

New member
My daughter just cultured Pseudomonas also. She is on Cipro and TOBI as well. She was already familiar with nebs b/c she's been on Pulmozyme and Xopenex for several months. We do Pulmozyme just to try to keep her lungs as clear as they have been and Xopenex when she gets a cough or cold. The only thing about my daughter is she does NOT like the band/strap for the mask, she's rather just hold it. I guess she doesn't like how it feels or the constriction, whatever it is, she will have no part of the strap. So, if your child isn't like the mask with the strap, try it without and see if that's any better. It does take a while before they stop screaming ans crying though. It took a week or so and then she was fine. Every once in a while she gets upset b/c she doesn't want to do it, but she gets over it b/c she knows that we have to do it... Everyday... Twice a day... No Excuses!
You might try to give your child some yogurt at least once a day while on the Cipro and even something like Culturelle. It just helps their digestive system while taking something as strong as the Cipro. We are doing Culturelle twice a day and yogurt in the afternoon when she wakes up from a nap. Yogurt has never been a favorite of hers, but we have started giving her the La Creme and she actually eats it without gagging. (She's a gagger, she'll just throw up when she has a burp to get out or a weird texture she's not thrilled with)


New member
My daughter just cultured Pseudomonas also. She is on Cipro and TOBI as well. She was already familiar with nebs b/c she's been on Pulmozyme and Xopenex for several months. We do Pulmozyme just to try to keep her lungs as clear as they have been and Xopenex when she gets a cough or cold. The only thing about my daughter is she does NOT like the band/strap for the mask, she's rather just hold it. I guess she doesn't like how it feels or the constriction, whatever it is, she will have no part of the strap. So, if your child isn't like the mask with the strap, try it without and see if that's any better. It does take a while before they stop screaming ans crying though. It took a week or so and then she was fine. Every once in a while she gets upset b/c she doesn't want to do it, but she gets over it b/c she knows that we have to do it... Everyday... Twice a day... No Excuses!
You might try to give your child some yogurt at least once a day while on the Cipro and even something like Culturelle. It just helps their digestive system while taking something as strong as the Cipro. We are doing Culturelle twice a day and yogurt in the afternoon when she wakes up from a nap. Yogurt has never been a favorite of hers, but we have started giving her the La Creme and she actually eats it without gagging. (She's a gagger, she'll just throw up when she has a burp to get out or a weird texture she's not thrilled with)


New member
My daughter just cultured Pseudomonas also. She is on Cipro and TOBI as well. She was already familiar with nebs b/c she's been on Pulmozyme and Xopenex for several months. We do Pulmozyme just to try to keep her lungs as clear as they have been and Xopenex when she gets a cough or cold. The only thing about my daughter is she does NOT like the band/strap for the mask, she's rather just hold it. I guess she doesn't like how it feels or the constriction, whatever it is, she will have no part of the strap. So, if your child isn't like the mask with the strap, try it without and see if that's any better. It does take a while before they stop screaming ans crying though. It took a week or so and then she was fine. Every once in a while she gets upset b/c she doesn't want to do it, but she gets over it b/c she knows that we have to do it... Everyday... Twice a day... No Excuses!
You might try to give your child some yogurt at least once a day while on the Cipro and even something like Culturelle. It just helps their digestive system while taking something as strong as the Cipro. We are doing Culturelle twice a day and yogurt in the afternoon when she wakes up from a nap. Yogurt has never been a favorite of hers, but we have started giving her the La Creme and she actually eats it without gagging. (She's a gagger, she'll just throw up when she has a burp to get out or a weird texture she's not thrilled with)


New member
My daughter just cultured Pseudomonas also. She is on Cipro and TOBI as well. She was already familiar with nebs b/c she's been on Pulmozyme and Xopenex for several months. We do Pulmozyme just to try to keep her lungs as clear as they have been and Xopenex when she gets a cough or cold. The only thing about my daughter is she does NOT like the band/strap for the mask, she's rather just hold it. I guess she doesn't like how it feels or the constriction, whatever it is, she will have no part of the strap. So, if your child isn't like the mask with the strap, try it without and see if that's any better. It does take a while before they stop screaming ans crying though. It took a week or so and then she was fine. Every once in a while she gets upset b/c she doesn't want to do it, but she gets over it b/c she knows that we have to do it... Everyday... Twice a day... No Excuses!
You might try to give your child some yogurt at least once a day while on the Cipro and even something like Culturelle. It just helps their digestive system while taking something as strong as the Cipro. We are doing Culturelle twice a day and yogurt in the afternoon when she wakes up from a nap. Yogurt has never been a favorite of hers, but we have started giving her the La Creme and she actually eats it without gagging. (She's a gagger, she'll just throw up when she has a burp to get out or a weird texture she's not thrilled with)


New member
My daughter just cultured Pseudomonas also. She is on Cipro and TOBI as well. She was already familiar with nebs b/c she's been on Pulmozyme and Xopenex for several months. We do Pulmozyme just to try to keep her lungs as clear as they have been and Xopenex when she gets a cough or cold. The only thing about my daughter is she does NOT like the band/strap for the mask, she's rather just hold it. I guess she doesn't like how it feels or the constriction, whatever it is, she will have no part of the strap. So, if your child isn't like the mask with the strap, try it without and see if that's any better. It does take a while before they stop screaming ans crying though. It took a week or so and then she was fine. Every once in a while she gets upset b/c she doesn't want to do it, but she gets over it b/c she knows that we have to do it... Everyday... Twice a day... No Excuses!
<br />You might try to give your child some yogurt at least once a day while on the Cipro and even something like Culturelle. It just helps their digestive system while taking something as strong as the Cipro. We are doing Culturelle twice a day and yogurt in the afternoon when she wakes up from a nap. Yogurt has never been a favorite of hers, but we have started giving her the La Creme and she actually eats it without gagging. (She's a gagger, she'll just throw up when she has a burp to get out or a weird texture she's not thrilled with)