Question about Prednisone


Thanks for all the replies. I am still a bit sore today, but it isn't as bad as it was yesterday. I'm still guessing it is the Prednisone. It was only a short course (8 days). The first 2 days he wanted me to take 4 pills (80mg total) and the remaining days were 2 pills a day (40 mg total). That was how I finished up the dose (2 pills on Wednesday). I don't know if that was a slow enough "weaning off" of it or not.
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<br />Sad thing is, I was coming down with something before I had the reaction. My cf dr. finally prescribed an antibiotic, but the Prednisone didn't seem to help with my breathing at all.
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<br />Thanks for all the replies!!


New member
My Doctor never has any of his patients stop 40 MG cold turkey. He does 80 - 60 - 40 - 40 - 20 - 20 - 10 - 10.
I just have to add the 3 days at 5 also to wean off it. He says 40 to 0 is too much of a shock to your system...that is probably why you were acheing so badly.


New member
My Doctor never has any of his patients stop 40 MG cold turkey. He does 80 - 60 - 40 - 40 - 20 - 20 - 10 - 10.
I just have to add the 3 days at 5 also to wean off it. He says 40 to 0 is too much of a shock to your system...that is probably why you were acheing so badly.


New member
My Doctor never has any of his patients stop 40 MG cold turkey. He does 80 - 60 - 40 - 40 - 20 - 20 - 10 - 10.
<br />I just have to add the 3 days at 5 also to wean off it. He says 40 to 0 is too much of a shock to your system...that is probably why you were acheing so badly.


New member
I dont know if I would call what I get muscle pain but I get very tender to touch around my shoulder area. If you even touch me then I will jump in pain.


New member
I dont know if I would call what I get muscle pain but I get very tender to touch around my shoulder area. If you even touch me then I will jump in pain.


New member
I dont know if I would call what I get muscle pain but I get very tender to touch around my shoulder area. If you even touch me then I will jump in pain.


I'm on prednisone at the moment (have been for about 3 weeks now).
I have to go off it really slowly. Like from 30mgs down to 27mgs (3mgs each time I reduce the dose,)otherwise i'm in too much pain with my lungs.


I'm on prednisone at the moment (have been for about 3 weeks now).
I have to go off it really slowly. Like from 30mgs down to 27mgs (3mgs each time I reduce the dose,)otherwise i'm in too much pain with my lungs.


I'm on prednisone at the moment (have been for about 3 weeks now).
<br />I have to go off it really slowly. Like from 30mgs down to 27mgs (3mgs each time I reduce the dose,)otherwise i'm in too much pain with my lungs.