After not being able to find any more veins in my arms (in Spain they just don't do PICCs) I had a port on my upper thigh from ages 13-18. Then I wasn't using it anymore so they took it out. I got a new one last year, this time on my upper chest (right below the bra strap - of course it was a male surgeon who inserted it, dang it, but at least it doesn't interfere with the car's safety belt). Putting it in caused me a pneumothorax, unfortunately, but I wouldn't change it for anything.
My main motivation wasn't only the comfort of "finding a vein" easily, but independence: being able to do home treatments using my both hands, being able to take care of me without help (eating, dressing, etc) which is quite hard to do if you have the needle on your hand. I wanted to be able to do things by myself and not require help from my mother or future husband.
Right now I'm on treatment and have discovered a new plus side: I got an interpreting job out of town and I'll be able to go and work while on treatment! That would be unthinkable without a port.
Answering your concern: I've had ports for 6 years total and never got an infection. And while some times ports do cause trouble, the comfort of using them makes up for it, several times over! I love it!