Hi Julie! It's S.'s girlfriend Rene'e. He is going to laugh that I have completely taken over his little chat room since he has been in the hospital. I find it very comforting though. Not a lot of people really understand what this mess is about, and loving his so much and being a new mom....he is just so wonderful, I couldn't imagine life without him.
I read about your pregnancy, and YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, I just got chills up and down, I am so happy for you!! Before I had my daughter ( Anna Rose is 4mo now) I would have been," oh, my! I couldn't even Imagine" But after Anna....YOu are going to be SO IN LOVE!!!!!!! I just can't stand it, how much I love this little girl! Everyone always tells you, wait till you have children, It's a love you have never experienced.... they are right. You are just speechless. What state do you live in? I loved all the pictures, and I would love to stay in touch. I wish you all the best, but mostly I wish for you: A day withour nausea, that the muscles in your butt don't don't make you cringe when you get up from the couch or out of the car, that your husbands cologne and shampoo don't send you running for the toilette, and that your body will crave at least SOME fruit and vegetables, and not just Taco Bell and the sweetest cereal you can find on the shelf<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Good Luck!!!!
I read about your pregnancy, and YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, I just got chills up and down, I am so happy for you!! Before I had my daughter ( Anna Rose is 4mo now) I would have been," oh, my! I couldn't even Imagine" But after Anna....YOu are going to be SO IN LOVE!!!!!!! I just can't stand it, how much I love this little girl! Everyone always tells you, wait till you have children, It's a love you have never experienced.... they are right. You are just speechless. What state do you live in? I loved all the pictures, and I would love to stay in touch. I wish you all the best, but mostly I wish for you: A day withour nausea, that the muscles in your butt don't don't make you cringe when you get up from the couch or out of the car, that your husbands cologne and shampoo don't send you running for the toilette, and that your body will crave at least SOME fruit and vegetables, and not just Taco Bell and the sweetest cereal you can find on the shelf<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Good Luck!!!!