Hey Gracie,
I am currently in Durham recovering from my transplant at Duke I had on July 1st. I had an evaluation at UAB in Birmingham, but decided to go to Duke instead and a lot of my tests from UAB transferred to Duke. I didn't have to do many more tests once I got to Duke. I will find my pre-transplant booklet. I think it outlined what to expect in regards to which tests that will be performed. I'll send you another message about that. In the meantime, you can go to Dukehealth.org and click on services, go to the t's for transplants, then when you get to the overview page go to the bottom and click on programs for more details; then just click on lung transplant and you can find out all about Duke's lung transplant program.
Where do you live and when are you coming for your eval.? I will probably be here another couple months so if I can help you in any way feel free to ask. You can email me also at: pbishopwaitingtobreathe@gmail.com.
The tests I'm remembering aren't fun at all. I had to do a Barium swallow test, and a mannometry test (this is where they put a camera up your nose and into your stomach and make you swallow water over and over to make sure your esophogus works like it should. Then they put a different probe up your nose and into your stomach and attach it to a little recording device and you have to wear it 24 hrs and it checks to see if you have acid reflux. If you have acid reflux you may have to have the stomach wrap surgery, which is what I am waiting to find out about. Another surgery, oh well. That is just a couple that I don't care to repeat. Other stuff is labwork, xrays, pfts, stuff you're used too, lol.
I didn't mean to ramble on and I hope I haven't made you too nervous. It isn't as bad as it sounds and when you get your new breathers, all the tests and Dr. appts. won't matter because you can BREATHE! Another plus side is that everyone associated with Duke Univ. that I have come in contact with have been super nice. That goes a long way in my book. I'll talk to you soon......Pam