Post G-Tube surgery


New member
It took about 10 months before my muscle soreness completely disappeared. When my stomach is empty it will try digesting the tube, which causes it to pull down & pop back up like jonflath said. The stomach contractions were painful at 1st, but not anymore.


New member
It took about 10 months before my muscle soreness completely disappeared. When my stomach is empty it will try digesting the tube, which causes it to pull down & pop back up like jonflath said. The stomach contractions were painful at 1st, but not anymore.


New member
It took about 10 months before my muscle soreness completely disappeared. When my stomach is empty it will try digesting the tube, which causes it to pull down & pop back up like jonflath said. The stomach contractions were painful at 1st, but not anymore.


New member
It took about 10 months before my muscle soreness completely disappeared. When my stomach is empty it will try digesting the tube, which causes it to pull down & pop back up like jonflath said. The stomach contractions were painful at 1st, but not anymore.


New member
It took about 10 months before my muscle soreness completely disappeared. When my stomach is empty it will try digesting the tube, which causes it to pull down & pop back up like jonflath said. The stomach contractions were painful at 1st, but not anymore.


New member
It only took me about 2 months to recover. I was able to do a PFT about 6 weeks later. I walked like an old lady for a week. Pain killers really helped.

I get the stomach contractions, too. When I'm hungry, you can see the tube being pulled toward my stomach, indenting the skin. This was very painful at first, until they put in a longer version of the Mickey Button. The first one was too small. I also battled granulation tissue for about 6 months, which contributed to soreness around the site.


New member
It only took me about 2 months to recover. I was able to do a PFT about 6 weeks later. I walked like an old lady for a week. Pain killers really helped.

I get the stomach contractions, too. When I'm hungry, you can see the tube being pulled toward my stomach, indenting the skin. This was very painful at first, until they put in a longer version of the Mickey Button. The first one was too small. I also battled granulation tissue for about 6 months, which contributed to soreness around the site.


New member
It only took me about 2 months to recover. I was able to do a PFT about 6 weeks later. I walked like an old lady for a week. Pain killers really helped.

I get the stomach contractions, too. When I'm hungry, you can see the tube being pulled toward my stomach, indenting the skin. This was very painful at first, until they put in a longer version of the Mickey Button. The first one was too small. I also battled granulation tissue for about 6 months, which contributed to soreness around the site.


New member
It only took me about 2 months to recover. I was able to do a PFT about 6 weeks later. I walked like an old lady for a week. Pain killers really helped.

I get the stomach contractions, too. When I'm hungry, you can see the tube being pulled toward my stomach, indenting the skin. This was very painful at first, until they put in a longer version of the Mickey Button. The first one was too small. I also battled granulation tissue for about 6 months, which contributed to soreness around the site.


New member
It only took me about 2 months to recover. I was able to do a PFT about 6 weeks later. I walked like an old lady for a week. Pain killers really helped.
<br />
<br />I get the stomach contractions, too. When I'm hungry, you can see the tube being pulled toward my stomach, indenting the skin. This was very painful at first, until they put in a longer version of the Mickey Button. The first one was too small. I also battled granulation tissue for about 6 months, which contributed to soreness around the site.


New member
wow 6 weeks to do PFT's. The want me to do them today..Im gonna try but I doubt they are good.

I'm glad Im not being a big baby. I've basically been on pain meds non stop and I was beginning to think that It was all in my head the pain...Wow I'm not alone.

Did anyone else get painkillers to go home on?


New member
wow 6 weeks to do PFT's. The want me to do them today..Im gonna try but I doubt they are good.

I'm glad Im not being a big baby. I've basically been on pain meds non stop and I was beginning to think that It was all in my head the pain...Wow I'm not alone.

Did anyone else get painkillers to go home on?


New member
wow 6 weeks to do PFT's. The want me to do them today..Im gonna try but I doubt they are good.

I'm glad Im not being a big baby. I've basically been on pain meds non stop and I was beginning to think that It was all in my head the pain...Wow I'm not alone.

Did anyone else get painkillers to go home on?


New member
wow 6 weeks to do PFT's. The want me to do them today..Im gonna try but I doubt they are good.

I'm glad Im not being a big baby. I've basically been on pain meds non stop and I was beginning to think that It was all in my head the pain...Wow I'm not alone.

Did anyone else get painkillers to go home on?


New member
wow 6 weeks to do PFT's. The want me to do them today..Im gonna try but I doubt they are good.
<br />
<br />I'm glad Im not being a big baby. I've basically been on pain meds non stop and I was beginning to think that It was all in my head the pain...Wow I'm not alone.
<br />
<br />Did anyone else get painkillers to go home on?


New member
I was on morphine for about 4 or 5 days while in the hospital after the surgery. I took a few tylonel at home afterwards, but that was about it. The pain is definitely not in your head. The worst pain I had was with the occasional sneeze.

I did pfts about 2 and a half weeks afterwards. At least for me I didn't take the deepest breathes for a while to avoid the pain. I wouldn't necessarily be too worried if they drop given that fact. I also didn't do a full vest treatment for the first 3 or so days either. Did they give you something to cover the site so you can vest while it heals?


New member
I was on morphine for about 4 or 5 days while in the hospital after the surgery. I took a few tylonel at home afterwards, but that was about it. The pain is definitely not in your head. The worst pain I had was with the occasional sneeze.

I did pfts about 2 and a half weeks afterwards. At least for me I didn't take the deepest breathes for a while to avoid the pain. I wouldn't necessarily be too worried if they drop given that fact. I also didn't do a full vest treatment for the first 3 or so days either. Did they give you something to cover the site so you can vest while it heals?


New member
I was on morphine for about 4 or 5 days while in the hospital after the surgery. I took a few tylonel at home afterwards, but that was about it. The pain is definitely not in your head. The worst pain I had was with the occasional sneeze.

I did pfts about 2 and a half weeks afterwards. At least for me I didn't take the deepest breathes for a while to avoid the pain. I wouldn't necessarily be too worried if they drop given that fact. I also didn't do a full vest treatment for the first 3 or so days either. Did they give you something to cover the site so you can vest while it heals?


New member
I was on morphine for about 4 or 5 days while in the hospital after the surgery. I took a few tylonel at home afterwards, but that was about it. The pain is definitely not in your head. The worst pain I had was with the occasional sneeze.

I did pfts about 2 and a half weeks afterwards. At least for me I didn't take the deepest breathes for a while to avoid the pain. I wouldn't necessarily be too worried if they drop given that fact. I also didn't do a full vest treatment for the first 3 or so days either. Did they give you something to cover the site so you can vest while it heals?


New member
I was on morphine for about 4 or 5 days while in the hospital after the surgery. I took a few tylonel at home afterwards, but that was about it. The pain is definitely not in your head. The worst pain I had was with the occasional sneeze.
<br />
<br />I did pfts about 2 and a half weeks afterwards. At least for me I didn't take the deepest breathes for a while to avoid the pain. I wouldn't necessarily be too worried if they drop given that fact. I also didn't do a full vest treatment for the first 3 or so days either. Did they give you something to cover the site so you can vest while it heals?