This morning, Alyssa just didn't look right to me. Its hard to describe -- like her eyes are sunken in but her cheekbones are swollen. She has green puss draining from the corner of one eye, is very nasal sounding and keeps complaining (in tears) that her under her cheekbone hurts. It totally seems like it would be her sinus to me. Her nose has a little drainage, but she is sniffling a lot. She has a dry cough, but not a really junky one.
I'm going to call the CF center in the am to see if they want to start her on an abx....again! But I'm curious about others who have sinus symptoms as part of their CF. How does it present? Is it constant sinus issus, multiple sinus infections, or some other component. Alyssa has never had any sinus problems before, but she's only just turned 4 so I'm wondering if this is the start to a concerning trend.
I'm going to call the CF center in the am to see if they want to start her on an abx....again! But I'm curious about others who have sinus symptoms as part of their CF. How does it present? Is it constant sinus issus, multiple sinus infections, or some other component. Alyssa has never had any sinus problems before, but she's only just turned 4 so I'm wondering if this is the start to a concerning trend.