I was wondering if anyone else has plugged sweatglands and have any luck with getting the cleaned out and working somewhat normal again. I am in the hospital getting a tune-up. While here I had another hot flash and almost passed out. My temp dropped to 94.9 while this happened. I have been trying to figure this out for over 2 years. My back started to hurt so I asked for a heating pad. I woke up the next morning and felt cooler. So I started to experiment and found out if I start to sweat I cooldown. I heated up this afternoon and timed myself to see how long it took to cool down. So i covered up and started to sweat alot and it took 40 minuted to cool down. Any help would be greatful as the docters here said it is part of cf and you have to live with it.I dont want to just live with it. THANKS