question about nebs


New member
There is no way I would boil all my stuff everyday!

I have 6 neb cups. I use one per day for my treatments and cycle through them. And boil them 3 at a time. I've always done this and never had any issue


New member

When my daughter was in the hospital that's exactly what the nurses did, or wanted to do. Use the same neb for one week with rinsing with sterile water in between. They had no idea how sterile the nebs needed to be. I told them how I sterilize my daughter's nebs at home, once a day. They called their CF center and I was right of course. Supposedly, the nurse manager was going to change their protocol about throwing away nebs after each treatment because I spoke up, for CF patients. They made me feel like I was a pain in the @ss. This BTW was a large teaching hospital with an extremly good reputation. The nurses seemed pretty clueless about nebs and CF however.

Now, at home I use the same neb for pulmozyme, pulmicort, and albuterol. I rinse wtih antibacterial soap between each use and sterilize once a day. So my daughter does 4 nebs a day, on a regular day. Do you use one neb for each treatment, meaning a need to use 4 nebs a day?

Rebecca(mom to sammy8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member

When my daughter was in the hospital that's exactly what the nurses did, or wanted to do. Use the same neb for one week with rinsing with sterile water in between. They had no idea how sterile the nebs needed to be. I told them how I sterilize my daughter's nebs at home, once a day. They called their CF center and I was right of course. Supposedly, the nurse manager was going to change their protocol about throwing away nebs after each treatment because I spoke up, for CF patients. They made me feel like I was a pain in the @ss. This BTW was a large teaching hospital with an extremly good reputation. The nurses seemed pretty clueless about nebs and CF however.

Now, at home I use the same neb for pulmozyme, pulmicort, and albuterol. I rinse wtih antibacterial soap between each use and sterilize once a day. So my daughter does 4 nebs a day, on a regular day. Do you use one neb for each treatment, meaning a need to use 4 nebs a day?

Rebecca(mom to sammy8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member

When my daughter was in the hospital that's exactly what the nurses did, or wanted to do. Use the same neb for one week with rinsing with sterile water in between. They had no idea how sterile the nebs needed to be. I told them how I sterilize my daughter's nebs at home, once a day. They called their CF center and I was right of course. Supposedly, the nurse manager was going to change their protocol about throwing away nebs after each treatment because I spoke up, for CF patients. They made me feel like I was a pain in the @ss. This BTW was a large teaching hospital with an extremly good reputation. The nurses seemed pretty clueless about nebs and CF however.

Now, at home I use the same neb for pulmozyme, pulmicort, and albuterol. I rinse wtih antibacterial soap between each use and sterilize once a day. So my daughter does 4 nebs a day, on a regular day. Do you use one neb for each treatment, meaning a need to use 4 nebs a day?

Rebecca(mom to sammy8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

There is no way I would boil all my stuff everyday!

I have 6 neb cups. I use one per day for my treatments and cycle through them. And boil them 3 at a time. I've always done this and never had any issue</end quote></div>

define what 'issues' are.

are you saying that you've never had a lung infection?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

There is no way I would boil all my stuff everyday!

I have 6 neb cups. I use one per day for my treatments and cycle through them. And boil them 3 at a time. I've always done this and never had any issue</end quote></div>

define what 'issues' are.

are you saying that you've never had a lung infection?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

There is no way I would boil all my stuff everyday!

I have 6 neb cups. I use one per day for my treatments and cycle through them. And boil them 3 at a time. I've always done this and never had any issue</end quote></div>

define what 'issues' are.

are you saying that you've never had a lung infection?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I rinse wtih antibacterial soap between each use and sterilize once a day. )</end quote></div>

when you rinse, do you use sterile water? or tap water?

anti-baterial soap does no good if you'er rinsing with tap water that could contain PA or cepacia!!!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I rinse wtih antibacterial soap between each use and sterilize once a day. )</end quote></div>

when you rinse, do you use sterile water? or tap water?

anti-baterial soap does no good if you'er rinsing with tap water that could contain PA or cepacia!!!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I rinse wtih antibacterial soap between each use and sterilize once a day. )</end quote></div>

when you rinse, do you use sterile water? or tap water?

anti-baterial soap does no good if you'er rinsing with tap water that could contain PA or cepacia!!!!


New member
to anonymous

I use tap water and antibacterial soap then let airdry. This is what the CF clinic said to do. I'm ok with switching and using a new sterile neb for each treatment I just want to know if it's necessary. Doesn't the CF Foundation have specific guidelines to this and it perturbs me that the Cf clinic would tell me to do the wrong thing.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
to anonymous

I use tap water and antibacterial soap then let airdry. This is what the CF clinic said to do. I'm ok with switching and using a new sterile neb for each treatment I just want to know if it's necessary. Doesn't the CF Foundation have specific guidelines to this and it perturbs me that the Cf clinic would tell me to do the wrong thing.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
to anonymous

I use tap water and antibacterial soap then let airdry. This is what the CF clinic said to do. I'm ok with switching and using a new sterile neb for each treatment I just want to know if it's necessary. Doesn't the CF Foundation have specific guidelines to this and it perturbs me that the Cf clinic would tell me to do the wrong thing.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
When my daughter was in the hospital (3 different times), each time they used the same neb cup w/o rinsing or changing them out. However, they had separate neb cups for each medicine. I didn't mention it either...I don't know why because at home I boil hers after every use. This is also a large, very reputable teaching hospital w/a great CF kids center. When she was hospitalized with pneumonia, they didnt' do CPT for the first two days! It was our first stay, so I didn't know if I should or if they were supposed to (I did it), so I mentioned it to her cf doctor & it was quickly changed!

It just goes to show you that the hospital nursing staff can't be experts on every facet of every disease. I would hope that they would welcome input from parents/caregivers and patients on proper protocol. I will definitely mention this to the CF staff at my daughter's next visit.

Good topic!


Mom to Erin (4w/cf) & Jon (10 w/o cf)


New member
When my daughter was in the hospital (3 different times), each time they used the same neb cup w/o rinsing or changing them out. However, they had separate neb cups for each medicine. I didn't mention it either...I don't know why because at home I boil hers after every use. This is also a large, very reputable teaching hospital w/a great CF kids center. When she was hospitalized with pneumonia, they didnt' do CPT for the first two days! It was our first stay, so I didn't know if I should or if they were supposed to (I did it), so I mentioned it to her cf doctor & it was quickly changed!

It just goes to show you that the hospital nursing staff can't be experts on every facet of every disease. I would hope that they would welcome input from parents/caregivers and patients on proper protocol. I will definitely mention this to the CF staff at my daughter's next visit.

Good topic!


Mom to Erin (4w/cf) & Jon (10 w/o cf)


New member
When my daughter was in the hospital (3 different times), each time they used the same neb cup w/o rinsing or changing them out. However, they had separate neb cups for each medicine. I didn't mention it either...I don't know why because at home I boil hers after every use. This is also a large, very reputable teaching hospital w/a great CF kids center. When she was hospitalized with pneumonia, they didnt' do CPT for the first two days! It was our first stay, so I didn't know if I should or if they were supposed to (I did it), so I mentioned it to her cf doctor & it was quickly changed!

It just goes to show you that the hospital nursing staff can't be experts on every facet of every disease. I would hope that they would welcome input from parents/caregivers and patients on proper protocol. I will definitely mention this to the CF staff at my daughter's next visit.

Good topic!


Mom to Erin (4w/cf) & Jon (10 w/o cf)


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

to anonymous

I use tap water and antibacterial soap then let airdry. This is what the CF clinic said to do. I'm ok with switching and using a new sterile neb for each treatment I just want to know if it's necessary. Doesn't the CF Foundation have specific guidelines to this and it perturbs me that the Cf clinic would tell me to do the wrong thing.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)</end quote></div>

As we all know, clinics vary widely in their pracatices.

Go to the CFF as a resource for guidelines, not your CF clnic.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

to anonymous

I use tap water and antibacterial soap then let airdry. This is what the CF clinic said to do. I'm ok with switching and using a new sterile neb for each treatment I just want to know if it's necessary. Doesn't the CF Foundation have specific guidelines to this and it perturbs me that the Cf clinic would tell me to do the wrong thing.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)</end quote></div>

As we all know, clinics vary widely in their pracatices.

Go to the CFF as a resource for guidelines, not your CF clnic.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

to anonymous

I use tap water and antibacterial soap then let airdry. This is what the CF clinic said to do. I'm ok with switching and using a new sterile neb for each treatment I just want to know if it's necessary. Doesn't the CF Foundation have specific guidelines to this and it perturbs me that the Cf clinic would tell me to do the wrong thing.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)</end quote></div>

As we all know, clinics vary widely in their pracatices.

Go to the CFF as a resource for guidelines, not your CF clnic.


New member
This is Amber...

Rebecca, yes, I use 4 nebs a day. I use a new mask, neb cup, and spacer for the inhaler at every treatment. I have enough of them for a little more than one day, so every day I boil them all. I wasn't sure if this was necessary.

Neither of the 2 cf centers my son has gone to have ever told me to boil nebs, or to use a new neb cup/mask with each treatment. But we never had to do nebs consistently until a few months ago. The new clinic did ask how I cleaned his nebs though, and said I did good.

When we were at the hospital last month, the RT's used a new disposable neb cup for his albuterol at every treatment. They used a Pari LC plus for his pulmozyme once a day, but just rinsed it with water from the sink between uses. Then it would sit on a paper towel on the counter uncovered until the next day's treatment. Ewww. Every few days they'd give it to me to take home and open up a new one. I brought them home and boiled them. I will admit I did take it off the counter a few times and stick it in my bag so they'd have to use a new one. No one ever noticed because we constantly had different RT's.