
New member
My name is Jared. I am 11 years old and just cultured non-mucoid pseudomonas for the first time. I just can't believe this happened because I've been feeling fine and my lung function has been great. I don't like having to take all the extra medications because it is affecting my schedule. I am anxious about telling friends about why I have missed school. I am also upset because I have missed get togethers because other friends have been sick and I can't be around them.
I would like to hear from other members about their experience and how they handled it. Thanks.


New member
My name is Jared. I am 11 years old and just cultured non-mucoid pseudomonas for the first time. I just can't believe this happened because I've been feeling fine and my lung function has been great. I don't like having to take all the extra medications because it is affecting my schedule. I am anxious about telling friends about why I have missed school. I am also upset because I have missed get togethers because other friends have been sick and I can't be around them.
I would like to hear from other members about their experience and how they handled it. Thanks.


New member
<br />My name is Jared. I am 11 years old and just cultured non-mucoid pseudomonas for the first time. I just can't believe this happened because I've been feeling fine and my lung function has been great. I don't like having to take all the extra medications because it is affecting my schedule. I am anxious about telling friends about why I have missed school. I am also upset because I have missed get togethers because other friends have been sick and I can't be around them.
<br />I would like to hear from other members about their experience and how they handled it. Thanks.


New member
Nearly everyone with cf will at some point or another culture pseudomonas. Its everywhere and almost impossible to avoid. Heck, it's in the tap water. It is linked to lowered lung function but your strain is non mucoid making it easier to treat than a mucoid strain. Its certainly not the end of the world. Cipro, Tobi, and a whole list of other drugs are effective against it.
It is very unlikely that you could spread a pseudomonas infection to a "normal" person. Its considered nonhazardous, which is why they don't worry about it being in the water. Taking a shower is likely to expose you to it.


New member
Nearly everyone with cf will at some point or another culture pseudomonas. Its everywhere and almost impossible to avoid. Heck, it's in the tap water. It is linked to lowered lung function but your strain is non mucoid making it easier to treat than a mucoid strain. Its certainly not the end of the world. Cipro, Tobi, and a whole list of other drugs are effective against it.
It is very unlikely that you could spread a pseudomonas infection to a "normal" person. Its considered nonhazardous, which is why they don't worry about it being in the water. Taking a shower is likely to expose you to it.


New member
Nearly everyone with cf will at some point or another culture pseudomonas. Its everywhere and almost impossible to avoid. Heck, it's in the tap water. It is linked to lowered lung function but your strain is non mucoid making it easier to treat than a mucoid strain. Its certainly not the end of the world. Cipro, Tobi, and a whole list of other drugs are effective against it.
<br />It is very unlikely that you could spread a pseudomonas infection to a "normal" person. Its considered nonhazardous, which is why they don't worry about it being in the water. Taking a shower is likely to expose you to it.


New member
Pseudomonas really isn't that big of a deal. I've cultured it once or twice but it went away after a round of Tobi. My breathing and lung function weren't even impaired by it. The only problem I experienced was the Tobi taking such a long time, as long as my other meds combined!


New member
Pseudomonas really isn't that big of a deal. I've cultured it once or twice but it went away after a round of Tobi. My breathing and lung function weren't even impaired by it. The only problem I experienced was the Tobi taking such a long time, as long as my other meds combined!


New member
Pseudomonas really isn't that big of a deal. I've cultured it once or twice but it went away after a round of Tobi. My breathing and lung function weren't even impaired by it. The only problem I experienced was the Tobi taking such a long time, as long as my other meds combined!


New member
Don't worry too much about it yet. My family at first freaked out when I cultured it and So far I have not ever had a problem with it(7 years later). Just keep up with treatments and you will fight it off fine I bet!


New member
Don't worry too much about it yet. My family at first freaked out when I cultured it and So far I have not ever had a problem with it(7 years later). Just keep up with treatments and you will fight it off fine I bet!


New member
Don't worry too much about it yet. My family at first freaked out when I cultured it and So far I have not ever had a problem with it(7 years later). Just keep up with treatments and you will fight it off fine I bet!


New member
Hi Jared,
My son is 12 and he has had psuedomonas ever since he was 2 and he is doing just fine. He has learned to fit the extra medications into his schedule and it doesn't affect his life. Of course he'd rather not have to do it but he knows that in order to stay healthy, he needs to take good care of himself.

He plays basketball, is in Boy Scouts, does well at school and has lots of friends that he spends time with. He just doesn't let CF stop him and you will find that you can be the same way if you choose to.

You can do it!!


New member
Hi Jared,
My son is 12 and he has had psuedomonas ever since he was 2 and he is doing just fine. He has learned to fit the extra medications into his schedule and it doesn't affect his life. Of course he'd rather not have to do it but he knows that in order to stay healthy, he needs to take good care of himself.

He plays basketball, is in Boy Scouts, does well at school and has lots of friends that he spends time with. He just doesn't let CF stop him and you will find that you can be the same way if you choose to.

You can do it!!


New member
Hi Jared,
<br />My son is 12 and he has had psuedomonas ever since he was 2 and he is doing just fine. He has learned to fit the extra medications into his schedule and it doesn't affect his life. Of course he'd rather not have to do it but he knows that in order to stay healthy, he needs to take good care of himself.
<br />
<br />He plays basketball, is in Boy Scouts, does well at school and has lots of friends that he spends time with. He just doesn't let CF stop him and you will find that you can be the same way if you choose to.
<br />
<br />You can do it!!
<br />
<br />


New member
Dear Lisa,
Thank you for writing! My mom and I looked at one of your websites, Parenting Children..., and found your experience interesting.
I just finished the first course of my tobi and I'm doing well so far and doing my best to be positive.


New member
Dear Lisa,
Thank you for writing! My mom and I looked at one of your websites, Parenting Children..., and found your experience interesting.
I just finished the first course of my tobi and I'm doing well so far and doing my best to be positive.


New member
Dear Lisa,
<br />Thank you for writing! My mom and I looked at one of your websites, Parenting Children..., and found your experience interesting.
<br />I just finished the first course of my tobi and I'm doing well so far and doing my best to be positive.