Question about school lunches and enzymes for school


New member
My son is in the 3rd grade, actually just started today. We really have gotten to know the school nurse very well. Mason's teacher has a note that he needs to go into the office before snack and on his way to lunch.

He leaves the classroom when snack is being handed out and slips into the nurses office, takes his enzymes and goes back to class. For lunch he always leaves a little bit before the rest of the kids and then go to the office gets enzymes and then goes to the lunch room with his class. Last year his teacher wasn't very good at remembering so Mason's best friend was like is little med buddy. He always went to the office with Mason so he didn't feel like he was doing it on his own.

The snacks that the school fed were cereal, crackers, fruit bars, nothing really that filled them up but it worked. If Mason didn't like what was for snack then he just didn't go and take his enzymes he just went without. Hope this helps.


New member
My son is in the 3rd grade, actually just started today. We really have gotten to know the school nurse very well. Mason's teacher has a note that he needs to go into the office before snack and on his way to lunch.

He leaves the classroom when snack is being handed out and slips into the nurses office, takes his enzymes and goes back to class. For lunch he always leaves a little bit before the rest of the kids and then go to the office gets enzymes and then goes to the lunch room with his class. Last year his teacher wasn't very good at remembering so Mason's best friend was like is little med buddy. He always went to the office with Mason so he didn't feel like he was doing it on his own.

The snacks that the school fed were cereal, crackers, fruit bars, nothing really that filled them up but it worked. If Mason didn't like what was for snack then he just didn't go and take his enzymes he just went without. Hope this helps.


New member
My son is in the 3rd grade, actually just started today. We really have gotten to know the school nurse very well. Mason's teacher has a note that he needs to go into the office before snack and on his way to lunch.

He leaves the classroom when snack is being handed out and slips into the nurses office, takes his enzymes and goes back to class. For lunch he always leaves a little bit before the rest of the kids and then go to the office gets enzymes and then goes to the lunch room with his class. Last year his teacher wasn't very good at remembering so Mason's best friend was like is little med buddy. He always went to the office with Mason so he didn't feel like he was doing it on his own.

The snacks that the school fed were cereal, crackers, fruit bars, nothing really that filled them up but it worked. If Mason didn't like what was for snack then he just didn't go and take his enzymes he just went without. Hope this helps.


New member
My son is in the 3rd grade, actually just started today. We really have gotten to know the school nurse very well. Mason's teacher has a note that he needs to go into the office before snack and on his way to lunch.

He leaves the classroom when snack is being handed out and slips into the nurses office, takes his enzymes and goes back to class. For lunch he always leaves a little bit before the rest of the kids and then go to the office gets enzymes and then goes to the lunch room with his class. Last year his teacher wasn't very good at remembering so Mason's best friend was like is little med buddy. He always went to the office with Mason so he didn't feel like he was doing it on his own.

The snacks that the school fed were cereal, crackers, fruit bars, nothing really that filled them up but it worked. If Mason didn't like what was for snack then he just didn't go and take his enzymes he just went without. Hope this helps.


New member
My son is in the 3rd grade, actually just started today. We really have gotten to know the school nurse very well. Mason's teacher has a note that he needs to go into the office before snack and on his way to lunch.
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<br />He leaves the classroom when snack is being handed out and slips into the nurses office, takes his enzymes and goes back to class. For lunch he always leaves a little bit before the rest of the kids and then go to the office gets enzymes and then goes to the lunch room with his class. Last year his teacher wasn't very good at remembering so Mason's best friend was like is little med buddy. He always went to the office with Mason so he didn't feel like he was doing it on his own.
<br />
<br />The snacks that the school fed were cereal, crackers, fruit bars, nothing really that filled them up but it worked. If Mason didn't like what was for snack then he just didn't go and take his enzymes he just went without. Hope this helps.
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Keeley, Thank you for including the link to That is EXACTLY what I've been looking for!


Keeley, Thank you for including the link to That is EXACTLY what I've been looking for!


Keeley, Thank you for including the link to That is EXACTLY what I've been looking for!


Keeley, Thank you for including the link to That is EXACTLY what I've been looking for!


Keeley, Thank you for including the link to That is EXACTLY what I've been looking for!


New member
You're welcome! We've been very pleased with their products. Both of my girls use them. My 3rd grader got her set in 1st grade and it's still in great shape after daily use. It is a little more of a pain to wash everything, but compared to throwing away lots of baggies or plastic wrap it's no big deal. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You're welcome! We've been very pleased with their products. Both of my girls use them. My 3rd grader got her set in 1st grade and it's still in great shape after daily use. It is a little more of a pain to wash everything, but compared to throwing away lots of baggies or plastic wrap it's no big deal. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You're welcome! We've been very pleased with their products. Both of my girls use them. My 3rd grader got her set in 1st grade and it's still in great shape after daily use. It is a little more of a pain to wash everything, but compared to throwing away lots of baggies or plastic wrap it's no big deal. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You're welcome! We've been very pleased with their products. Both of my girls use them. My 3rd grader got her set in 1st grade and it's still in great shape after daily use. It is a little more of a pain to wash everything, but compared to throwing away lots of baggies or plastic wrap it's no big deal. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You're welcome! We've been very pleased with their products. Both of my girls use them. My 3rd grader got her set in 1st grade and it's still in great shape after daily use. It is a little more of a pain to wash everything, but compared to throwing away lots of baggies or plastic wrap it's no big deal. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">