School problems


New member
Today I talked to my daughter's teacher today about my daughter's homework and grades and stuff. She is 7 and in the 1st grade. She has had to miss quite a bit of school already. We are still trying to figure out this whole public school thing with having cf and all that comes along with that. We have had a meeting with alot of the staff earlier in the year regarding what kind of accomodations we were going to set up for Makailyn. Like bathroom privilages, excused absences and tardis,etc. They say we don't need a 504 or idea set up for her. That they can just go by the accomodations we set up. Do I need to set one up anyways? That's one question but back to when I talked to her teacher today..when she misses school she sends home a lot of work and we spend a lot of time on it but I was noticing none of it was getting graded. So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? That maybe she has to grade what we do too at home so she can get the same amount of grades recorded? What if she is sick for an extended period of time? She won't get to get any grades for work done the whole time? Has anyone else heard of this? It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete but part of the reason we had the meeting was incase of times she is too tired or not feeling good she will have extra time to finsh assignments, and a week later she did that. Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess. So, we finally got a note from her doctor so she can carry her inhaler on her and do it herself when needed so we dont have to deal with a nebulizer treatment around other sick kids in the nurses office and they dont have to bother remembering to send her down. Her teacher had the nerve to say that it was up to Makailyn to remember to go down. A 7 year old watch the clock for a treatment! Ha! These are just a few of the problems I've had since she started. I can only hope it gets better. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member
Today I talked to my daughter's teacher today about my daughter's homework and grades and stuff. She is 7 and in the 1st grade. She has had to miss quite a bit of school already. We are still trying to figure out this whole public school thing with having cf and all that comes along with that. We have had a meeting with alot of the staff earlier in the year regarding what kind of accomodations we were going to set up for Makailyn. Like bathroom privilages, excused absences and tardis,etc. They say we don't need a 504 or idea set up for her. That they can just go by the accomodations we set up. Do I need to set one up anyways? That's one question but back to when I talked to her teacher today..when she misses school she sends home a lot of work and we spend a lot of time on it but I was noticing none of it was getting graded. So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? That maybe she has to grade what we do too at home so she can get the same amount of grades recorded? What if she is sick for an extended period of time? She won't get to get any grades for work done the whole time? Has anyone else heard of this? It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete but part of the reason we had the meeting was incase of times she is too tired or not feeling good she will have extra time to finsh assignments, and a week later she did that. Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess. So, we finally got a note from her doctor so she can carry her inhaler on her and do it herself when needed so we dont have to deal with a nebulizer treatment around other sick kids in the nurses office and they dont have to bother remembering to send her down. Her teacher had the nerve to say that it was up to Makailyn to remember to go down. A 7 year old watch the clock for a treatment! Ha! These are just a few of the problems I've had since she started. I can only hope it gets better. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member
Today I talked to my daughter's teacher today about my daughter's homework and grades and stuff. She is 7 and in the 1st grade. She has had to miss quite a bit of school already. We are still trying to figure out this whole public school thing with having cf and all that comes along with that. We have had a meeting with alot of the staff earlier in the year regarding what kind of accomodations we were going to set up for Makailyn. Like bathroom privilages, excused absences and tardis,etc. They say we don't need a 504 or idea set up for her. That they can just go by the accomodations we set up. Do I need to set one up anyways? That's one question but back to when I talked to her teacher today..when she misses school she sends home a lot of work and we spend a lot of time on it but I was noticing none of it was getting graded. So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? That maybe she has to grade what we do too at home so she can get the same amount of grades recorded? What if she is sick for an extended period of time? She won't get to get any grades for work done the whole time? Has anyone else heard of this? It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete but part of the reason we had the meeting was incase of times she is too tired or not feeling good she will have extra time to finsh assignments, and a week later she did that. Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess. So, we finally got a note from her doctor so she can carry her inhaler on her and do it herself when needed so we dont have to deal with a nebulizer treatment around other sick kids in the nurses office and they dont have to bother remembering to send her down. Her teacher had the nerve to say that it was up to Makailyn to remember to go down. A 7 year old watch the clock for a treatment! Ha! These are just a few of the problems I've had since she started. I can only hope it gets better. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member
Today I talked to my daughter's teacher today about my daughter's homework and grades and stuff. She is 7 and in the 1st grade. She has had to miss quite a bit of school already. We are still trying to figure out this whole public school thing with having cf and all that comes along with that. We have had a meeting with alot of the staff earlier in the year regarding what kind of accomodations we were going to set up for Makailyn. Like bathroom privilages, excused absences and tardis,etc. They say we don't need a 504 or idea set up for her. That they can just go by the accomodations we set up. Do I need to set one up anyways? That's one question but back to when I talked to her teacher today..when she misses school she sends home a lot of work and we spend a lot of time on it but I was noticing none of it was getting graded. So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? That maybe she has to grade what we do too at home so she can get the same amount of grades recorded? What if she is sick for an extended period of time? She won't get to get any grades for work done the whole time? Has anyone else heard of this? It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete but part of the reason we had the meeting was incase of times she is too tired or not feeling good she will have extra time to finsh assignments, and a week later she did that. Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess. So, we finally got a note from her doctor so she can carry her inhaler on her and do it herself when needed so we dont have to deal with a nebulizer treatment around other sick kids in the nurses office and they dont have to bother remembering to send her down. Her teacher had the nerve to say that it was up to Makailyn to remember to go down. A 7 year old watch the clock for a treatment! Ha! These are just a few of the problems I've had since she started. I can only hope it gets better. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member
Today I talked to my daughter's teacher today about my daughter's homework and grades and stuff. She is 7 and in the 1st grade. She has had to miss quite a bit of school already. We are still trying to figure out this whole public school thing with having cf and all that comes along with that. We have had a meeting with alot of the staff earlier in the year regarding what kind of accomodations we were going to set up for Makailyn. Like bathroom privilages, excused absences and tardis,etc. They say we don't need a 504 or idea set up for her. That they can just go by the accomodations we set up. Do I need to set one up anyways? That's one question but back to when I talked to her teacher today..when she misses school she sends home a lot of work and we spend a lot of time on it but I was noticing none of it was getting graded. So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? That maybe she has to grade what we do too at home so she can get the same amount of grades recorded? What if she is sick for an extended period of time? She won't get to get any grades for work done the whole time? Has anyone else heard of this? It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete but part of the reason we had the meeting was incase of times she is too tired or not feeling good she will have extra time to finsh assignments, and a week later she did that. Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess. So, we finally got a note from her doctor so she can carry her inhaler on her and do it herself when needed so we dont have to deal with a nebulizer treatment around other sick kids in the nurses office and they dont have to bother remembering to send her down. Her teacher had the nerve to say that it was up to Makailyn to remember to go down. A 7 year old watch the clock for a treatment! Ha! These are just a few of the problems I've had since she started. I can only hope it gets better. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
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By an IDEA plan, I assume you mean an Individual Education Plan. Any accomodations or modifications set forth in your IEP have to be abided by all school staff. You can ask for anything that is going to make your child be successful in school. My son has an accomodation that he can stand up or get permissio to leave the class w/ permission whenever he needs to b/c of his autism and ADHD. He gets easily overstimulated. Ask for what you want, and get it in the IEP, don't leave your ARD without a copy, and hold the school accountable to it.


By an IDEA plan, I assume you mean an Individual Education Plan. Any accomodations or modifications set forth in your IEP have to be abided by all school staff. You can ask for anything that is going to make your child be successful in school. My son has an accomodation that he can stand up or get permissio to leave the class w/ permission whenever he needs to b/c of his autism and ADHD. He gets easily overstimulated. Ask for what you want, and get it in the IEP, don't leave your ARD without a copy, and hold the school accountable to it.


By an IDEA plan, I assume you mean an Individual Education Plan. Any accomodations or modifications set forth in your IEP have to be abided by all school staff. You can ask for anything that is going to make your child be successful in school. My son has an accomodation that he can stand up or get permissio to leave the class w/ permission whenever he needs to b/c of his autism and ADHD. He gets easily overstimulated. Ask for what you want, and get it in the IEP, don't leave your ARD without a copy, and hold the school accountable to it.


By an IDEA plan, I assume you mean an Individual Education Plan. Any accomodations or modifications set forth in your IEP have to be abided by all school staff. You can ask for anything that is going to make your child be successful in school. My son has an accomodation that he can stand up or get permissio to leave the class w/ permission whenever he needs to b/c of his autism and ADHD. He gets easily overstimulated. Ask for what you want, and get it in the IEP, don't leave your ARD without a copy, and hold the school accountable to it.


By an IDEA plan, I assume you mean an Individual Education Plan. Any accomodations or modifications set forth in your IEP have to be abided by all school staff. You can ask for anything that is going to make your child be successful in school. My son has an accomodation that he can stand up or get permissio to leave the class w/ permission whenever he needs to b/c of his autism and ADHD. He gets easily overstimulated. Ask for what you want, and get it in the IEP, don't leave your ARD without a copy, and hold the school accountable to it.


New member
One thing you might want to do is start giving your 7 year old more responsibility. Does she have to do her inhaler right before lunch? Then she should be able to remember that without the teacher reminding her and without a clock. Remember that the teacher has millions of things to deal with (especially with that age group) so any help she can have is great. I know my students remember more than I give them credit for.

As for the rest, you should get a 504 because she will need one down the line anyway. It can be a hard step though because you want to make sure she doesn't abuse it as she gets older (says she is tired and doesn't do work when she is fine) I know I did that!


New member
One thing you might want to do is start giving your 7 year old more responsibility. Does she have to do her inhaler right before lunch? Then she should be able to remember that without the teacher reminding her and without a clock. Remember that the teacher has millions of things to deal with (especially with that age group) so any help she can have is great. I know my students remember more than I give them credit for.

As for the rest, you should get a 504 because she will need one down the line anyway. It can be a hard step though because you want to make sure she doesn't abuse it as she gets older (says she is tired and doesn't do work when she is fine) I know I did that!


New member
One thing you might want to do is start giving your 7 year old more responsibility. Does she have to do her inhaler right before lunch? Then she should be able to remember that without the teacher reminding her and without a clock. Remember that the teacher has millions of things to deal with (especially with that age group) so any help she can have is great. I know my students remember more than I give them credit for.

As for the rest, you should get a 504 because she will need one down the line anyway. It can be a hard step though because you want to make sure she doesn't abuse it as she gets older (says she is tired and doesn't do work when she is fine) I know I did that!


New member
One thing you might want to do is start giving your 7 year old more responsibility. Does she have to do her inhaler right before lunch? Then she should be able to remember that without the teacher reminding her and without a clock. Remember that the teacher has millions of things to deal with (especially with that age group) so any help she can have is great. I know my students remember more than I give them credit for.

As for the rest, you should get a 504 because she will need one down the line anyway. It can be a hard step though because you want to make sure she doesn't abuse it as she gets older (says she is tired and doesn't do work when she is fine) I know I did that!


New member
One thing you might want to do is start giving your 7 year old more responsibility. Does she have to do her inhaler right before lunch? Then she should be able to remember that without the teacher reminding her and without a clock. Remember that the teacher has millions of things to deal with (especially with that age group) so any help she can have is great. I know my students remember more than I give them credit for.
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<br />As for the rest, you should get a 504 because she will need one down the line anyway. It can be a hard step though because you want to make sure she doesn't abuse it as she gets older (says she is tired and doesn't do work when she is fine) I know I did that!


New member
I'm not sure exactly what to say, but I am a kindergarten teacher and might have a little perspective. As a teacher, my advice would be to insist on the 504. This makes sure her accomadations are met. The school is legally bound to do so. It sounds like you just need to push the teacher a bit. When your child is in her classroom, she is totally responsible for her. It is her job to make sure your child gets her medicines and treatments and make sure she does it on time. There is no excuse for her not to do this. Basically is sounds like her teacher is out of her comfort zone and trying to get by with doing as little as possible IMO. Again, there is no excuse for this. If you do a 504, the teacher must allow things such as grades for her to be given if your daughter is at home. I believe she is looking at it from the perspective that it is not fair for the other students in her class because they are not allowed to have grades from home. From the teacher perspective, you are going to have to push, push, push because (and I really hate to say this and I really don't know about the teachers from your area) but a lot of teachers just show up, do the same thing they have been doing for 10 years, and go home...period, end of story. There are pretty much two types of teachers out there, those who do what they do because they love it and they love their kiddos and those who do it because it's what they know how to do and it's a paycheck (sorry for the soapbox). Push the teacher, push the school, you are going to be your child's biggest advocate.

"So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? "

This is definitely something that needs to be put in a 504.

"Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess."

THERE IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR THIS!!! A child needs time to socialize during the school day and this is one of the few times of the day when it is all theirs. Thank goodness for the inhaler.

Now, playing devil's advocate for a minute:

"It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete"

Sometimes, teachers get busy and do not have time to grade things right away. Maybe this happened to her, and by the time she graded it on 10-9, she forgot that your daughter was either out or tired that day. I would just shoot her an email or give her a call to remind her of this and about the conversation you had.

That's just my two cents (actually a whole lot more) but I hope it helped and things get better.

I'll be thinking about you and your daughter.


New member
I'm not sure exactly what to say, but I am a kindergarten teacher and might have a little perspective. As a teacher, my advice would be to insist on the 504. This makes sure her accomadations are met. The school is legally bound to do so. It sounds like you just need to push the teacher a bit. When your child is in her classroom, she is totally responsible for her. It is her job to make sure your child gets her medicines and treatments and make sure she does it on time. There is no excuse for her not to do this. Basically is sounds like her teacher is out of her comfort zone and trying to get by with doing as little as possible IMO. Again, there is no excuse for this. If you do a 504, the teacher must allow things such as grades for her to be given if your daughter is at home. I believe she is looking at it from the perspective that it is not fair for the other students in her class because they are not allowed to have grades from home. From the teacher perspective, you are going to have to push, push, push because (and I really hate to say this and I really don't know about the teachers from your area) but a lot of teachers just show up, do the same thing they have been doing for 10 years, and go home...period, end of story. There are pretty much two types of teachers out there, those who do what they do because they love it and they love their kiddos and those who do it because it's what they know how to do and it's a paycheck (sorry for the soapbox). Push the teacher, push the school, you are going to be your child's biggest advocate.

"So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? "

This is definitely something that needs to be put in a 504.

"Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess."

THERE IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR THIS!!! A child needs time to socialize during the school day and this is one of the few times of the day when it is all theirs. Thank goodness for the inhaler.

Now, playing devil's advocate for a minute:

"It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete"

Sometimes, teachers get busy and do not have time to grade things right away. Maybe this happened to her, and by the time she graded it on 10-9, she forgot that your daughter was either out or tired that day. I would just shoot her an email or give her a call to remind her of this and about the conversation you had.

That's just my two cents (actually a whole lot more) but I hope it helped and things get better.

I'll be thinking about you and your daughter.


New member
I'm not sure exactly what to say, but I am a kindergarten teacher and might have a little perspective. As a teacher, my advice would be to insist on the 504. This makes sure her accomadations are met. The school is legally bound to do so. It sounds like you just need to push the teacher a bit. When your child is in her classroom, she is totally responsible for her. It is her job to make sure your child gets her medicines and treatments and make sure she does it on time. There is no excuse for her not to do this. Basically is sounds like her teacher is out of her comfort zone and trying to get by with doing as little as possible IMO. Again, there is no excuse for this. If you do a 504, the teacher must allow things such as grades for her to be given if your daughter is at home. I believe she is looking at it from the perspective that it is not fair for the other students in her class because they are not allowed to have grades from home. From the teacher perspective, you are going to have to push, push, push because (and I really hate to say this and I really don't know about the teachers from your area) but a lot of teachers just show up, do the same thing they have been doing for 10 years, and go home...period, end of story. There are pretty much two types of teachers out there, those who do what they do because they love it and they love their kiddos and those who do it because it's what they know how to do and it's a paycheck (sorry for the soapbox). Push the teacher, push the school, you are going to be your child's biggest advocate.

"So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? "

This is definitely something that needs to be put in a 504.

"Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess."

THERE IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR THIS!!! A child needs time to socialize during the school day and this is one of the few times of the day when it is all theirs. Thank goodness for the inhaler.

Now, playing devil's advocate for a minute:

"It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete"

Sometimes, teachers get busy and do not have time to grade things right away. Maybe this happened to her, and by the time she graded it on 10-9, she forgot that your daughter was either out or tired that day. I would just shoot her an email or give her a call to remind her of this and about the conversation you had.

That's just my two cents (actually a whole lot more) but I hope it helped and things get better.

I'll be thinking about you and your daughter.


New member
I'm not sure exactly what to say, but I am a kindergarten teacher and might have a little perspective. As a teacher, my advice would be to insist on the 504. This makes sure her accomadations are met. The school is legally bound to do so. It sounds like you just need to push the teacher a bit. When your child is in her classroom, she is totally responsible for her. It is her job to make sure your child gets her medicines and treatments and make sure she does it on time. There is no excuse for her not to do this. Basically is sounds like her teacher is out of her comfort zone and trying to get by with doing as little as possible IMO. Again, there is no excuse for this. If you do a 504, the teacher must allow things such as grades for her to be given if your daughter is at home. I believe she is looking at it from the perspective that it is not fair for the other students in her class because they are not allowed to have grades from home. From the teacher perspective, you are going to have to push, push, push because (and I really hate to say this and I really don't know about the teachers from your area) but a lot of teachers just show up, do the same thing they have been doing for 10 years, and go home...period, end of story. There are pretty much two types of teachers out there, those who do what they do because they love it and they love their kiddos and those who do it because it's what they know how to do and it's a paycheck (sorry for the soapbox). Push the teacher, push the school, you are going to be your child's biggest advocate.

"So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? "

This is definitely something that needs to be put in a 504.

"Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess."

THERE IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR THIS!!! A child needs time to socialize during the school day and this is one of the few times of the day when it is all theirs. Thank goodness for the inhaler.

Now, playing devil's advocate for a minute:

"It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete"

Sometimes, teachers get busy and do not have time to grade things right away. Maybe this happened to her, and by the time she graded it on 10-9, she forgot that your daughter was either out or tired that day. I would just shoot her an email or give her a call to remind her of this and about the conversation you had.

That's just my two cents (actually a whole lot more) but I hope it helped and things get better.

I'll be thinking about you and your daughter.


New member
I'm not sure exactly what to say, but I am a kindergarten teacher and might have a little perspective. As a teacher, my advice would be to insist on the 504. This makes sure her accomadations are met. The school is legally bound to do so. It sounds like you just need to push the teacher a bit. When your child is in her classroom, she is totally responsible for her. It is her job to make sure your child gets her medicines and treatments and make sure she does it on time. There is no excuse for her not to do this. Basically is sounds like her teacher is out of her comfort zone and trying to get by with doing as little as possible IMO. Again, there is no excuse for this. If you do a 504, the teacher must allow things such as grades for her to be given if your daughter is at home. I believe she is looking at it from the perspective that it is not fair for the other students in her class because they are not allowed to have grades from home. From the teacher perspective, you are going to have to push, push, push because (and I really hate to say this and I really don't know about the teachers from your area) but a lot of teachers just show up, do the same thing they have been doing for 10 years, and go home...period, end of story. There are pretty much two types of teachers out there, those who do what they do because they love it and they love their kiddos and those who do it because it's what they know how to do and it's a paycheck (sorry for the soapbox). Push the teacher, push the school, you are going to be your child's biggest advocate.
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<br />"So, I asked her why and she says she only grades what work they do in class. So, when progress reports go out she will have some x's for exempt b/c she wont have the same amount of grades as the other kids to average out?? It does'nt make since to me. Would that be something that would need to be on a idea plan or something? "
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<br />This is definitely something that needs to be put in a 504.
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<br />"Also,they have screwed up on her treatments more than a few times. They would send her late therefor she would have to eat lunch super fast or miss out on recess."
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<br />THERE IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR THIS!!! A child needs time to socialize during the school day and this is one of the few times of the day when it is all theirs. Thank goodness for the inhaler.
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<br />Now, playing devil's advocate for a minute:
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<br />"It also bothered me the other day when she came home with a 70% on a paper that was done on 9-26 and because she did'nt finish 2 problems but was allowed to complete it on 10-9 she gave her the 70 for being incomplete"
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<br />Sometimes, teachers get busy and do not have time to grade things right away. Maybe this happened to her, and by the time she graded it on 10-9, she forgot that your daughter was either out or tired that day. I would just shoot her an email or give her a call to remind her of this and about the conversation you had.
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<br />That's just my two cents (actually a whole lot more) but I hope it helped and things get better.
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<br />I'll be thinking about you and your daughter.
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