polyup surgery... again


New member
I too had numerous polyp surgeries, I believe 6. They were all pretty standard quick procedures, but it's still surgery. After the last one I had allot of troubles waking up from the anesthesia. This alarmed my Dr. and my family. Then the time came once again for them to be removed. I was then sent to Sick Kids (Toronto, ON) and had them removed through my gums. It was a success, I've never had to have another polyp surgery again. I have two nasty scars inside on my upper gums, both sides, but no one can see. I hope your sugery goes well.


New member
I too had numerous polyp surgeries, I believe 6. They were all pretty standard quick procedures, but it's still surgery. After the last one I had allot of troubles waking up from the anesthesia. This alarmed my Dr. and my family. Then the time came once again for them to be removed. I was then sent to Sick Kids (Toronto, ON) and had them removed through my gums. It was a success, I've never had to have another polyp surgery again. I have two nasty scars inside on my upper gums, both sides, but no one can see. I hope your sugery goes well.


I can't recall how young I was when I had mine...maybe around 6 or 7...I do recall wanting to keep them in a jar though after the surgery to take them home...my "wisdom" told me that if the tooth fairy left $1..the polyup fairy must leave at least a twenty! After my father and the doctor both said (at the same time) "Oh God that is gross!" I knew the plan wasn't going to work! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


I can't recall how young I was when I had mine...maybe around 6 or 7...I do recall wanting to keep them in a jar though after the surgery to take them home...my "wisdom" told me that if the tooth fairy left $1..the polyup fairy must leave at least a twenty! After my father and the doctor both said (at the same time) "Oh God that is gross!" I knew the plan wasn't going to work! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
haha... i tend to tell really funny stories while im falling and waking up from sleep....

i've made up numerous versus to "night night don't let the bed bugs bite..."
and one time the doctors were asking my parents what TV i liked, and they said "M*A*S*H" and were talking about a character that they couldnt remember, and i go "WINCHESTER!" i was supposed to be asleep!

we'lll see what happens this time around!


New member
haha... i tend to tell really funny stories while im falling and waking up from sleep....

i've made up numerous versus to "night night don't let the bed bugs bite..."
and one time the doctors were asking my parents what TV i liked, and they said "M*A*S*H" and were talking about a character that they couldnt remember, and i go "WINCHESTER!" i was supposed to be asleep!

we'lll see what happens this time around!


New member
Hey Kate

I was wondering if maybe you can tell me what its like. I have just had a ct scan and they called me back saying I had chronic sinusitus and 2 polyps, and I would probably need surgery. Chronic sinusitus to the point my bone structure in my sinus's is changing.

Chad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey Kate

I was wondering if maybe you can tell me what its like. I have just had a ct scan and they called me back saying I had chronic sinusitus and 2 polyps, and I would probably need surgery. Chronic sinusitus to the point my bone structure in my sinus's is changing.

Chad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey Chad,

its just where they go into your nose, and take out the polyups. its a rather 'routine' surgery, and sometimes you can go home the day of the surgery. usually they go in through your nose, and don't make any visual cuts. i have heard about them doing it through your gums or w/e, but they've never done that on me. i had polyups so bad once that my nose physically bigger, and i sounded really different. i've found that with having the surgery so many times, my sense of smell/taste is not the same. i've just started getting it back, but now i have to go in for another surgery. if you have any specific questions, just ask!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey Chad,

its just where they go into your nose, and take out the polyups. its a rather 'routine' surgery, and sometimes you can go home the day of the surgery. usually they go in through your nose, and don't make any visual cuts. i have heard about them doing it through your gums or w/e, but they've never done that on me. i had polyups so bad once that my nose physically bigger, and i sounded really different. i've found that with having the surgery so many times, my sense of smell/taste is not the same. i've just started getting it back, but now i have to go in for another surgery. if you have any specific questions, just ask!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
thanks kate

after years of sinus complaints and my doc blowing it off, I finally had to insist they look into it, sure enough I had severe chronic sinusitus, and a polyp in each nose. The sinusitus so bad, that the bone in my face around my sinus has began to change shape or shift, not sure how they put it. And now I have to go on the 13th of march to see what they are gonna do, they said more than likely surgery, but for the sinusitus so i dont know if they are gonna go and do something other than polyp removal but thats my guess. I have trouble breathing through one nostril, and sense of smell is up and down. Ive noticed my voice getting a wierder sound too, cause its hard to breathe through the nose. But we shall see! hehe

Chad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
thanks kate

after years of sinus complaints and my doc blowing it off, I finally had to insist they look into it, sure enough I had severe chronic sinusitus, and a polyp in each nose. The sinusitus so bad, that the bone in my face around my sinus has began to change shape or shift, not sure how they put it. And now I have to go on the 13th of march to see what they are gonna do, they said more than likely surgery, but for the sinusitus so i dont know if they are gonna go and do something other than polyp removal but thats my guess. I have trouble breathing through one nostril, and sense of smell is up and down. Ive noticed my voice getting a wierder sound too, cause its hard to breathe through the nose. But we shall see! hehe

Chad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
LMAO, after re reading my post I said "polyp in each nose" hahahahaha, i meant in each nostril obviously. I need to stop posting so late at night!

Chad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
LMAO, after re reading my post I said "polyp in each nose" hahahahaha, i meant in each nostril obviously. I need to stop posting so late at night!

Chad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Ok i might sound stupid here but i have never heard of a polyup or polyup surgery! What is it? Ive never had or knew anyone who had any problems in their nose/sinuses from cf. These forums really help turns out theres al lot i didnt know!


New member
Ok i might sound stupid here but i have never heard of a polyup or polyup surgery! What is it? Ive never had or knew anyone who had any problems in their nose/sinuses from cf. These forums really help turns out theres al lot i didnt know!


New member
Hey kate

I forgot to ask last night, does the surgery hurt? do they give you pain meds? do you get headaches after?

if youd like my msn its chad_cortese@hotmail.com

Chad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey kate

I forgot to ask last night, does the surgery hurt? do they give you pain meds? do you get headaches after?

if youd like my msn its chad_cortese@hotmail.com

Chad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">