Question about refrigerated meds



I have my medication mailed to me and since I am at work during the day UPS delivers it to the office (I live in apartments). I haven't been doing Tobi and Pulmozyme but decided to start doing them. I notified the office that if a package came for me to call me and let me know so that I could leave work early and get there before they closed for the evening. Anway, I get home on Thursday and there is a sticker from UPS on my door. Of course (with my luck) the office didn't call me. Yesterday (Friday) morning there was no way I could wait until the office opened at 8:30 because I had a meeting at 9:00. I had also planned to work late last night because of a deadline and so I wasn't able to pick it up until this morning.
When I called the office to ask them if they would put it in the fridge the woman said that they would but when I picked it up this morning the box wasn't cold and the cold packs inside were no longer frozen or even cool. I am suspecting that they forgot to put it in the fridge or there wasn't room or something.
Is the medication ok?


I have my medication mailed to me and since I am at work during the day UPS delivers it to the office (I live in apartments). I haven't been doing Tobi and Pulmozyme but decided to start doing them. I notified the office that if a package came for me to call me and let me know so that I could leave work early and get there before they closed for the evening. Anway, I get home on Thursday and there is a sticker from UPS on my door. Of course (with my luck) the office didn't call me. Yesterday (Friday) morning there was no way I could wait until the office opened at 8:30 because I had a meeting at 9:00. I had also planned to work late last night because of a deadline and so I wasn't able to pick it up until this morning.
When I called the office to ask them if they would put it in the fridge the woman said that they would but when I picked it up this morning the box wasn't cold and the cold packs inside were no longer frozen or even cool. I am suspecting that they forgot to put it in the fridge or there wasn't room or something.
Is the medication ok?


I have my medication mailed to me and since I am at work during the day UPS delivers it to the office (I live in apartments). I haven't been doing Tobi and Pulmozyme but decided to start doing them. I notified the office that if a package came for me to call me and let me know so that I could leave work early and get there before they closed for the evening. Anway, I get home on Thursday and there is a sticker from UPS on my door. Of course (with my luck) the office didn't call me. Yesterday (Friday) morning there was no way I could wait until the office opened at 8:30 because I had a meeting at 9:00. I had also planned to work late last night because of a deadline and so I wasn't able to pick it up until this morning.
When I called the office to ask them if they would put it in the fridge the woman said that they would but when I picked it up this morning the box wasn't cold and the cold packs inside were no longer frozen or even cool. I am suspecting that they forgot to put it in the fridge or there wasn't room or something.
Is the medication ok?


I work at the State Capitol Complex (lots of employees and lots of different mailrooms). They don't even like us mailing our personal mail from work let alone receiving mail there...
There have been too many undelivered floral arrangements, balloon bouquets, etc. for me to risk it. Plus, someone might see that it is medication and get "sticky fingers."
It is supposed to be an amenity at the apartments to be able to have packages delivered there. I have never had a problem before, but I have never had to have anything perishable delivered.
I know my insurance won't pay for another supply of Tobi or Pulmo.
Does anyone know if there is any way to check and see if it is ok?


I work at the State Capitol Complex (lots of employees and lots of different mailrooms). They don't even like us mailing our personal mail from work let alone receiving mail there...
There have been too many undelivered floral arrangements, balloon bouquets, etc. for me to risk it. Plus, someone might see that it is medication and get "sticky fingers."
It is supposed to be an amenity at the apartments to be able to have packages delivered there. I have never had a problem before, but I have never had to have anything perishable delivered.
I know my insurance won't pay for another supply of Tobi or Pulmo.
Does anyone know if there is any way to check and see if it is ok?


I work at the State Capitol Complex (lots of employees and lots of different mailrooms). They don't even like us mailing our personal mail from work let alone receiving mail there...
There have been too many undelivered floral arrangements, balloon bouquets, etc. for me to risk it. Plus, someone might see that it is medication and get "sticky fingers."
It is supposed to be an amenity at the apartments to be able to have packages delivered there. I have never had a problem before, but I have never had to have anything perishable delivered.
I know my insurance won't pay for another supply of Tobi or Pulmo.
Does anyone know if there is any way to check and see if it is ok?


New member
I know this wont help you now, but how about having it delivered to a neighbor, friend or family next time. Amy should know the life span of an unrefridgerated med! Maybe she will apply again actually answering your ??


New member
I know this wont help you now, but how about having it delivered to a neighbor, friend or family next time. Amy should know the life span of an unrefridgerated med! Maybe she will apply again actually answering your ??


New member
I know this wont help you now, but how about having it delivered to a neighbor, friend or family next time. Amy should know the life span of an unrefridgerated med! Maybe she will apply again actually answering your ??


New member
There should be some folded sheets of paper called medication guides included which will say how to tell if the medicine is okay or not. They are usually inside the box or glued to the outside.


New member
There should be some folded sheets of paper called medication guides included which will say how to tell if the medicine is okay or not. They are usually inside the box or glued to the outside.


New member
There should be some folded sheets of paper called medication guides included which will say how to tell if the medicine is okay or not. They are usually inside the box or glued to the outside.


New member
Tobi is good for 28 days (as said <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), and last I checked, Pulmozyme can be unrefrigerated up to 24 hours. Hope this helps.


New member
Tobi is good for 28 days (as said <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), and last I checked, Pulmozyme can be unrefrigerated up to 24 hours. Hope this helps.