

New member
Hi...my doctors more and more are urging me to get a port put in. I go in for a tune up about 2x a year...sometimes i can go a whole year. In recet years ive had about 9 picc lines.

Does anyone have a port? When not inuse what is it like. What is it like when in use.



New member
Hi...my doctors more and more are urging me to get a port put in. I go in for a tune up about 2x a year...sometimes i can go a whole year. In recet years ive had about 9 picc lines.

Does anyone have a port? When not inuse what is it like. What is it like when in use.



New member
Hi...my doctors more and more are urging me to get a port put in. I go in for a tune up about 2x a year...sometimes i can go a whole year. In recet years ive had about 9 picc lines.

Does anyone have a port? When not inuse what is it like. What is it like when in use.



New member
Hi...my doctors more and more are urging me to get a port put in. I go in for a tune up about 2x a year...sometimes i can go a whole year. In recet years ive had about 9 picc lines.

Does anyone have a port? When not inuse what is it like. What is it like when in use.



New member
Hi...my doctors more and more are urging me to get a port put in. I go in for a tune up about 2x a year...sometimes i can go a whole year. In recet years ive had about 9 picc lines.
<br />
<br />Does anyone have a port? When not inuse what is it like. What is it like when in use.
<br />
<br />Thanks!


New member
When not in use, it is under the skin and a non-issue.

The only thing being that 1x/month you have to access long enough to flush (<20min if you know how). Otherwise, you just have a small bump under the skin where the port is located.

As for while accessed, it is cleaned & then a needle (bent 90deg) is put in the port, and secured normally with a tegraderm. You have a small tube attached that you then connect the IV's to as needed.

The nice thing, is that you can 1) access it yourself unless they put somewere odd and 2) if you want it out to shower/swim/go on a date, you just pull it out and when you are ready for your next infusion, put a new one in and you are good to go.


New member
When not in use, it is under the skin and a non-issue.

The only thing being that 1x/month you have to access long enough to flush (<20min if you know how). Otherwise, you just have a small bump under the skin where the port is located.

As for while accessed, it is cleaned & then a needle (bent 90deg) is put in the port, and secured normally with a tegraderm. You have a small tube attached that you then connect the IV's to as needed.

The nice thing, is that you can 1) access it yourself unless they put somewere odd and 2) if you want it out to shower/swim/go on a date, you just pull it out and when you are ready for your next infusion, put a new one in and you are good to go.


New member
When not in use, it is under the skin and a non-issue.

The only thing being that 1x/month you have to access long enough to flush (<20min if you know how). Otherwise, you just have a small bump under the skin where the port is located.

As for while accessed, it is cleaned & then a needle (bent 90deg) is put in the port, and secured normally with a tegraderm. You have a small tube attached that you then connect the IV's to as needed.

The nice thing, is that you can 1) access it yourself unless they put somewere odd and 2) if you want it out to shower/swim/go on a date, you just pull it out and when you are ready for your next infusion, put a new one in and you are good to go.


New member
When not in use, it is under the skin and a non-issue.

The only thing being that 1x/month you have to access long enough to flush (<20min if you know how). Otherwise, you just have a small bump under the skin where the port is located.

As for while accessed, it is cleaned & then a needle (bent 90deg) is put in the port, and secured normally with a tegraderm. You have a small tube attached that you then connect the IV's to as needed.

The nice thing, is that you can 1) access it yourself unless they put somewere odd and 2) if you want it out to shower/swim/go on a date, you just pull it out and when you are ready for your next infusion, put a new one in and you are good to go.


New member
When not in use, it is under the skin and a non-issue.
<br />
<br />The only thing being that 1x/month you have to access long enough to flush (<20min if you know how). Otherwise, you just have a small bump under the skin where the port is located.
<br />
<br />As for while accessed, it is cleaned & then a needle (bent 90deg) is put in the port, and secured normally with a tegraderm. You have a small tube attached that you then connect the IV's to as needed.
<br />
<br />The nice thing, is that you can 1) access it yourself unless they put somewere odd and 2) if you want it out to shower/swim/go on a date, you just pull it out and when you are ready for your next infusion, put a new one in and you are good to go.


New member
There are different sizes from what I understand. If you are very small like me....I would be sure to ask what the smallest you can get is.

I dont have one yet, but when I do one of the things I worry about is looking like what I call "having a 3rd nipple".

Everyone except 1 person that I have gotten feed back who chose to get them swear by them & assure me that if I do that I wont regret it.

Still havent had the courage yet. Its just one of those things that I will hold out as long as I can I think!


New member
There are different sizes from what I understand. If you are very small like me....I would be sure to ask what the smallest you can get is.

I dont have one yet, but when I do one of the things I worry about is looking like what I call "having a 3rd nipple".

Everyone except 1 person that I have gotten feed back who chose to get them swear by them & assure me that if I do that I wont regret it.

Still havent had the courage yet. Its just one of those things that I will hold out as long as I can I think!


New member
There are different sizes from what I understand. If you are very small like me....I would be sure to ask what the smallest you can get is.

I dont have one yet, but when I do one of the things I worry about is looking like what I call "having a 3rd nipple".

Everyone except 1 person that I have gotten feed back who chose to get them swear by them & assure me that if I do that I wont regret it.

Still havent had the courage yet. Its just one of those things that I will hold out as long as I can I think!


New member
There are different sizes from what I understand. If you are very small like me....I would be sure to ask what the smallest you can get is.

I dont have one yet, but when I do one of the things I worry about is looking like what I call "having a 3rd nipple".

Everyone except 1 person that I have gotten feed back who chose to get them swear by them & assure me that if I do that I wont regret it.

Still havent had the courage yet. Its just one of those things that I will hold out as long as I can I think!


New member
There are different sizes from what I understand. If you are very small like me....I would be sure to ask what the smallest you can get is.
<br />
<br />I dont have one yet, but when I do one of the things I worry about is looking like what I call "having a 3rd nipple".
<br />
<br />Everyone except 1 person that I have gotten feed back who chose to get them swear by them & assure me that if I do that I wont regret it.
<br />
<br />Still havent had the courage yet. Its just one of those things that I will hold out as long as I can I think!


New member
I have had a port since November 2005 and it has brought so much peace of mind!

I usually only go on antibiotics twice a year also. With the port I dont have to worry about being "fitted in" to get a picc placed or a peripheral line infiltrating every 2 days.

As stated above, when it is not in use it has to be accessed once a month to be flushed. I usually put numbing cream over my port site 30 minutes before it is accessed.

My port is very small. It is about the size of a dime which is great appearance wise. You cant see it at all. But keep in mind that the smaller ones are harder to access than the larger ones!

When it is in use it is much like caring for a picc line. It has to be covered in the shower and the needle and dressing needs to be changed weekly.

I hope this helps!


New member
I have had a port since November 2005 and it has brought so much peace of mind!

I usually only go on antibiotics twice a year also. With the port I dont have to worry about being "fitted in" to get a picc placed or a peripheral line infiltrating every 2 days.

As stated above, when it is not in use it has to be accessed once a month to be flushed. I usually put numbing cream over my port site 30 minutes before it is accessed.

My port is very small. It is about the size of a dime which is great appearance wise. You cant see it at all. But keep in mind that the smaller ones are harder to access than the larger ones!

When it is in use it is much like caring for a picc line. It has to be covered in the shower and the needle and dressing needs to be changed weekly.

I hope this helps!


New member
I have had a port since November 2005 and it has brought so much peace of mind!

I usually only go on antibiotics twice a year also. With the port I dont have to worry about being "fitted in" to get a picc placed or a peripheral line infiltrating every 2 days.

As stated above, when it is not in use it has to be accessed once a month to be flushed. I usually put numbing cream over my port site 30 minutes before it is accessed.

My port is very small. It is about the size of a dime which is great appearance wise. You cant see it at all. But keep in mind that the smaller ones are harder to access than the larger ones!

When it is in use it is much like caring for a picc line. It has to be covered in the shower and the needle and dressing needs to be changed weekly.

I hope this helps!


New member
I have had a port since November 2005 and it has brought so much peace of mind!

I usually only go on antibiotics twice a year also. With the port I dont have to worry about being "fitted in" to get a picc placed or a peripheral line infiltrating every 2 days.

As stated above, when it is not in use it has to be accessed once a month to be flushed. I usually put numbing cream over my port site 30 minutes before it is accessed.

My port is very small. It is about the size of a dime which is great appearance wise. You cant see it at all. But keep in mind that the smaller ones are harder to access than the larger ones!

When it is in use it is much like caring for a picc line. It has to be covered in the shower and the needle and dressing needs to be changed weekly.

I hope this helps!


New member
I have had a port since November 2005 and it has brought so much peace of mind!
<br />
<br />I usually only go on antibiotics twice a year also. With the port I dont have to worry about being "fitted in" to get a picc placed or a peripheral line infiltrating every 2 days.
<br />
<br />As stated above, when it is not in use it has to be accessed once a month to be flushed. I usually put numbing cream over my port site 30 minutes before it is accessed.
<br />
<br />My port is very small. It is about the size of a dime which is great appearance wise. You cant see it at all. But keep in mind that the smaller ones are harder to access than the larger ones!
<br />
<br />When it is in use it is much like caring for a picc line. It has to be covered in the shower and the needle and dressing needs to be changed weekly.
<br />
<br />I hope this helps!