I am currently in the process of trying to get more excersize done in order to raise my pulminary function (currently my pulminary function is between 35% and 40%. I am a naturally very very competitive person and am extremely hard on myself and I find that I don't know when I have pushed myself to far. I know my pulminary function is low but I still want to do as much as I possibly can. My question is as a person with cystic firbsois how do you know when you have pushed yourself to far? Is there a specific feeling in your lungs that you are supposed to feel when you've gone to far? Are your lungs supposed to burn when you have pushed yourself to far? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? What do your various doctors say?
Also at the same time how much do you excersize? Is it super bad that I can't run cause of my joints are so bad? I'm not totally sure what I should be doing in terms of my excersize!!
Any further information would really really really help!!
CF since I was born/CFRD since I was 13/ double lung tx on 9/3/2010
Also at the same time how much do you excersize? Is it super bad that I can't run cause of my joints are so bad? I'm not totally sure what I should be doing in terms of my excersize!!
Any further information would really really really help!!
CF since I was born/CFRD since I was 13/ double lung tx on 9/3/2010