Please respond ASAP!


New member
I am sitting here waiting on the results of my son's sweat test. I was told that my doctor could call today to get the results instead of waiting for them to be mailed. I called the nurse around 9:30 to see if she would call. She has not called me back yet. I am a nervous wreck. Of course I feel now that it is positive and they are waiting for the doctor to have time to call me instead of her calling. I know this may not be true but I am panicing.

I want to know if any of you have children who look absolutly healthy. My son is very active, plays alot, very smart, does well in daycare (not that CF children don't, I'm just saying how he is). The only problems he's had is chronic sinus infections, RSV and ear infections (tubes placed 12/2005). His peediatrician and the guy who did the test feel confident that he looks to healthy to have CF. The ENT ordered the test.

Can someone please make me feel like my baby is going to be OK.


New member
I am sitting here waiting on the results of my son's sweat test. I was told that my doctor could call today to get the results instead of waiting for them to be mailed. I called the nurse around 9:30 to see if she would call. She has not called me back yet. I am a nervous wreck. Of course I feel now that it is positive and they are waiting for the doctor to have time to call me instead of her calling. I know this may not be true but I am panicing.

I want to know if any of you have children who look absolutly healthy. My son is very active, plays alot, very smart, does well in daycare (not that CF children don't, I'm just saying how he is). The only problems he's had is chronic sinus infections, RSV and ear infections (tubes placed 12/2005). His peediatrician and the guy who did the test feel confident that he looks to healthy to have CF. The ENT ordered the test.

Can someone please make me feel like my baby is going to be OK.


New member
I am sitting here waiting on the results of my son's sweat test. I was told that my doctor could call today to get the results instead of waiting for them to be mailed. I called the nurse around 9:30 to see if she would call. She has not called me back yet. I am a nervous wreck. Of course I feel now that it is positive and they are waiting for the doctor to have time to call me instead of her calling. I know this may not be true but I am panicing.

I want to know if any of you have children who look absolutly healthy. My son is very active, plays alot, very smart, does well in daycare (not that CF children don't, I'm just saying how he is). The only problems he's had is chronic sinus infections, RSV and ear infections (tubes placed 12/2005). His peediatrician and the guy who did the test feel confident that he looks to healthy to have CF. The ENT ordered the test.

Can someone please make me feel like my baby is going to be OK.


New member
I hope your baby will be okay, but I'm not going to lie to you. I was a healthy-looking child when I was younger. Chubby, happy, running around, talkative, in daycare, smart, etc etc. It's possible he does. I will hope he doesn't. Let us know.


New member
I hope your baby will be okay, but I'm not going to lie to you. I was a healthy-looking child when I was younger. Chubby, happy, running around, talkative, in daycare, smart, etc etc. It's possible he does. I will hope he doesn't. Let us know.


New member
I hope your baby will be okay, but I'm not going to lie to you. I was a healthy-looking child when I was younger. Chubby, happy, running around, talkative, in daycare, smart, etc etc. It's possible he does. I will hope he doesn't. Let us know.


New member
I had meconium ileus when I was born (blockage of the first bowel movement), and it had to be surgically removed when I was 2 days old. I consequently had a sweat test when I was 6 months old (they couldn't do them in babies any younger back in 1984, so I had to wait), but the meconium ileus pretty much told them I had CF.


New member
I had meconium ileus when I was born (blockage of the first bowel movement), and it had to be surgically removed when I was 2 days old. I consequently had a sweat test when I was 6 months old (they couldn't do them in babies any younger back in 1984, so I had to wait), but the meconium ileus pretty much told them I had CF.


New member
I had meconium ileus when I was born (blockage of the first bowel movement), and it had to be surgically removed when I was 2 days old. I consequently had a sweat test when I was 6 months old (they couldn't do them in babies any younger back in 1984, so I had to wait), but the meconium ileus pretty much told them I had CF.


New member
I also was healthy looking & wasnt dx until I was 7. Even tho my problems at the time were digestive (all the pooping led to the testing), I was able to "hold my own" with the weight. So I never looke sickly!


New member
I also was healthy looking & wasnt dx until I was 7. Even tho my problems at the time were digestive (all the pooping led to the testing), I was able to "hold my own" with the weight. So I never looke sickly!


New member
I also was healthy looking & wasnt dx until I was 7. Even tho my problems at the time were digestive (all the pooping led to the testing), I was able to "hold my own" with the weight. So I never looke sickly!


New member
you are not alone!! I am going through the SAME thing right now. I just put in a call to my dr and waiting for a response right now. I too am nervous! I just want some answeres in my case. If it is positive, it answers SO many questions about my sons health problems for last 8 years. if its negagive we are back to square 1.
unlike your son, my Trystin has so many health problems with low immune system etc and has been sick so much that we actually have had to pull him from public school. The nurse that did the sweat test yesterday was annoyed my son hasnt been in for sweat test years ago, and says he has a lot of the symptoms. I am hoping and praying for you that your son will be fine! I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this! we will wait and stress together how that sound? LOL
The way I see it... even if they are positive for it.. at least the drs will know how to start treating them, and with todays technology, kids have much better chances for longer more fufilling lives! We are mothers and we are strong for our babies! You will pull thru all this no matter what the results!!
Hang in there!!! and GLGLGL


New member
you are not alone!! I am going through the SAME thing right now. I just put in a call to my dr and waiting for a response right now. I too am nervous! I just want some answeres in my case. If it is positive, it answers SO many questions about my sons health problems for last 8 years. if its negagive we are back to square 1.
unlike your son, my Trystin has so many health problems with low immune system etc and has been sick so much that we actually have had to pull him from public school. The nurse that did the sweat test yesterday was annoyed my son hasnt been in for sweat test years ago, and says he has a lot of the symptoms. I am hoping and praying for you that your son will be fine! I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this! we will wait and stress together how that sound? LOL
The way I see it... even if they are positive for it.. at least the drs will know how to start treating them, and with todays technology, kids have much better chances for longer more fufilling lives! We are mothers and we are strong for our babies! You will pull thru all this no matter what the results!!
Hang in there!!! and GLGLGL


New member
you are not alone!! I am going through the SAME thing right now. I just put in a call to my dr and waiting for a response right now. I too am nervous! I just want some answeres in my case. If it is positive, it answers SO many questions about my sons health problems for last 8 years. if its negagive we are back to square 1.
unlike your son, my Trystin has so many health problems with low immune system etc and has been sick so much that we actually have had to pull him from public school. The nurse that did the sweat test yesterday was annoyed my son hasnt been in for sweat test years ago, and says he has a lot of the symptoms. I am hoping and praying for you that your son will be fine! I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this! we will wait and stress together how that sound? LOL
The way I see it... even if they are positive for it.. at least the drs will know how to start treating them, and with todays technology, kids have much better chances for longer more fufilling lives! We are mothers and we are strong for our babies! You will pull thru all this no matter what the results!!
Hang in there!!! and GLGLGL


New member
You have every right to be uptight, but the main thing is to stay calm, for your child. They pick up on everything we do and our attitude towards adversity is how they learn to handle adversity.
The day after my daughter had her first sweat test, I did the same thing, I called the hospital looking for answers because I was nautious from anticipation. The nurse is not qualified to give that information out, whether it is positive or not. Doctors are always busy, as you know, so you will probably get a call after lunchbreak or at the end of the day. If your child's test is positive, not much is going to happen between now and 5:00. Keep yourself distracted, and eventually they will call you. Sweat test results are usually pretty quick, so if you don't get a call today, being Friday, you're probably allright.
As for children looking healthy, that describes my daughter to a T. She seemed to always present as an asthmatic, runny nose, cough going to chest, ate very well (which was because of her insufficient pancreas, she managed to keep up by eating alot), normal weight and very vivacious and energetic. She keeps her two brothers hopping. In fact her CF doc asked me how I ever suspected there was a problem.
That's the kind of stuff only a mother notices. She never had normal bowel movements, constant snot problems, a bit of a distended belly, very dry skin, salty taste when kissed, always wants to drink, sweats more than normal. She had all the classic signs except a failure to thrive, so we were always brushed off. I didn't realize she fell into this category until I educated myself a bit. My advice would be to write down a list of the little things that you never thought of, they might add up to something more.


New member
You have every right to be uptight, but the main thing is to stay calm, for your child. They pick up on everything we do and our attitude towards adversity is how they learn to handle adversity.
The day after my daughter had her first sweat test, I did the same thing, I called the hospital looking for answers because I was nautious from anticipation. The nurse is not qualified to give that information out, whether it is positive or not. Doctors are always busy, as you know, so you will probably get a call after lunchbreak or at the end of the day. If your child's test is positive, not much is going to happen between now and 5:00. Keep yourself distracted, and eventually they will call you. Sweat test results are usually pretty quick, so if you don't get a call today, being Friday, you're probably allright.
As for children looking healthy, that describes my daughter to a T. She seemed to always present as an asthmatic, runny nose, cough going to chest, ate very well (which was because of her insufficient pancreas, she managed to keep up by eating alot), normal weight and very vivacious and energetic. She keeps her two brothers hopping. In fact her CF doc asked me how I ever suspected there was a problem.
That's the kind of stuff only a mother notices. She never had normal bowel movements, constant snot problems, a bit of a distended belly, very dry skin, salty taste when kissed, always wants to drink, sweats more than normal. She had all the classic signs except a failure to thrive, so we were always brushed off. I didn't realize she fell into this category until I educated myself a bit. My advice would be to write down a list of the little things that you never thought of, they might add up to something more.