saveferris - vest question


New member
call me skeptical but of course warwick pushes the incourage...its his company, his vest. Just as smartvest and hillrom push theirs.

I won't buy that one is better than the others till I see unbiased studies that none of the vest companies have a hand in.


New member
call me skeptical but of course warwick pushes the incourage...its his company, his vest. Just as smartvest and hillrom push theirs.

I won't buy that one is better than the others till I see unbiased studies that none of the vest companies have a hand in.


New member
call me skeptical but of course warwick pushes the incourage...its his company, his vest. Just as smartvest and hillrom push theirs.

I won't buy that one is better than the others till I see unbiased studies that none of the vest companies have a hand in.


New member
call me skeptical but of course warwick pushes the incourage...its his company, his vest. Just as smartvest and hillrom push theirs.

I won't buy that one is better than the others till I see unbiased studies that none of the vest companies have a hand in.


New member
call me skeptical but of course warwick pushes the incourage...its his company, his vest. Just as smartvest and hillrom push theirs.
<br />
<br />I won't buy that one is better than the others till I see unbiased studies that none of the vest companies have a hand in.


New member
I feel the same way about those studies- my RT department presented those to me when they said that they were no longer going to be giving hand pounds 4 times a day because the vest was "just as effective" as the hand pounds. They gave me these studies to read over...and who was behind them? You guessed it, the vest manufacturers.

Bottom line for me: CF affects us all in different ways and different airway clearance methods are better for some than others. It's a matter of trial and error to find what works best for you, the key though is to always be doing SOMETHING. The worst treatment is NO TREATMENT.



New member
I feel the same way about those studies- my RT department presented those to me when they said that they were no longer going to be giving hand pounds 4 times a day because the vest was "just as effective" as the hand pounds. They gave me these studies to read over...and who was behind them? You guessed it, the vest manufacturers.

Bottom line for me: CF affects us all in different ways and different airway clearance methods are better for some than others. It's a matter of trial and error to find what works best for you, the key though is to always be doing SOMETHING. The worst treatment is NO TREATMENT.



New member
I feel the same way about those studies- my RT department presented those to me when they said that they were no longer going to be giving hand pounds 4 times a day because the vest was "just as effective" as the hand pounds. They gave me these studies to read over...and who was behind them? You guessed it, the vest manufacturers.

Bottom line for me: CF affects us all in different ways and different airway clearance methods are better for some than others. It's a matter of trial and error to find what works best for you, the key though is to always be doing SOMETHING. The worst treatment is NO TREATMENT.



New member
I feel the same way about those studies- my RT department presented those to me when they said that they were no longer going to be giving hand pounds 4 times a day because the vest was "just as effective" as the hand pounds. They gave me these studies to read over...and who was behind them? You guessed it, the vest manufacturers.

Bottom line for me: CF affects us all in different ways and different airway clearance methods are better for some than others. It's a matter of trial and error to find what works best for you, the key though is to always be doing SOMETHING. The worst treatment is NO TREATMENT.



New member
I feel the same way about those studies- my RT department presented those to me when they said that they were no longer going to be giving hand pounds 4 times a day because the vest was "just as effective" as the hand pounds. They gave me these studies to read over...and who was behind them? You guessed it, the vest manufacturers.
<br />
<br />Bottom line for me: CF affects us all in different ways and different airway clearance methods are better for some than others. It's a matter of trial and error to find what works best for you, the key though is to always be doing SOMETHING. The worst treatment is NO TREATMENT.
<br />
<br />Ronnie


New member
1. Warwick created the HillRom as well. This was his 1st Vest

2. The study was published by a 3rd party journal. The editors review the data and publish it if they deem the science to be sound

3. Chances of a 3rd party spending the $ on a small disease state like CF to compare different vests are very small

4. I think Warwick has a great deal of credibility - his patients live the longest in the US. It's clear his passion is with keeping patients alive (he started practicing when CFer's lived until 7 or 8 yrs old) and not the $.

5. In the end, of course, it's your choice. I won't live longer or have a better quality of life or make $ as a result of you using the Respirtech Vest. It's your choice of course.


New member
1. Warwick created the HillRom as well. This was his 1st Vest

2. The study was published by a 3rd party journal. The editors review the data and publish it if they deem the science to be sound

3. Chances of a 3rd party spending the $ on a small disease state like CF to compare different vests are very small

4. I think Warwick has a great deal of credibility - his patients live the longest in the US. It's clear his passion is with keeping patients alive (he started practicing when CFer's lived until 7 or 8 yrs old) and not the $.

5. In the end, of course, it's your choice. I won't live longer or have a better quality of life or make $ as a result of you using the Respirtech Vest. It's your choice of course.


New member
1. Warwick created the HillRom as well. This was his 1st Vest

2. The study was published by a 3rd party journal. The editors review the data and publish it if they deem the science to be sound

3. Chances of a 3rd party spending the $ on a small disease state like CF to compare different vests are very small

4. I think Warwick has a great deal of credibility - his patients live the longest in the US. It's clear his passion is with keeping patients alive (he started practicing when CFer's lived until 7 or 8 yrs old) and not the $.

5. In the end, of course, it's your choice. I won't live longer or have a better quality of life or make $ as a result of you using the Respirtech Vest. It's your choice of course.


New member
1. Warwick created the HillRom as well. This was his 1st Vest

2. The study was published by a 3rd party journal. The editors review the data and publish it if they deem the science to be sound

3. Chances of a 3rd party spending the $ on a small disease state like CF to compare different vests are very small

4. I think Warwick has a great deal of credibility - his patients live the longest in the US. It's clear his passion is with keeping patients alive (he started practicing when CFer's lived until 7 or 8 yrs old) and not the $.

5. In the end, of course, it's your choice. I won't live longer or have a better quality of life or make $ as a result of you using the Respirtech Vest. It's your choice of course.


New member
1. Warwick created the HillRom as well. This was his 1st Vest
<br />
<br />2. The study was published by a 3rd party journal. The editors review the data and publish it if they deem the science to be sound
<br />
<br />3. Chances of a 3rd party spending the $ on a small disease state like CF to compare different vests are very small
<br />
<br />4. I think Warwick has a great deal of credibility - his patients live the longest in the US. It's clear his passion is with keeping patients alive (he started practicing when CFer's lived until 7 or 8 yrs old) and not the $.
<br />
<br />5. In the end, of course, it's your choice. I won't live longer or have a better quality of life or make $ as a result of you using the Respirtech Vest. It's your choice of course.