Hi<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
No, the last time he gave a sputum (?) sample, it came back with a "Bug" that his doctor couldn't identify...the first sample was lost, and when they took another two weeks later it was still present. He said the has only had one other CF patient with the same thing and he said the Colistin has worked to fight it. His tests results from the lab (sent it to Colorado) should be back by Tues. I am just worried sick about him. He was just in the hospital less than 2mo ago, and about a week after he finished his at home iv meds he started really dragging again. When he started having fevers again and coughing up blood he went back to the hospital. His doctor seems more concerned than I usually see him...I don't know, I just really worry. S. seems in better spirits than me! We have a 4mo old daughter at home, and I just can't stand it when he's not feeling well. I've just never seen him go into the hospital back to back like that. I guess we just wait and see. S. asked me to come online to see if anyone had any feedback as to the side effects. He says he is extremely sore (body aches) his lips tingle,and he spiked a 102 temp, and is so weak even getting up to the restroom is a challenge. This comming weekend is going to be his first Fathers day and I want him home!!!