If this is the same gene therapy that is nearing its third phase trial in the UK, and I'm sure it is this one, well it is funded by the CF trust here in the UK ( much the same as the 'Foundation' in the US I geues). So no pharmacuetecal firms involved
If memory serves me correct, when they first started on the gene therapy they did manage to alter the transmembranes to allow water to pass through. This state however was not constant in that the effect would only last a matter of mintues. So they have spent the last two years attempting to have this state increased in time, where they have got to on this, i dont know, but it does sound very hopeful.
If memory serves me correct, when they first started on the gene therapy they did manage to alter the transmembranes to allow water to pass through. This state however was not constant in that the effect would only last a matter of mintues. So they have spent the last two years attempting to have this state increased in time, where they have got to on this, i dont know, but it does sound very hopeful.