questions on how to gin weight?


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hello how are you today. Well here is my concern, is weight gaining a problem for all cfers?i just go out the hospital and my doctor concern is keeping my weight up but no matter what i do when i get home i start to lose the wieght. does anybody have the same problem or have any solutions for me. oh yeah let me already mention i am eating a high calorie diet and drink milkshakes that in 8oz there is 600 calories. so knowing that is there anything eles.


New member
hi,I am the same, I have a high fat diet and dring scandaishakes once a day but still have difficulty incresing my weight.The only thing i can say is to have consistancy! I find that i can lose as much as two pounds if i miss a scandaishake.Also cover every thing in butteror chocolate if possible! i'm afraid there's nothing more i can say because i'm wondering the same question myself!!sorry!good luck


Throw some slimfast powder in those milk shake...thats an extra 200 calories, keep stuff around to snack on. Myself i am on a see food diet...if I see food i eat it does not matter if I am hungary or not. I keep a bowl of carrots and high calorie high fat ranch dressing at my desk and graze all doy in addition to meals. Penut butter or carmel on apples is great too. If you can handle it fgo for larger than 8 oz milk shakes. I have been know to drink quart sizes at times!!!!!Good Luck!


New member
Also, you can try putting a packet of Carnation Instant Breakfast into your milkshakes....makes more calories. Add all sorts of extras you can to anything such as butter, dressings, sour cream, etc. Also nuts are high in calories....they are a good snack! I believe all of us with the digestive probs have trouble gaining are not alone. I do good to maintain let alone gain... Take care and good luck!Dea


New member
I wish I had that problem!!I've found that what makes me gain weight is not a high fat diet, but a high carb diet. When I eat lots of fat I tend to lose weight. The thing about carbohydrates is that many times they are already pretty much broken down for us, like in white bread and soda. It is a lot easier for a body to absorb than fat. Unfortunately I am plagued by a nagging sweet tooth, so my weight stays consistently above 120 lbs. I wish you the best of luck!-Nichole


New member
I can completely relate to this problem. I'm 38 yrs. old and I have struggled with my weight since I was in my late 20's. It seems to be going down instead of up. No matter what I eat or drink, I can't gain weight like I need to. A couple of pounds here and there but not enough to keep me healthy. One problem I have is that if I eat to much at one sitting then I have trouble breathing because my stomach gets too full and it pushes up the diaphram and makes breathing difficult. Also I hear that dairy products make more mucus and I like my dairy products and get most of my high calories from them. If there is a solution to our dilemna, will somebody HELP!!! Sugar<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


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Hi.... I have found a solution to this problem that seems to work for me. I have cf related diabetes so gaining weight is especially difficult because i cant eat the way i would like to. ( i love sweets). I found that when i recently was hospitalized and lost a good amount of weight, i just took an extra few units of fast acting insulin in the morning, along with my usual dose of long acting, and it enabled me to eat an extra meal. That extra meal was a big slice of pizza with double extra cheese. I did this every day for 2 months and gained about 12 pounds. Cheese is fattening, and seems to be a good way to help gain along with the benefits of the extra calcium. There are days when i am very hungry that i have 2 slices of pizza and i know that has to have helped with the 12 pound weight gain. I hope you find something that works for you.... if not ,why not try is quite fattening with extra cheese............ Diane


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Hey guys!I know you junk food lovers will hate me and roll your eyes, but I am very into nutrition and gaining weight. I found that if I changed my diet to be healthier and more often I gained a lot of weight. I try to eat several frequent meals rather than 3 big ones. I usually eat 5 times a day, they are slightly smaller than a full meal, but overall you are getting more food throughout the day. I try to eat healthy fats like avacados and lots of almonds and other nuts. I never ever drink soda because it actually depletes the calcium in your system and because CFers are prone to osteoperosis its not good idea. I also avoid white foods (white bread, potato...) because it coverts to sugar in your system. I feel sooo much better when I eat healthy and I have so much more energy too. The other thing I do is I avoid dairy, but for calcium reasons I try to at least eat a little, but it does produce mucus. The only nice thing is because of CF I can splurge on junk every once in a while, but I don't make a habit of it. I do use scandishakes and ensure plus and many many meals throughout the day. I know this seems weird, but exercise actually helped me gain weight too. I eat soo much more and gained a lot of muscle, which is heavier than fat. Anyway thats just some advice from me...take it or leave it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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I am a 35 year old, stay at home Mom with CF. My weight has always been an up/down issue. I found that over the years I can not eat as much at one sitting as I use to when I was younger. I get very uncomfortable. I ended up not consuming the amount of calories I needed. I have stopped trying to stuff myself at "mealtime". I eat until I am full during "mealtime" & during the rest of the day be sure to snack on high calorie stuff whether it be a glass of scandishake or a peanut/jelly sandwhich. When the day is done I have taken in more calories total & dont feel uncomfortable. It keeps my weight at a good place & makes a definite difference for any gain. I can see a difference in a pound with a day or two doing it this way. HOWEVER; if I slack off on this method, I also see an immediate difference. Sometimes the "grazing" method is good. Moo-Moo<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


I can relatee to a little of all of your responses. From 13-23 years I do not think I was EVER under 130lbs! And got up to 150 LBS!!! I was never "fat" I am 5ft 8in. From 13-21 I wore a size 8-10 the around 21 I went down to a 4-6 without loosing weight. Then I started getting in the gym and thats when I jumped to 150 LBS and wore a size 2-4.!!! I had a small and tight waist line but my shoulders, arms, back and legs were BUFF! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I mean you could see the mucle lines when I was relaxed--i loved it! Then my job become more hectic so the gym fell to the waste side and I losed down to 140 and Size 4. Then I took a job traveling 100%. Thats when the stress and the weight lossed kick in. In a year and half I lost 35 LBS 9at 100LBS) and major body composition. I looked skinny, bony and sick! My size 2 were falling off me! at that time i was diagnosed with CFRD. My DR stressed to me he did not want me controlling my diabetees with diet instead take however much insluin I need to eat what i was. I think I gain 5-10 lbs in over a year. i flucuated so much. But these past three months, I started a new job were i only travel once a month. I set at my desk and "Graze" all day. It is usually a mixture of healthy and junk food. I also eat two well balance meals--and then I also eat breakfast which is what ever I can grab fast. I have started to put on weight and keep it on. Since end of December I have put on 15 lbs. I only weight when I go to the DR but each time I go it goes up instead of see sawing!What I found out if you start out by grazing, then you body get used to constant food intake, then you slowy start adding more, and your body adapts. I am also getting back into the gym so I am adding two protin shakes to my diet evey day-when mixed with whole milk that is 600 calories each and 30 Grams of protin! As I get more envolved back in the gym I will eliminate the juck food in my diet. Before When I was in the gym 6 days a week I was a health food nut . Then one junck food day. I ate all the time yet it was high protin and medium carbs (and took no enzymes-had no digestion problems). If you exersize at all, the protin will help with mucle growth and mucle weighs more than fat. But when you get sick and don't eat...your body will pull nutrients and start "eating" the muscles before it will fat. Beside our bodies digest lean protins better than it does fatty foods anyway-even with enzymes! What good is eating all those fat if we are just pooping it out and getting no benfit from it? Besides eating healthier is better for our bodies over all. the main concern is taking in large anmounts of calories in a form that our bodies can process and take advantage of!On another note-there is no hard sceintific evidence that dairy is related to mucus production. Hoever, it does affect everyone diffrently. So I would say if you have no problems with it eat and drink up. Myself, a gallon of milk neve last over 48 hours-sometimes 24! Also, you might want to talk to your doctor about the beifints of a well balance protin shake (I suggest getting the powder and mixing with milk). True they are not for everyone and I would definalty talk to my doctor first! but the "good" shakes have 300 Calories, 2 -5 g of fat, 35-45 g of protin, and 20-30 grams of carb. thats mixing with water! The milk makes them taste better and adds another 300 calories. I drink mine either between meals or with meals! If anyone is interested let meknow and I will let you know which ones I have found that taste the best. I am not familuar with scandi shakes, yet I know these are much better than ensure-Good Luck to all! after typing all that I am ready for a snack!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah, I agree with you on a lot of these things. I actually don't eat white bread or soda, even though I posted that they may help her gain weight. They are empty calories. And I actually stopped eating dairy about a year ago, and since then I have stopped getting pseudamonis infections and I don't cough nearly as much. Instead I drink soy milk. I also love almonds and avocados (sp?). Another yummy treat for me is grilled cheese sandwiches with whole wheat bread and soy cheese. Legumes and whole grains are my life. Organic products are usually better too. Another thing that I look for in my food is fiber. I think that cfers should consume more fiber than the average person to keep digestion on track. My favorite morning meal is fiber-one cereal with soy milk and a chopped up banana.One great thing about a lot of soy milks is that they are fortified with calcium and vitamin d, the same things that you would find in any dairy product, and they don't upset my stomach nearly as much. I don't know if this is a good way to eat if somebody wants to gain weight. I tend to lose weight when I am eating well, but then again, weight has never been an issue with me.Exercise definately helps. I ran long distance and played soccer all year round up until a couple of years ago. As a result I have pretty muscular legs, and I think that a large portion of my weight is right there. I can't play soccer anymore, but I still try to run when I can and lift weights.


New member
When I really tried to gain weight, I gained 8 lbs. in 5 weeks. Along with a healthy diet, I ate a lot of junk.Go into a gas station and pick up a bunch of cinnabuns, 450 calories, 200 from fat. Also those cheap cherry filled pastries at the gas station for 79 cents, 650 calories, 250 from fat. 1-2 scandishakes a day. And McDonalds. When shopping, I look for fat calories and carbs. The more carbs the better for me. And I have diabeties. Don't adjust your eating habits if you have diabeties, but rather the units of insulin you give yourself. My endocrynologist laughs at what I eat, because it's not a recomended diet for patients with diabeties, but my sugars are perfect! no soda.After gaining 8 lbs., my PFT's went up significantly.


New member
Hi,My daughter is four and rarely gains weight unless she gains through g-tube feeds. One of the tings that helps some was a product called Duocal. I add it to anything liquid. I put it in soup (once oit has been cooked), drinks, salad dressings..... It is a white powder and it is tasteless. My daughter is a chocolate milk addict so I addit into that too. About the milk thing, Milk works for some people. It doesn't work for others. If you think it is creating mucus in you then try to experiment with stopping it but if you don't find it to be a problem don't stop using dairy stuff. For those who don't have a problem with it, dairy stuff is a very healthy way to help you gain. If it works for you by all means use dairy products. If it doesn't work for you, there are a lot of alternate items that may not pack quite as many calories but come close. Some people with CF seem to have issues with dairy while others don't. I have a feeling that some people have very mild milk allergies and that is why they are producing mucs from drinking milk. (just my theory) Good luck gaining.Andrea


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Hey everybody. I too have been having problems with weight. My major problem is finding an enzyme that works. I get too large a dose and can't go, but too little and it doesn't work. I also feel like I have to take a crap all the time now. It impedes on my breathing and if I can't go, I don't feel hungry enough to eat. Wondering if others have had this problem also?


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I think this is totally normal until you find a balance. If one brand of enzymes seems to be too hard to find a balance find another brand. Also if you eat a low fat, low calorie broccoli, corn and grilled salmon you will not need as many enzymes and a hamburger, fries, milkshake even if both are for dinner. I actually did not know that for the longest time cause my doc gave me enzymes and all she said was 4 for meals 3 with snacks. I have found I am good at balancing them and rarely have bathroom problems now, every once in a while I may have wished I took one more enzyme or such, but it is usually smooth sailing...


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Wow, I just had to say that I definitely have an average case of CF, by no means "mild" or "recessive", and I have never had problems gaining weight. I used to think when I was younger that I would always be a "lucky" woman in some respect because I wouldnt have to worry about weight gain, but unfortunatly I spoke to soon. I do not take enzymes and have to watch my weight like any other regular 20 year old. It is difficult because amidst trying to take care of myself, it would really be nice if I could stuff myself with milkshakes. Of course there are ups and downs to this disease, left and right, and I am not saying any of you are better off than me, but it certainly is nice to be able to have to struggle with gaining weight. HAPPY EATING and HAPPY HEALTHY.caitlin


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I also have a difficult time gaining weight. The calorie shakes helped some, but I really got tired of eating and drinking all the time. It seemed I couldn't consume enough calories. Finally, I had a feeding tube placed in my stomache. Although I know that this may not be an option for everyone, it has worked out great for me. I do my feedings at night and don't have to worry about eating so much during the day. Also, when I'm sick and don't feel like eating, I just run extra nutrients into my tube. Surgery is involved but I have maintained my weight for almost a year now. I gained 10 pounds and feel so much better. Hope this helps.


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The salt water transfer in the body is out of wack caused by the cf. So in a study I did on my husband who has cf, i found that when he ate cans of peanuts his weight got up to 180 lbs. Wich is really great.


New member
The salt water transfer in the body is out of wack caused by the cf. So in a study I did on my husband who has cf, i found that when he ate cans of peanuts his weight got up to 180 lbs. Wich is really great.