So, I got my port put in on Jan 1. It hurt for two weeks to move (stretch, turn, just exist), and that pain has ended. Now though, it still hurts to touch or press on port. I keep accidentally hitting it. It looks like it still is bruised on port site. Where the catheter is at doesn't hurt. Although, you can totally see and feel the tunneled line. It looks like a vein sticking out. I am not complaining about it, just something that's noticeable. Anyway, my question is this: How long is it going to be tender to the touch? Is it because I had IVs after getting it placed that is making it still sore/bruised? Do you ever get to a point where you don't constantly notice it there? Am I just noticing I'm hitting it because it's still sore or does it really stick it out enough that I am actually hitting it a lot? I'm not trying to be a complainer, because I can deal with it, but I am just wondering if it ever gets to be like it's so much part of my body that I don't notice it.