preparing your body for pregnancy


New member
Hi <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Haven't been on the site in a while.

Just out of hospital after having ten days on Antibio Ivs. Culturing Stenotrophus psudemonas. Having frequent Hemoptysis since June. Anyway, I had a discussion with my Dr. regarding getting Ivs before pregnancy and he wasn't sure not heard of it.
I know I have read on the site that some of you had Iv's before getting pregnant. I would like to see how many.
I have been getting my body ready to have a baby since 10th Dec last year. I missed out on my IVF dummy trial that was suppose to start on the 12th Oct and the main date for IVF was 21st November. Have to schedule it again.

I am really mad at my doctor so angry!!. I have been asking for Iv's since January... "no no" he said your fev1's have not dropped considerably. So instead I had four courses of oral antiobicts, sinsus op, and hemopytysis. I am definitely leaving him. Thats a big job for me now with trying to keep myself well and searching and researching for a new consultant.
I am still on steroids and on a low dosage now.But he also fears if he takes me off them the Ige's will hit the roof. He should have done intravenous steroids while I was in hospital. Anyone any experience.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

37yrs old
ABPA, Bronchiestasis
cepacia (havent cultured it in 11 months)
Like to have a baby one day soon!!!


New member
Hi <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Haven't been on the site in a while.

Just out of hospital after having ten days on Antibio Ivs. Culturing Stenotrophus psudemonas. Having frequent Hemoptysis since June. Anyway, I had a discussion with my Dr. regarding getting Ivs before pregnancy and he wasn't sure not heard of it.
I know I have read on the site that some of you had Iv's before getting pregnant. I would like to see how many.
I have been getting my body ready to have a baby since 10th Dec last year. I missed out on my IVF dummy trial that was suppose to start on the 12th Oct and the main date for IVF was 21st November. Have to schedule it again.

I am really mad at my doctor so angry!!. I have been asking for Iv's since January... "no no" he said your fev1's have not dropped considerably. So instead I had four courses of oral antiobicts, sinsus op, and hemopytysis. I am definitely leaving him. Thats a big job for me now with trying to keep myself well and searching and researching for a new consultant.
I am still on steroids and on a low dosage now.But he also fears if he takes me off them the Ige's will hit the roof. He should have done intravenous steroids while I was in hospital. Anyone any experience.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

37yrs old
ABPA, Bronchiestasis
cepacia (havent cultured it in 11 months)
Like to have a baby one day soon!!!


New member
Hi <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Haven't been on the site in a while.

Just out of hospital after having ten days on Antibio Ivs. Culturing Stenotrophus psudemonas. Having frequent Hemoptysis since June. Anyway, I had a discussion with my Dr. regarding getting Ivs before pregnancy and he wasn't sure not heard of it.
I know I have read on the site that some of you had Iv's before getting pregnant. I would like to see how many.
I have been getting my body ready to have a baby since 10th Dec last year. I missed out on my IVF dummy trial that was suppose to start on the 12th Oct and the main date for IVF was 21st November. Have to schedule it again.

I am really mad at my doctor so angry!!. I have been asking for Iv's since January... "no no" he said your fev1's have not dropped considerably. So instead I had four courses of oral antiobicts, sinsus op, and hemopytysis. I am definitely leaving him. Thats a big job for me now with trying to keep myself well and searching and researching for a new consultant.
I am still on steroids and on a low dosage now.But he also fears if he takes me off them the Ige's will hit the roof. He should have done intravenous steroids while I was in hospital. Anyone any experience.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

37yrs old
ABPA, Bronchiestasis
cepacia (havent cultured it in 11 months)
Like to have a baby one day soon!!!


New member
Hi <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Haven't been on the site in a while.

Just out of hospital after having ten days on Antibio Ivs. Culturing Stenotrophus psudemonas. Having frequent Hemoptysis since June. Anyway, I had a discussion with my Dr. regarding getting Ivs before pregnancy and he wasn't sure not heard of it.
I know I have read on the site that some of you had Iv's before getting pregnant. I would like to see how many.
I have been getting my body ready to have a baby since 10th Dec last year. I missed out on my IVF dummy trial that was suppose to start on the 12th Oct and the main date for IVF was 21st November. Have to schedule it again.

I am really mad at my doctor so angry!!. I have been asking for Iv's since January... "no no" he said your fev1's have not dropped considerably. So instead I had four courses of oral antiobicts, sinsus op, and hemopytysis. I am definitely leaving him. Thats a big job for me now with trying to keep myself well and searching and researching for a new consultant.
I am still on steroids and on a low dosage now.But he also fears if he takes me off them the Ige's will hit the roof. He should have done intravenous steroids while I was in hospital. Anyone any experience.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

37yrs old
ABPA, Bronchiestasis
cepacia (havent cultured it in 11 months)
Like to have a baby one day soon!!!


New member
Hi <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Haven't been on the site in a while.

Just out of hospital after having ten days on Antibio Ivs. Culturing Stenotrophus psudemonas. Having frequent Hemoptysis since June. Anyway, I had a discussion with my Dr. regarding getting Ivs before pregnancy and he wasn't sure not heard of it.
I know I have read on the site that some of you had Iv's before getting pregnant. I would like to see how many.
I have been getting my body ready to have a baby since 10th Dec last year. I missed out on my IVF dummy trial that was suppose to start on the 12th Oct and the main date for IVF was 21st November. Have to schedule it again.

I am really mad at my doctor so angry!!. I have been asking for Iv's since January... "no no" he said your fev1's have not dropped considerably. So instead I had four courses of oral antiobicts, sinsus op, and hemopytysis. I am definitely leaving him. Thats a big job for me now with trying to keep myself well and searching and researching for a new consultant.
I am still on steroids and on a low dosage now.But he also fears if he takes me off them the Ige's will hit the roof. He should have done intravenous steroids while I was in hospital. Anyone any experience.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

37yrs old
ABPA, Bronchiestasis
cepacia (havent cultured it in 11 months)
Like to have a baby one day soon!!!


I did a round of IVs right before I conceived my son. My docs at the time wanted me to do a pre-conception tune up. I have a feeling it actually helped me conceive (possibly thinned cervical fluid) because I ovulated a few days after discharge. The doc I have now didn't say anything about doing IVs before conceiving and frankly I don't want to anyway. I am taking amoxicillin and biaxin for an ulcer so I'm hoping that the amox will help thin the cervical fluid since I'm due to ovulate within a week or so (assuming everything gets back on track after the miscarriage).

Good luck to you.


I did a round of IVs right before I conceived my son. My docs at the time wanted me to do a pre-conception tune up. I have a feeling it actually helped me conceive (possibly thinned cervical fluid) because I ovulated a few days after discharge. The doc I have now didn't say anything about doing IVs before conceiving and frankly I don't want to anyway. I am taking amoxicillin and biaxin for an ulcer so I'm hoping that the amox will help thin the cervical fluid since I'm due to ovulate within a week or so (assuming everything gets back on track after the miscarriage).

Good luck to you.


I did a round of IVs right before I conceived my son. My docs at the time wanted me to do a pre-conception tune up. I have a feeling it actually helped me conceive (possibly thinned cervical fluid) because I ovulated a few days after discharge. The doc I have now didn't say anything about doing IVs before conceiving and frankly I don't want to anyway. I am taking amoxicillin and biaxin for an ulcer so I'm hoping that the amox will help thin the cervical fluid since I'm due to ovulate within a week or so (assuming everything gets back on track after the miscarriage).

Good luck to you.


I did a round of IVs right before I conceived my son. My docs at the time wanted me to do a pre-conception tune up. I have a feeling it actually helped me conceive (possibly thinned cervical fluid) because I ovulated a few days after discharge. The doc I have now didn't say anything about doing IVs before conceiving and frankly I don't want to anyway. I am taking amoxicillin and biaxin for an ulcer so I'm hoping that the amox will help thin the cervical fluid since I'm due to ovulate within a week or so (assuming everything gets back on track after the miscarriage).

Good luck to you.


I did a round of IVs right before I conceived my son. My docs at the time wanted me to do a pre-conception tune up. I have a feeling it actually helped me conceive (possibly thinned cervical fluid) because I ovulated a few days after discharge. The doc I have now didn't say anything about doing IVs before conceiving and frankly I don't want to anyway. I am taking amoxicillin and biaxin for an ulcer so I'm hoping that the amox will help thin the cervical fluid since I'm due to ovulate within a week or so (assuming everything gets back on track after the miscarriage).

Good luck to you.


New member
I've never done IVs and I'm not really planning on anymore kids - BUT, it doesn't nec. sound like a bad idea at all, especially if you're like me and want to have as "natural" of a pregnancy as possible - knocking out any big bugs before might help that happen. At the same time, with pregnancy such a hit or miss thing, it may take longer to get pregnant than you anticipate or you may find you need IVs or abx during your pregnancy anyway, so why take them before if you don't need to, kwim? I guess I see both sides. Good luck!


New member
I've never done IVs and I'm not really planning on anymore kids - BUT, it doesn't nec. sound like a bad idea at all, especially if you're like me and want to have as "natural" of a pregnancy as possible - knocking out any big bugs before might help that happen. At the same time, with pregnancy such a hit or miss thing, it may take longer to get pregnant than you anticipate or you may find you need IVs or abx during your pregnancy anyway, so why take them before if you don't need to, kwim? I guess I see both sides. Good luck!


New member
I've never done IVs and I'm not really planning on anymore kids - BUT, it doesn't nec. sound like a bad idea at all, especially if you're like me and want to have as "natural" of a pregnancy as possible - knocking out any big bugs before might help that happen. At the same time, with pregnancy such a hit or miss thing, it may take longer to get pregnant than you anticipate or you may find you need IVs or abx during your pregnancy anyway, so why take them before if you don't need to, kwim? I guess I see both sides. Good luck!


New member
I've never done IVs and I'm not really planning on anymore kids - BUT, it doesn't nec. sound like a bad idea at all, especially if you're like me and want to have as "natural" of a pregnancy as possible - knocking out any big bugs before might help that happen. At the same time, with pregnancy such a hit or miss thing, it may take longer to get pregnant than you anticipate or you may find you need IVs or abx during your pregnancy anyway, so why take them before if you don't need to, kwim? I guess I see both sides. Good luck!


New member
I've never done IVs and I'm not really planning on anymore kids - BUT, it doesn't nec. sound like a bad idea at all, especially if you're like me and want to have as "natural" of a pregnancy as possible - knocking out any big bugs before might help that happen. At the same time, with pregnancy such a hit or miss thing, it may take longer to get pregnant than you anticipate or you may find you need IVs or abx during your pregnancy anyway, so why take them before if you don't need to, kwim? I guess I see both sides. Good luck!


New member
I didn't take any IV med's before or during pregnancy. I agree with wanderlost. I guess a lot depends on how IVs work for you. If when you get them it makes you strong for a while then it might be something to consider. Also if you are culturing some new stuff or you're having an exacerbation then seems like it would be a good idea.

Seems people are having good results with Zyvox for ABPA. You might want to research it and present to your doctor.


New member
I didn't take any IV med's before or during pregnancy. I agree with wanderlost. I guess a lot depends on how IVs work for you. If when you get them it makes you strong for a while then it might be something to consider. Also if you are culturing some new stuff or you're having an exacerbation then seems like it would be a good idea.

Seems people are having good results with Zyvox for ABPA. You might want to research it and present to your doctor.


New member
I didn't take any IV med's before or during pregnancy. I agree with wanderlost. I guess a lot depends on how IVs work for you. If when you get them it makes you strong for a while then it might be something to consider. Also if you are culturing some new stuff or you're having an exacerbation then seems like it would be a good idea.

Seems people are having good results with Zyvox for ABPA. You might want to research it and present to your doctor.


New member
I didn't take any IV med's before or during pregnancy. I agree with wanderlost. I guess a lot depends on how IVs work for you. If when you get them it makes you strong for a while then it might be something to consider. Also if you are culturing some new stuff or you're having an exacerbation then seems like it would be a good idea.

Seems people are having good results with Zyvox for ABPA. You might want to research it and present to your doctor.


New member
I didn't take any IV med's before or during pregnancy. I agree with wanderlost. I guess a lot depends on how IVs work for you. If when you get them it makes you strong for a while then it might be something to consider. Also if you are culturing some new stuff or you're having an exacerbation then seems like it would be a good idea.

Seems people are having good results with Zyvox for ABPA. You might want to research it and present to your doctor.