Questions about Oxygen


New member
Your O2 sats have to drop to 89 or below after exertion(sp) before you doctor can put you on O2. At least that is what they told me when I was put on O2.


New member
I believe that 89 (or maybe 88) is the point you have to drop to for Medicare to cover O2. Most docs don't think it is a good idea to drop below 90.


New member
I believe that 89 (or maybe 88) is the point you have to drop to for Medicare to cover O2. Most docs don't think it is a good idea to drop below 90.


New member
I believe that 89 (or maybe 88) is the point you have to drop to for Medicare to cover O2. Most docs don't think it is a good idea to drop below 90.


New member
I hated using oxygen and I think it is better not to use 02 unless you reall need it. Moaning in your sleep can be caused from many things other than needing oxygen.

i use to make a moaning noise and it was like a backward snore. It was because I became tight in the lungs when I was sleeping. Subconsciously through sleep by making that noise it helped to open up my lungs. Weird huh but it worked. Maybe your body is doing that to help open up your lungs or it is helping you not to cough. If you are not desating then you do not need oxygen. 40 percent Fev1 is not bad at all.

I do believe once you start using oxygen your body does get use to it unless you are wearing it only at bedtime on a small setting. Just based on my two experiences. EVERYONE is DIfferent.

I would invest in a pulse oximeter and have your boyfriend slip it on your finger in the middle of the night when he gets up to go to the bathroom.

Start Working out little by little and your body will feel more oxygenated overall.


New member
I hated using oxygen and I think it is better not to use 02 unless you reall need it. Moaning in your sleep can be caused from many things other than needing oxygen.

i use to make a moaning noise and it was like a backward snore. It was because I became tight in the lungs when I was sleeping. Subconsciously through sleep by making that noise it helped to open up my lungs. Weird huh but it worked. Maybe your body is doing that to help open up your lungs or it is helping you not to cough. If you are not desating then you do not need oxygen. 40 percent Fev1 is not bad at all.

I do believe once you start using oxygen your body does get use to it unless you are wearing it only at bedtime on a small setting. Just based on my two experiences. EVERYONE is DIfferent.

I would invest in a pulse oximeter and have your boyfriend slip it on your finger in the middle of the night when he gets up to go to the bathroom.

Start Working out little by little and your body will feel more oxygenated overall.


New member
I hated using oxygen and I think it is better not to use 02 unless you reall need it. Moaning in your sleep can be caused from many things other than needing oxygen.

i use to make a moaning noise and it was like a backward snore. It was because I became tight in the lungs when I was sleeping. Subconsciously through sleep by making that noise it helped to open up my lungs. Weird huh but it worked. Maybe your body is doing that to help open up your lungs or it is helping you not to cough. If you are not desating then you do not need oxygen. 40 percent Fev1 is not bad at all.

I do believe once you start using oxygen your body does get use to it unless you are wearing it only at bedtime on a small setting. Just based on my two experiences. EVERYONE is DIfferent.

I would invest in a pulse oximeter and have your boyfriend slip it on your finger in the middle of the night when he gets up to go to the bathroom.

Start Working out little by little and your body will feel more oxygenated overall.


New member
I have around the same FEV1 as you and also moan in my sleep occasionally. I agree with Risa, the reason I do it is when I am tight in the lungs. My pulse ox is 97 so I know I don't need oxygen but I still moan. I wouldn't go on it unless you absolutely need to.


New member
I have around the same FEV1 as you and also moan in my sleep occasionally. I agree with Risa, the reason I do it is when I am tight in the lungs. My pulse ox is 97 so I know I don't need oxygen but I still moan. I wouldn't go on it unless you absolutely need to.


New member
I have around the same FEV1 as you and also moan in my sleep occasionally. I agree with Risa, the reason I do it is when I am tight in the lungs. My pulse ox is 97 so I know I don't need oxygen but I still moan. I wouldn't go on it unless you absolutely need to.


New member
When I was little many years before I needed a transplant, my mother would tell me I sounded like a sqirrel. after my tx, I had to learn not to make that noise. It was a trip.


New member
When I was little many years before I needed a transplant, my mother would tell me I sounded like a sqirrel. after my tx, I had to learn not to make that noise. It was a trip.


New member
When I was little many years before I needed a transplant, my mother would tell me I sounded like a sqirrel. after my tx, I had to learn not to make that noise. It was a trip.


New member
Thanks, everyone, for all the information! There's a lot I didn't know. My personal preference would be to stay off oxygen for as long as possible, but at this point I'm just not sure which would benefit me more. It sounds like everyone has had a different experience...

As far as the moaning in my sleep, my mother's told me I've always done that. I never thought there was actually a reason behind it, though. Being tight in the lungs would make sense.

I will be sure to talk to my doc about it the next time I see him, just to be on the safe side and get his take on it. Thanks again for all the help!


New member
Thanks, everyone, for all the information! There's a lot I didn't know. My personal preference would be to stay off oxygen for as long as possible, but at this point I'm just not sure which would benefit me more. It sounds like everyone has had a different experience...

As far as the moaning in my sleep, my mother's told me I've always done that. I never thought there was actually a reason behind it, though. Being tight in the lungs would make sense.

I will be sure to talk to my doc about it the next time I see him, just to be on the safe side and get his take on it. Thanks again for all the help!


New member
Thanks, everyone, for all the information! There's a lot I didn't know. My personal preference would be to stay off oxygen for as long as possible, but at this point I'm just not sure which would benefit me more. It sounds like everyone has had a different experience...

As far as the moaning in my sleep, my mother's told me I've always done that. I never thought there was actually a reason behind it, though. Being tight in the lungs would make sense.

I will be sure to talk to my doc about it the next time I see him, just to be on the safe side and get his take on it. Thanks again for all the help!


New member
I am so glad I came back to read the new posts on this thread.

Risa - I have had the same reverse snore that you are mentioning. That is truly the best way to describe it. Before starting with O2 I was getting this snorting - but it wasn't a snort where I would blow out it only happened when I was breathing in. Kurt would wake up thinking something was wrong. I would often wake myself up when I would do it too.

I thought I was just odd I am glad to know that someone else experienced that same noise when they slept or sleep.

Take Care,


New member
I am so glad I came back to read the new posts on this thread.

Risa - I have had the same reverse snore that you are mentioning. That is truly the best way to describe it. Before starting with O2 I was getting this snorting - but it wasn't a snort where I would blow out it only happened when I was breathing in. Kurt would wake up thinking something was wrong. I would often wake myself up when I would do it too.

I thought I was just odd I am glad to know that someone else experienced that same noise when they slept or sleep.

Take Care,


New member
I am so glad I came back to read the new posts on this thread.

Risa - I have had the same reverse snore that you are mentioning. That is truly the best way to describe it. Before starting with O2 I was getting this snorting - but it wasn't a snort where I would blow out it only happened when I was breathing in. Kurt would wake up thinking something was wrong. I would often wake myself up when I would do it too.

I thought I was just odd I am glad to know that someone else experienced that same noise when they slept or sleep.

Take Care,


New member
I am a little confused. When i was very unwell last year, and my pft was around 15%, i was given o2 at home. at the moment my pft has doubled and is now around 30%. i still feel like i "need" o2, but my o2 sats have always been pretty high. At rest my o2 sats are 97% at best. When i sleep they drop to 93%. so do i need oxygen?or is it just a bit of a habit?
i dont understand how i can have good o2 sats, but my pft is low and im being considered for lung transplant? Help!

Nicola xx