Hi Semnie34,
I completely understand when you are referring to feeling like you are nothing but a burden to him. I've been down that road myself. Little things he might say here and there will end up making me feel that way but we haven't that discussion for a while now. He insists that that I'm not a burden in any way and that he does things for me because he loves me. Which is true

He reminds me that he also gets overwhelmed with his own life sometimes which might cause him to say something that I take the wrong way. Most of the time it's a miscommunication issue. He continues to reassure me that he's not going anywhere. Have you ever sat down and had a really good talk about all of your feelings? ABOUT EVERYTHING (yours AND his?) I think it's a good thing to do for any relationship. In my opinion those talks only make you stronger together. To answer your last question, I don't think a boyfriend/spouse/husband will ever understand COMPLETELY. After all, you have to physically live with it to understand all the way. I can see how that would be frustrating to a certain point. I've done my best with explaining everything to my boyfriend. Like I said before, he loves me with all his heart so any issue that is CF related does not matter to him. I've never been sick or hospitalized yet (since I've met him) so whenever that does happen I'm sure it will definitely challenge us!
Money is always an issue in any relationship so unfortunately there isn't much advice I can give you from that standpoint.
I'm not sure if my post has been helpful at all but stay strong and keep your head up!
hugs to you