under the "reply to topic" "preview" "cancel" options, you will see the attachments box. Hope it works for ya... Good luck.


New member
testing......I just logged in supposedly.....clicked on forums & logged in and still nothing - no attachment option. What am I doing wrong? I think I had a similar problem before & that was the reason I posted w/o logging in.....grrrr......



New member
I'll report the problem to the moderator for you, do you have an email address or better yet-what is the user name you are trying to log in as??? It clearly isn't working because you are still showing up as anonymous.


New member

I'm trying to log in as "bono40" for my username. I don't know why it's not working. Thanks for reporting it - hopefully I'll figure it out soon.



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Julie,

I'm trying to log in as "bono40" for my username. I don't know why it's not working. Thanks for reporting it - hopefully I'll figure it out soon.

Hi Carey,

I e-mailed instructions to you, let me know if it helps.


New member
Here is our group picture. Like so many, I usually take all of the pictures, so our most recent group is over a year old!


New member
OK, I got the email and I officially logged in so I'm typing this to see if my username comes up.... I still don't see a place to add attachments though. I'm looking right next to "reply to topic", preview, cancel, etc. - Carey


New member
Carey, you still are being listed as an anonymous user. I don't know what's wrong?

PS: Bono was on the cover of the NY Times Magazine this Sunday--- you should try to get your hands on it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Carey, you still are being listed as an anonymous user. I don't know what's wrong?

PS: Bono was on the cover of the NY Times Magazine this Sunday--- you should try to get your hands on it

Hi Coll - I have NO idea what I'm doing wrong. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I keep logging in...and nothing. I've emailed the administrator again so we'll figure it out soon hopefully. Thanks for the info on Bono! I had no idea he was on the cover - I collect every piece of the man that I can find. lol. Have you seen any shows yet?? I'll be seeing them in November and December - can't wait! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Carey


This was taken last year for Michaels wish (to meet Matt Sundin from the Maple Leafs) The tall one is my eldest David (without cf) and my twins Michael and Branden (with cf). As well as Matt Sundin and Ty Domi. Hope this works.


New member
Wow it took me forever to figure out how to make the photo small enough! Here is a picture of my children Avery and Rhett. Avery is 2 yrs old w/CF and Rhett is 7mos. and just a carrier. This photo is a couple of months old so they both have grown since. They wear the same size diapers!!!!

Lynsey- Mom to Avery and Rhett