question for those who exercise...



I am hoping to learn from your experience...

My son is very healthy right now. He has had a great year and has gone almost 12 months without ivs..(knock on wood)..

Two weekends ago he participated in a boyscout bike ride. They rode 27 miles to the camp, slept over and cyled 30 miles back the next day. We were so proud of him! But I am not kidding you, the minute he got home and took a shower it was like he became a different kid. He has had no voice, sinus infection, and increased, green mucus ever since.

This is a TOBI month, and his clinic added cipro, so I am hoping I start to see improvement soon. My question is, can a cfer get so worn out that it's like turning on a lightswitch that say, "okay, time to be sick now"? He is still doing everything he wants to do, but is definitely resting more and feeling punky. Is this what I should expect from major bike rides? Does it take a few weeks to recouperate? Or do you think this is just a coincidence that he got sick the day he returned from his trip? I thought maybe some of you could explain what happened to you when you first started out. If you don't mind!


I am hoping to learn from your experience...

My son is very healthy right now. He has had a great year and has gone almost 12 months without ivs..(knock on wood)..

Two weekends ago he participated in a boyscout bike ride. They rode 27 miles to the camp, slept over and cyled 30 miles back the next day. We were so proud of him! But I am not kidding you, the minute he got home and took a shower it was like he became a different kid. He has had no voice, sinus infection, and increased, green mucus ever since.

This is a TOBI month, and his clinic added cipro, so I am hoping I start to see improvement soon. My question is, can a cfer get so worn out that it's like turning on a lightswitch that say, "okay, time to be sick now"? He is still doing everything he wants to do, but is definitely resting more and feeling punky. Is this what I should expect from major bike rides? Does it take a few weeks to recouperate? Or do you think this is just a coincidence that he got sick the day he returned from his trip? I thought maybe some of you could explain what happened to you when you first started out. If you don't mind!


I am hoping to learn from your experience...

My son is very healthy right now. He has had a great year and has gone almost 12 months without ivs..(knock on wood)..

Two weekends ago he participated in a boyscout bike ride. They rode 27 miles to the camp, slept over and cyled 30 miles back the next day. We were so proud of him! But I am not kidding you, the minute he got home and took a shower it was like he became a different kid. He has had no voice, sinus infection, and increased, green mucus ever since.

This is a TOBI month, and his clinic added cipro, so I am hoping I start to see improvement soon. My question is, can a cfer get so worn out that it's like turning on a lightswitch that say, "okay, time to be sick now"? He is still doing everything he wants to do, but is definitely resting more and feeling punky. Is this what I should expect from major bike rides? Does it take a few weeks to recouperate? Or do you think this is just a coincidence that he got sick the day he returned from his trip? I thought maybe some of you could explain what happened to you when you first started out. If you don't mind!


I am hoping to learn from your experience...

My son is very healthy right now. He has had a great year and has gone almost 12 months without ivs..(knock on wood)..

Two weekends ago he participated in a boyscout bike ride. They rode 27 miles to the camp, slept over and cyled 30 miles back the next day. We were so proud of him! But I am not kidding you, the minute he got home and took a shower it was like he became a different kid. He has had no voice, sinus infection, and increased, green mucus ever since.

This is a TOBI month, and his clinic added cipro, so I am hoping I start to see improvement soon. My question is, can a cfer get so worn out that it's like turning on a lightswitch that say, "okay, time to be sick now"? He is still doing everything he wants to do, but is definitely resting more and feeling punky. Is this what I should expect from major bike rides? Does it take a few weeks to recouperate? Or do you think this is just a coincidence that he got sick the day he returned from his trip? I thought maybe some of you could explain what happened to you when you first started out. If you don't mind!


I am hoping to learn from your experience...
<br />
<br />My son is very healthy right now. He has had a great year and has gone almost 12 months without ivs..(knock on wood)..
<br />
<br />Two weekends ago he participated in a boyscout bike ride. They rode 27 miles to the camp, slept over and cyled 30 miles back the next day. We were so proud of him! But I am not kidding you, the minute he got home and took a shower it was like he became a different kid. He has had no voice, sinus infection, and increased, green mucus ever since.
<br />
<br />This is a TOBI month, and his clinic added cipro, so I am hoping I start to see improvement soon. My question is, can a cfer get so worn out that it's like turning on a lightswitch that say, "okay, time to be sick now"? He is still doing everything he wants to do, but is definitely resting more and feeling punky. Is this what I should expect from major bike rides? Does it take a few weeks to recouperate? Or do you think this is just a coincidence that he got sick the day he returned from his trip? I thought maybe some of you could explain what happened to you when you first started out. If you don't mind!


New member
Just from my own experience, I would say He had a bug before he went on the
ride. It takes a few days for a bug to get a good grip on me, I can normally
feel is coming on 2 or 3 days before it hits me like You described.

Riding 27 miles one way then sleeping, I am guessing in the woods
then another 30 miles back is a pretty go work out for anyone, Cf or no Cf.
It could be allergy related also.

I am betting he already had a germ lurking around. I would not be
surprised if some of the other Scouts are a bit under the weather also.

I would not let this Slow Him down in the future.This same kind of
thing happened to me as a child and still does today.


New member
Just from my own experience, I would say He had a bug before he went on the
ride. It takes a few days for a bug to get a good grip on me, I can normally
feel is coming on 2 or 3 days before it hits me like You described.

Riding 27 miles one way then sleeping, I am guessing in the woods
then another 30 miles back is a pretty go work out for anyone, Cf or no Cf.
It could be allergy related also.

I am betting he already had a germ lurking around. I would not be
surprised if some of the other Scouts are a bit under the weather also.

I would not let this Slow Him down in the future.This same kind of
thing happened to me as a child and still does today.


New member
Just from my own experience, I would say He had a bug before he went on the
ride. It takes a few days for a bug to get a good grip on me, I can normally
feel is coming on 2 or 3 days before it hits me like You described.

Riding 27 miles one way then sleeping, I am guessing in the woods
then another 30 miles back is a pretty go work out for anyone, Cf or no Cf.
It could be allergy related also.

I am betting he already had a germ lurking around. I would not be
surprised if some of the other Scouts are a bit under the weather also.

I would not let this Slow Him down in the future.This same kind of
thing happened to me as a child and still does today.


New member
Just from my own experience, I would say He had a bug before he went on the
ride. It takes a few days for a bug to get a good grip on me, I can normally
feel is coming on 2 or 3 days before it hits me like You described.

Riding 27 miles one way then sleeping, I am guessing in the woods
then another 30 miles back is a pretty go work out for anyone, Cf or no Cf.
It could be allergy related also.

I am betting he already had a germ lurking around. I would not be
surprised if some of the other Scouts are a bit under the weather also.

I would not let this Slow Him down in the future.This same kind of
thing happened to me as a child and still does today.


New member
Just from my own experience, I would say He had a bug before he went on the
<br /> ride. It takes a few days for a bug to get a good grip on me, I can normally
<br /> feel is coming on 2 or 3 days before it hits me like You described.
<br />
<br /> Riding 27 miles one way then sleeping, I am guessing in the woods
<br /> then another 30 miles back is a pretty go work out for anyone, Cf or no Cf.
<br /> It could be allergy related also.
<br />
<br /> I am betting he already had a germ lurking around. I would not be
<br /> surprised if some of the other Scouts are a bit under the weather also.
<br />
<br /> I would not let this Slow Him down in the future.This same kind of
<br /> thing happened to me as a child and still does today.


New member
Very important to note:

Exercise temporarily lowers your immune system. If there was a bug prior to the ride or a bug got in during, his immune system was compromised temporarily and the bug might have gained a foothold.


New member
Very important to note:

Exercise temporarily lowers your immune system. If there was a bug prior to the ride or a bug got in during, his immune system was compromised temporarily and the bug might have gained a foothold.


New member
Very important to note:

Exercise temporarily lowers your immune system. If there was a bug prior to the ride or a bug got in during, his immune system was compromised temporarily and the bug might have gained a foothold.


New member
Very important to note:

Exercise temporarily lowers your immune system. If there was a bug prior to the ride or a bug got in during, his immune system was compromised temporarily and the bug might have gained a foothold.


New member
Very important to note:
<br />
<br />Exercise temporarily lowers your immune system. If there was a bug prior to the ride or a bug got in during, his immune system was compromised temporarily and the bug might have gained a foothold.


New member
I know sometimes my allergies can really kick my ass. Once I start to get a lot of inflammation from allergies it seems a URI is quick to follow.

Having said that let him exercise as much as possible even if it means sticking him on some allergy medication in his worst months (flonase, patanase and patanol are my favorites). My health really went to crap after I stopped exercising regularly. I was riding 20-30 miles on a bike also at age 10 and I regret ever having stopped.


New member
I know sometimes my allergies can really kick my ass. Once I start to get a lot of inflammation from allergies it seems a URI is quick to follow.

Having said that let him exercise as much as possible even if it means sticking him on some allergy medication in his worst months (flonase, patanase and patanol are my favorites). My health really went to crap after I stopped exercising regularly. I was riding 20-30 miles on a bike also at age 10 and I regret ever having stopped.


New member
I know sometimes my allergies can really kick my ass. Once I start to get a lot of inflammation from allergies it seems a URI is quick to follow.

Having said that let him exercise as much as possible even if it means sticking him on some allergy medication in his worst months (flonase, patanase and patanol are my favorites). My health really went to crap after I stopped exercising regularly. I was riding 20-30 miles on a bike also at age 10 and I regret ever having stopped.


New member
I know sometimes my allergies can really kick my ass. Once I start to get a lot of inflammation from allergies it seems a URI is quick to follow.

Having said that let him exercise as much as possible even if it means sticking him on some allergy medication in his worst months (flonase, patanase and patanol are my favorites). My health really went to crap after I stopped exercising regularly. I was riding 20-30 miles on a bike also at age 10 and I regret ever having stopped.


New member
I know sometimes my allergies can really kick my ass. Once I start to get a lot of inflammation from allergies it seems a URI is quick to follow.
<br />
<br />Having said that let him exercise as much as possible even if it means sticking him on some allergy medication in his worst months (flonase, patanase and patanol are my favorites). My health really went to crap after I stopped exercising regularly. I was riding 20-30 miles on a bike also at age 10 and I regret ever having stopped.