S. is in the Hospital


New member
Hi Julie! It's S.'s girlfriend Rene'e. He is going to laugh that I have completely taken over his little chat room since he has been in the hospital. I find it very comforting though. Not a lot of people really understand what this mess is about, and loving his so much and being a new mom....he is just so wonderful, I couldn't imagine life without him.

I read about your pregnancy, and YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, I just got chills up and down, I am so happy for you!! Before I had my daughter ( Anna Rose is 4mo now) I would have been," oh, my! I couldn't even Imagine" But after Anna....YOu are going to be SO IN LOVE!!!!!!! I just can't stand it, how much I love this little girl! Everyone always tells you, wait till you have children, It's a love you have never experienced.... they are right. You are just speechless. What state do you live in? I loved all the pictures, and I would love to stay in touch. I wish you all the best, but mostly I wish for you: A day withour nausea, that the muscles in your butt don't don't make you cringe when you get up from the couch or out of the car, that your husbands cologne and shampoo don't send you running for the toilette, and that your body will crave at least SOME fruit and vegetables, and not just Taco Bell and the sweetest cereal you can find on the shelf<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Good Luck!!!!



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Hi, it's Rene'e. S. is doing pretty good! I went to visit him tonight. He told me that he may be comming home as early as Thursday! I think he is going to be comming home on the IV colistin for a couple of weeks. He said it's only a twice a day treatment (morning and night). That in itself is such a relief compared to the 3-4 times a day and in the middle of the night treatments... He still seems very tired and lathargic, but I think it's a very good sign that his doctor is considering sending him home. The test results for this "Bug" that he got should be back Thursday as well. That will determine more specifically when he gets to come home and the type of medicine he will be taking. I think what worried me the most is all the precautions and the seriousness of the whole hospital stay this time. Poor guy isn't allowed to leave his room ( usually he can get a hall pass and we can go to the lobby or cafeteria to see Anna) the door has to be shut at all times,all the hospital staff have to gown up in gloves, mask and gown when they come into the room...It made me feel like something was horribly wrong! But I guess it's because this thing he has could be a real problem for the other respitory patients on that floor. I just can't wait until Thursday to get some better answers and to have him home! Thank you for all your concern! I will be in touch!



New member
Thanks for your reply Rene'e. It sounds like S is in a good hospital. It is good to see that the hospital is serious with not only protecting other respiratory patients from S (because they are not really sure yet what he is culturing) but with protecting S from being contaminated with anything else. Hospitals are full of germs so these precautions are vital to everyone. Coming home will make him feel so much better and you too. I do hope it is tomorrow. Please give S our best and let him know there are many thinking of him.


New member
OMG Renee, how did you know I am craving taco bell and the sweatest cereal, or any items for that matter on the grocery shelf <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">!!!?!?!?!?!??!

Thanks so much for the well wishes, it is really appreciated!!!

I can't wait to see our babies, I don't understand this whole 9 months thing. Who's idea was that anyways? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I'm ready now, thank you very much (of course, provided the babies were a healthy size/weight and fully developed lungs and brains)

It's nice to see you on here. You and S are kind of the opposite of my husband and I. I've been a member for quite a long time, I find so many comforts and friends on here, and answer to questions that nobody else would know. This week Mark finally decided to join. Don't know what possessed him, he just up and created a profile/user name the other day and posted an introduction. He even ventured into chat last night... So, it's nice to see and Meet S' other half!!!

To answer your question, my husband and I live in WA state. We just recently moved back her (in December) from San Diego. Talk about a climate shock!!! We are from WA state, but after 2+ years in CA it's definately different (mostly weather!!!).

I'd love to stay in touch with you, I'm on this site all the time or you can email me at division902@hotmail.com anytime you wish.

Thanks for the update on S, I hope that he gets to come home on Thursday!!! Please keep us posted when you can. Many thoughts and prayers your way!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>

I can't wait to see our babies, I don't understand this whole 9 months thing. Who's idea was that anyways? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
</end quote></div>

Be glad you are not an Elephant.....they stay pregnant for TWO (2): repeat TWO (2) YEARS!


New member
Glad to hear that S is feeling a little better Rene. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
2, good lord. I guess I'm grateful for only 9 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Good news! S. should be comming home tomorrow!! I am so excited<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> BIG things have happened since he has been away. Our daughter rolled over for the first time! I didn't even get to see it, my sister did! Months of waiting and waiting for all of those "firsts" and just like that she betrays us both! When I told S. he was so bumbed! I told him not to feel so bad, that I missed it too.....HOWEVER, boy has my life changed Dramatically over the past 24 hours! My little baby that I could just set down practically anywhere and she would sit contently cooing, now flips over onto her tummy and just starts screaming in frustration. I haven't sat down all day. I told S. to stay in the hospital as long as he possibley can....rest, rest, rest, because his little girl is FIRED UP for him to come home! As miserabel as the the hospital is, I tell you he is in for it when he gets home! LOL! Ahh, life just got stepped up a few notches<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I'm delirious at this point, i'm off to bed...good night!


New member
That in wonderful news Rene'e that S will be coming home. That's a great sign that he is doing better. How happy you both must be! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> And what a big milestone for your daughter. Turning over is certainly just the beginning. She will keep you both busy, a good kind of busy. Enjoy these years, it might not seem like it but they pass quickly. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
LOL.....ya he thinks being in the hospital is work! Tho you do have to admit that it is a completely different type of situation when its your child! Its amazing how literally 1 minute they cant do something & the next they can, but once they learn they can thats it.....they are off!


New member
Is he home???? I enjoyed your email, did you get mine (I've been having hotmail problems lately).

Please keep us posted. Still have many thoughts and prayers headed your way!!!!


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I was on Colistin a couple of months ago by IV and I felt like I was drunk the entire time i was on it. I was very dizzy and numb all over. They reduced my dose and timimg and that really helped. It did the trick on fighting my bug since colistin was the only antibiotic left to fight one of my bugs.
