Rogue cars, buses, and other cliches.


New member
I will put this out there first of all:  though I was diagnosed w/CF 25 years ago, there has been a considerable amount of energy spent on keeping me discouraged from forums and sites like these.  The people in my life love me but have always been afraid that I would be depressed by reading about how some people have suffered with this disease of ours...having enjoyed (relatively) good health, I have never allowed myself to become part of the CF community...until now.  Even now...saying things like that: "this disease of ours" moves me to tears...I have never been part of the 'our'...and so I am posting a lot and writing a lot...cuz I have all of this built up in I apologize for my long-windedness and opinions/thoughts on everything. 
So! as I have been reading a lot of these forums...I see many many people falling back on the phrase "any one can get hit by a bus tomorrow...' and I gotta admit..that phrase has always rubbed me the wrong way. 
First of all, I am sorry for anyone who has lost a loved one by bus accident, but I don't fully get the analogy...its always painted a picture in my head of some rogue fleet of vehicles out there trying to get us.  I know people mean well and its a general metaphor for 'who knows what will happen'...
So what other phrases of condolences or overly used cliches have you all ran into?


New member
I will put this out there first of all: though I was diagnosed w/CF 25 years ago, there has been a considerable amount of energy spent on keeping me discouraged from forums and sites like these. The people in my life love me but have always been afraid that I would be depressed by reading about how some people have suffered with this disease of ours...having enjoyed (relatively) good health, I have never allowed myself to become part of the CF community...until now. Even now...saying things like that: "this disease of ours" moves me to tears...I have never been part of the 'our'...and so I am posting a lot and writing a lot...cuz I have all of this built up in I apologize for my long-windedness and opinions/thoughts on everything.
So! as I have been reading a lot of these forums...I see many many people falling back on the phrase "any one can get hit by a bus tomorrow...' and I gotta admit..that phrase has always rubbed me the wrong way.
First of all, I am sorry for anyone who has lost a loved one by bus accident, but I don't fully get the analogy...its always painted a picture in my head of some rogue fleet of vehicles out there trying to get us. I know people mean well and its a general metaphor for 'who knows what will happen'...
So what other phrases of condolences or overly used cliches have you all ran into?


New member
<p>I will put this out there first of all: though I was diagnosed w/CF 25 years ago, there has been a considerable amount of energy spent on keeping me discouraged from forums and sites like these. The people in my life love me but have always been afraid that I would be depressed by reading about how some people have suffered with this disease of ours...having enjoyed (relatively) good health, I have never allowed myself to become part of the CF community...until now. Even now...saying things like that: "this disease of ours" moves me to tears...I have never been part of the 'our'...and so I am posting a lot and writing a lot...cuz I have all of this built up in I apologize for my long-windedness and opinions/thoughts on everything.
<p>So! as I have been reading a lot of these forums...I see many many people falling back on the phrase "any one can get hit by a bus tomorrow...' and I gotta admit..that phrase has always rubbed me the wrong way.
<p>First of all, I am sorry for anyone who has lost a loved one by bus accident, but I don't fully get the analogy...its always painted a picture in my head of some rogue fleet of vehicles out there trying to get us. I know people mean well and its a general metaphor for 'who knows what will happen'...
<p>So what other phrases of condolences or overly used cliches have you all ran into?


New member
Welcome Scott! I think you'll find the way you were raised was the way many of us...maybe even a majority of us were raised. Sort of a "your going to beat the odds, your case is different" sort of way. I can't really think of anything condolences or cliches that bug me but I do hate it when people say, "God Bless You" when I cough. I always say thanks and let them know it was a cough. I know sometimes people think my cough is a sneeze. I don't mind it then but sometimes people will say GBY for coughing which I don't like because I feel pitied.


New member
Welcome Scott! I think you'll find the way you were raised was the way many of us...maybe even a majority of us were raised. Sort of a "your going to beat the odds, your case is different" sort of way. I can't really think of anything condolences or cliches that bug me but I do hate it when people say, "God Bless You" when I cough. I always say thanks and let them know it was a cough. I know sometimes people think my cough is a sneeze. I don't mind it then but sometimes people will say GBY for coughing which I don't like because I feel pitied.


New member
Welcome Scott! I think you'll find the way you were raised was the way many of us...maybe even a majority of us were raised. Sort of a "your going to beat the odds, your case is different" sort of way. I can't really think of anything condolences or cliches that bug me but I do hate it when people say, "God Bless You" when I cough. I always say thanks and let them know it was a cough. I know sometimes people think my cough is a sneeze. I don't mind it then but sometimes people will say GBY for coughing which I don't like because I feel pitied.


New member
I get tired of hearing "There's a cure coming" or "I believe there will be a cure in your life time." Not that I'm not optimistic about the future, but It's just that I've been told that forever and guess what? There still ain't no cure.

I have also on occasion had people say "bless you" when I coughed.


New member
I get tired of hearing "There's a cure coming" or "I believe there will be a cure in your life time." Not that I'm not optimistic about the future, but It's just that I've been told that forever and guess what? There still ain't no cure.

I have also on occasion had people say "bless you" when I coughed.


New member
I get tired of hearing "There's a cure coming" or "I believe there will be a cure in your life time." Not that I'm not optimistic about the future, but It's just that I've been told that forever and guess what? There still ain't no cure.
<br />
<br />I have also on occasion had people say "bless you" when I coughed.


New member
I'm tired of hearing, "Are you sick? Keep away from me!"....doesn't happen so much anymore, but when I was in school, that was a constant annoying sentence!

Now that I'm on oxygen, and I haven't seen people from high school or old jobs in a long time I also get, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU????" and a look of horror. I wish people had a more tactful way of inquiring about my health status.
The "any one of us could die tomorrow in an accident" phrase....yes, that's true....but there is something about having a chronic illness that you know will lead to early death that does NOT make that phrase comforting whatsoever!!! I can never explain it to don't think about being hit by a bus very often, but you do think about death from CF often enough....there is a difference.

The latest one that is starting to bug me, "are you scared to get a transplant?" It's like, what do people expect you to answer with??? It's like on the news when they interview a parent after their child dies and the reporter says "how do you feel?" How the hell do you think they feel!!!! Sometimes I wonder where our society developed these awkward questions to ask ailing/hurt/sick people, lol!

Interesting topic =)


New member
I'm tired of hearing, "Are you sick? Keep away from me!"....doesn't happen so much anymore, but when I was in school, that was a constant annoying sentence!

Now that I'm on oxygen, and I haven't seen people from high school or old jobs in a long time I also get, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU????" and a look of horror. I wish people had a more tactful way of inquiring about my health status.
The "any one of us could die tomorrow in an accident" phrase....yes, that's true....but there is something about having a chronic illness that you know will lead to early death that does NOT make that phrase comforting whatsoever!!! I can never explain it to don't think about being hit by a bus very often, but you do think about death from CF often enough....there is a difference.

The latest one that is starting to bug me, "are you scared to get a transplant?" It's like, what do people expect you to answer with??? It's like on the news when they interview a parent after their child dies and the reporter says "how do you feel?" How the hell do you think they feel!!!! Sometimes I wonder where our society developed these awkward questions to ask ailing/hurt/sick people, lol!

Interesting topic =)


New member
I'm tired of hearing, "Are you sick? Keep away from me!"....doesn't happen so much anymore, but when I was in school, that was a constant annoying sentence!
<br />
<br />Now that I'm on oxygen, and I haven't seen people from high school or old jobs in a long time I also get, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU????" and a look of horror. I wish people had a more tactful way of inquiring about my health status.
<br />The "any one of us could die tomorrow in an accident" phrase....yes, that's true....but there is something about having a chronic illness that you know will lead to early death that does NOT make that phrase comforting whatsoever!!! I can never explain it to don't think about being hit by a bus very often, but you do think about death from CF often enough....there is a difference.
<br />
<br />The latest one that is starting to bug me, "are you scared to get a transplant?" It's like, what do people expect you to answer with??? It's like on the news when they interview a parent after their child dies and the reporter says "how do you feel?" How the hell do you think they feel!!!! Sometimes I wonder where our society developed these awkward questions to ask ailing/hurt/sick people, lol!
<br />
<br />Interesting topic =)


Super Moderator
The bus one gets to me also. My daughter is pretty healthy for the most part, so we live a fairly normal life and are not going around depressed over her disease. But sometimes, especially when someone from one of the CF forums passes, I can get a little down for awhile. I think I am entitled to grieve that my daughter won't live a "normal" life span.

Anyway, the next time someone tries to "comfort" me by letting me know no one is guaranteed long could get hit by a bus tomorrow...I want to say, "Your kid is on the sidewalk, my kid is in the middle of the road. Who do you think will get hit by the bus?!"


Super Moderator
The bus one gets to me also. My daughter is pretty healthy for the most part, so we live a fairly normal life and are not going around depressed over her disease. But sometimes, especially when someone from one of the CF forums passes, I can get a little down for awhile. I think I am entitled to grieve that my daughter won't live a "normal" life span.

Anyway, the next time someone tries to "comfort" me by letting me know no one is guaranteed long could get hit by a bus tomorrow...I want to say, "Your kid is on the sidewalk, my kid is in the middle of the road. Who do you think will get hit by the bus?!"


Super Moderator
The bus one gets to me also. My daughter is pretty healthy for the most part, so we live a fairly normal life and are not going around depressed over her disease. But sometimes, especially when someone from one of the CF forums passes, I can get a little down for awhile. I think I am entitled to grieve that my daughter won't live a "normal" life span.
<br />
<br />Anyway, the next time someone tries to "comfort" me by letting me know no one is guaranteed long could get hit by a bus tomorrow...I want to say, "Your kid is on the sidewalk, my kid is in the middle of the road. Who do you think will get hit by the bus?!"


Not sure if it totally fits the topic, but it would always make Tiffany and I smile (whether out of annoyance or humor I am not sure) of people who would say after she coughed -- "Oh I just had that too and am getting over it -- hope you feel better." or "that sounds bad, I just got over that." For some reason it usually happened in the check out line from the teller who is just trying to make conversation. As if they knew what Tiffany had and I well knew they just didn't get over what she had!


Not sure if it totally fits the topic, but it would always make Tiffany and I smile (whether out of annoyance or humor I am not sure) of people who would say after she coughed -- "Oh I just had that too and am getting over it -- hope you feel better." or "that sounds bad, I just got over that." For some reason it usually happened in the check out line from the teller who is just trying to make conversation. As if they knew what Tiffany had and I well knew they just didn't get over what she had!


Not sure if it totally fits the topic, but it would always make Tiffany and I smile (whether out of annoyance or humor I am not sure) of people who would say after she coughed -- "Oh I just had that too and am getting over it -- hope you feel better." or "that sounds bad, I just got over that." For some reason it usually happened in the check out line from the teller who is just trying to make conversation. As if they knew what Tiffany had and I well knew they just didn't get over what she had!


New member
I got this a lot last week from 'idiots' after my son was in the hospital for a week.

We ended up being flown to our primary hospital where they ended up banding two bleeding varices in his esophagus (he has CF-caused liver cirrhosis). Yet, then people ask, "oh so is he better now" as if he has been fixed. How am I supposed to answer that? Yes, he stopped bleeding and we are home, but nobody can think this is normal or something good; and frankly NO he is not better this is a progression in his liver issues I was not ready for at 9!


New member
I got this a lot last week from 'idiots' after my son was in the hospital for a week.

We ended up being flown to our primary hospital where they ended up banding two bleeding varices in his esophagus (he has CF-caused liver cirrhosis). Yet, then people ask, "oh so is he better now" as if he has been fixed. How am I supposed to answer that? Yes, he stopped bleeding and we are home, but nobody can think this is normal or something good; and frankly NO he is not better this is a progression in his liver issues I was not ready for at 9!