Post G-Tube surgery


New member
I haven't been crave enough to try my vest yet. I may have to wait till I get home, but I remember these foam pads that came with it for this reason.

I was suppose to do PFT's today, but Im pushing them back until monday so I can have more recovery time.


New member
I haven't been crave enough to try my vest yet. I may have to wait till I get home, but I remember these foam pads that came with it for this reason.

I was suppose to do PFT's today, but Im pushing them back until monday so I can have more recovery time.


New member
I haven't been crave enough to try my vest yet. I may have to wait till I get home, but I remember these foam pads that came with it for this reason.

I was suppose to do PFT's today, but Im pushing them back until monday so I can have more recovery time.


New member
I haven't been crave enough to try my vest yet. I may have to wait till I get home, but I remember these foam pads that came with it for this reason.

I was suppose to do PFT's today, but Im pushing them back until monday so I can have more recovery time.


New member
I haven't been crave enough to try my vest yet. I may have to wait till I get home, but I remember these foam pads that came with it for this reason.
<br />
<br />I was suppose to do PFT's today, but Im pushing them back until monday so I can have more recovery time.


New member
Ow. I have not had one, but it sure does sound unpleasant and painful. Are these the last resort to struggling with weight gain? I have had problems on and off for quite a few months now, and my doc said that we would discuss a g-tube next visit if I don't put on 15 lbs.

Not to get everyone off topic...but how do they work? Does it eliminate the need to eat 'regular' meals?


New member
Ow. I have not had one, but it sure does sound unpleasant and painful. Are these the last resort to struggling with weight gain? I have had problems on and off for quite a few months now, and my doc said that we would discuss a g-tube next visit if I don't put on 15 lbs.

Not to get everyone off topic...but how do they work? Does it eliminate the need to eat 'regular' meals?


New member
Ow. I have not had one, but it sure does sound unpleasant and painful. Are these the last resort to struggling with weight gain? I have had problems on and off for quite a few months now, and my doc said that we would discuss a g-tube next visit if I don't put on 15 lbs.

Not to get everyone off topic...but how do they work? Does it eliminate the need to eat 'regular' meals?


New member
Ow. I have not had one, but it sure does sound unpleasant and painful. Are these the last resort to struggling with weight gain? I have had problems on and off for quite a few months now, and my doc said that we would discuss a g-tube next visit if I don't put on 15 lbs.

Not to get everyone off topic...but how do they work? Does it eliminate the need to eat 'regular' meals?


New member
Ow. I have not had one, but it sure does sound unpleasant and painful. Are these the last resort to struggling with weight gain? I have had problems on and off for quite a few months now, and my doc said that we would discuss a g-tube next visit if I don't put on 15 lbs.
<br />
<br />Not to get everyone off topic...but how do they work? Does it eliminate the need to eat 'regular' meals?


New member
Responding to crystalina0814...

He wants you to put on 15 pounds BY the next visit? thats crazy!
For me it was last resort, but I have known of people who their doctors suggest the Gtube rather too quickly.

You eat totally regularly. Eat normally all day..the tube is for extra calories at night. You just put the ensure(or whatever they have you on) in the back, hook it up to the machine, set the ML and the rate/dose and your good to go. Some people take their enzymes before you sleep and when you wake up, I just take them before bed.
I'm sure everyone does it differently, but thats how I do it. <img src="">


New member
Responding to crystalina0814...

He wants you to put on 15 pounds BY the next visit? thats crazy!
For me it was last resort, but I have known of people who their doctors suggest the Gtube rather too quickly.

You eat totally regularly. Eat normally all day..the tube is for extra calories at night. You just put the ensure(or whatever they have you on) in the back, hook it up to the machine, set the ML and the rate/dose and your good to go. Some people take their enzymes before you sleep and when you wake up, I just take them before bed.
I'm sure everyone does it differently, but thats how I do it. <img src="">


New member
Responding to crystalina0814...

He wants you to put on 15 pounds BY the next visit? thats crazy!
For me it was last resort, but I have known of people who their doctors suggest the Gtube rather too quickly.

You eat totally regularly. Eat normally all day..the tube is for extra calories at night. You just put the ensure(or whatever they have you on) in the back, hook it up to the machine, set the ML and the rate/dose and your good to go. Some people take their enzymes before you sleep and when you wake up, I just take them before bed.
I'm sure everyone does it differently, but thats how I do it. <img src="">


New member
Responding to crystalina0814...

He wants you to put on 15 pounds BY the next visit? thats crazy!
For me it was last resort, but I have known of people who their doctors suggest the Gtube rather too quickly.

You eat totally regularly. Eat normally all day..the tube is for extra calories at night. You just put the ensure(or whatever they have you on) in the back, hook it up to the machine, set the ML and the rate/dose and your good to go. Some people take their enzymes before you sleep and when you wake up, I just take them before bed.
I'm sure everyone does it differently, but thats how I do it. <img src="">


New member
Responding to crystalina0814...
<br />
<br />He wants you to put on 15 pounds BY the next visit? thats crazy!
<br />For me it was last resort, but I have known of people who their doctors suggest the Gtube rather too quickly.
<br />
<br />You eat totally regularly. Eat normally all day..the tube is for extra calories at night. You just put the ensure(or whatever they have you on) in the back, hook it up to the machine, set the ML and the rate/dose and your good to go. Some people take their enzymes before you sleep and when you wake up, I just take them before bed.
<br />I'm sure everyone does it differently, but thats how I do it. <img src="">


New member
I'm surprised to read that people were in the hospital for days afterward. I was basically still coming out of the anesthesia when they kicked me out. Actually, it was a really terrible experience. I spent like 36 hours laying flat and trying not to drink so I wouldn't have to get up an go to the bathroom. Just enough water for the Rx tylenol they gave me. Morphine would have been welcome!!

crystalina0814: I'm the same as iwantmypup--eat normally during the day and use the tube at night. I gained about 15 pounds in 5-6 months. Now that I've almost reached my goal weight, I've gone down to 3-4 nights per week instead of every day. It's like a maintenance dose. I noticed that my stomach stretched, though, so I now eat larger meals during the day.


New member
I'm surprised to read that people were in the hospital for days afterward. I was basically still coming out of the anesthesia when they kicked me out. Actually, it was a really terrible experience. I spent like 36 hours laying flat and trying not to drink so I wouldn't have to get up an go to the bathroom. Just enough water for the Rx tylenol they gave me. Morphine would have been welcome!!

crystalina0814: I'm the same as iwantmypup--eat normally during the day and use the tube at night. I gained about 15 pounds in 5-6 months. Now that I've almost reached my goal weight, I've gone down to 3-4 nights per week instead of every day. It's like a maintenance dose. I noticed that my stomach stretched, though, so I now eat larger meals during the day.


New member
I'm surprised to read that people were in the hospital for days afterward. I was basically still coming out of the anesthesia when they kicked me out. Actually, it was a really terrible experience. I spent like 36 hours laying flat and trying not to drink so I wouldn't have to get up an go to the bathroom. Just enough water for the Rx tylenol they gave me. Morphine would have been welcome!!

crystalina0814: I'm the same as iwantmypup--eat normally during the day and use the tube at night. I gained about 15 pounds in 5-6 months. Now that I've almost reached my goal weight, I've gone down to 3-4 nights per week instead of every day. It's like a maintenance dose. I noticed that my stomach stretched, though, so I now eat larger meals during the day.


New member
I'm surprised to read that people were in the hospital for days afterward. I was basically still coming out of the anesthesia when they kicked me out. Actually, it was a really terrible experience. I spent like 36 hours laying flat and trying not to drink so I wouldn't have to get up an go to the bathroom. Just enough water for the Rx tylenol they gave me. Morphine would have been welcome!!

crystalina0814: I'm the same as iwantmypup--eat normally during the day and use the tube at night. I gained about 15 pounds in 5-6 months. Now that I've almost reached my goal weight, I've gone down to 3-4 nights per week instead of every day. It's like a maintenance dose. I noticed that my stomach stretched, though, so I now eat larger meals during the day.


New member
I'm surprised to read that people were in the hospital for days afterward. I was basically still coming out of the anesthesia when they kicked me out. Actually, it was a really terrible experience. I spent like 36 hours laying flat and trying not to drink so I wouldn't have to get up an go to the bathroom. Just enough water for the Rx tylenol they gave me. Morphine would have been welcome!!
<br />
<br />crystalina0814: I'm the same as iwantmypup--eat normally during the day and use the tube at night. I gained about 15 pounds in 5-6 months. Now that I've almost reached my goal weight, I've gone down to 3-4 nights per week instead of every day. It's like a maintenance dose. I noticed that my stomach stretched, though, so I now eat larger meals during the day.